Jack's still batting 1.000 in my book

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Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 22, 2001
Phoenix, AZ
Jack, you have no need to feel sorry, nor will I or (I bet) other members of this forum let you regret your decision about the pay services. (Not that you really need our consent!!!)

Change is good. The worst thing that can happen to anything or anyone is to go through life doing the "same old thing." You have done a great job running this site. The foresight and planning is all yours and we appreciate it. Keeep up the good work!

Do not let some biting comments deter you from trying ANYTHING else. Hell, if we weren't opinionated, we wouldn't be here in the first place.

So, Jack, as I said in my comments about the pay services, "time is the great equalizer." (I just didn't realize time would move so fast!) Do not hesitate to try new things here. The people you lose probably weren't worth much anyway.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go to one of your sponsors and make a small wager on today's games...........
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