Do something! I have absolutely had it with Dreamtownjim! He degrades the entire website and adds absolutely nothing to this website. I am sure there are some that may say the same about me, but I would be willing to bet not nearly the numbers that have sickened of his act. I am in no position to tell you what to do with your website and I hope that this doesn't read in a negative light. The fact is, I really don't wish to continue to have mine and others threads polluted by this liar. I am a poster here for the information, comraderie, etc.. Not for idiotic rants made by welchers and liars that do nothing but drive good people away. I have been pretty much driven away Jack. I am thinking I would rather go somewhere else than read another letter from this guy. So you tell me what to do :shrug: He degrades the site. Its only one guy Jack.