Jackasses with their high-beams always on!


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
Is it just me noticing this, or are there more assholes than ever who drive the highways with high-beams on all the time - whether people are ahead of them, behind them, or coming straight at them. Just made my 6 hour route through the desert complete bullshlt.

I remember 15 years ago as a courier dealing with this from maybe 1-2% of the rest of the drivers. Now it seems like closer to 10% are doing this crap and making night driving impossible to accomplish without receiving temporary blindess at some point.

I especially love the ones coming up from behind who light up the inside of my car like friggin Yankee Stadium. Christ - you know some people are trying to masturbate. Completely ruins the moment. :142crying

As a passenger or borrower of other people's cars, I notice more and more their brights are left on. Were they just never told? Or is it just another symptom of the selfish age? "Hey, makes my driving easier, f**k everyone else if they don't like it!".

.....OK, venting done. Thanks.
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