Jets Offensive Coordinator Paul Hackett should be FIRED!!!


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 16, 2002
Vegas brothels
What a sorry-ass shitbag game plan this guy put together. What a friggin pussy, he should be ripped into by Herm Edwards immediately.

NFL 1-0-1
+1 Unit:mad:

Nick Douglas

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Oct 31, 2000
Los Angeles, CA, USA
PLEASE tell me I didn't hear someone suggest play action on 3rd & 1. Please, for the love of football intelligence, tell me that. Say what you will about Hackett's call (looked to me like Jordan was at fault), calling play action on 3rd and 1, especially vs. a blitz, would be suicide.

Actually, here is an idea. Plug in Madden 2004 and play against a buddy. When you have 3rd & 1, run play action and have your buddy bring the house.


Registered User
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Jun 26, 2002
Long Island, NY
LOL, Im so happy I stayed away from this game, I hate these high profile big time hyped mnf games, or in this case thurs night, they always come close to the #.hacketts playcalling sucked, read the post tomo Im sure theyll rip into it. Go5onit, lol whos worse, hackett, or the rangers bullpen,lol

:shrug: :shrug:


Not banned
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Dec 13, 2000
Decatur, GA USA
Whats unfortunate about this is that the Jets coaching staff treated Vinny like he was a rookie. The never let him throw farther than 8-9 yards. I know he's old, but hell I think Vinny can still wing the ball 20 yards or so. The play calling was way too conservative in a game they needed to win because they sure as hell arent going to beat Miami or New England in the upcoming weeks.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
i agree

i agree

they are running delays with bruce smith and arrington pinching the corners on every play and linebackers run blitzing.....twice in a row at the most crucial point in the game....

you can`t run such slow developing running plays in a situation like that.....

pretty hard to believe a professional coach called those plays.....


Forum Member
Oct 20, 2002
MeanGreen Nation
Nick Douglas said:
PLEASE tell me I didn't hear someone suggest play action on 3rd & 1. Please, for the love of football intelligence, tell me that. Say what you will about Hackett's call (looked to me like Jordan was at fault), calling play action on 3rd and 1, especially vs. a blitz, would be suicide.

Actually, here is an idea. Plug in Madden 2004 and play against a buddy. When you have 3rd & 1, run play action and have your buddy bring the house.

1st of all how about the Cowboys 4th qtr win over the skins in the season opener of '99?
Chan Gailey called a playaction pass on 3rd & 1, & the rocket went by Champ Bailey for the game winning TD. 3rd & 1 goaline set, 1 rcvr wide.
The blitz was coming, why not audible off or AT LEAST fake a check with me call to make the D think a second or 2? You don't call a timeout, call 1 running play & come out in run formation and just attempt to run the ball without any sort of checkdown??????????? hey it worked in '99.
The game is on the line the skins are EXPECTING a run, hence the run blitz.
Here's an idea, plug in madden '04, come out in a run formation on 3rd & 1 with ~2 minutes left in a tie game, have your buddie bring the house. Same result, right?
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Nick Douglas

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Oct 31, 2000
Los Angeles, CA, USA
I don't play video games.

There is an exception to every rule. I can't comment on that play specifically b/c I don't remember it but I can tell you 3rd &1 in your own territory is a hell of a lot different than 3rd & 1 in the red zone.

Bottom line is you are inviting a sack if they blitz (which WAS did). Sack in your own territory is the worst possible scenario for field position. Sack in the redzone does not matter one bit b/c you get the 3 points anyway.

Simple football strategy. And teams run all the time successfully vs. the blitz, they just run wide. As I stated earlier, that is what the play call looked to be, but it looked like Jordan messed up. Blame him, not Hackett.


Forum Member
Oct 20, 2002
MeanGreen Nation
Re: i agree

Re: i agree

Oh let me clarify. The 3rd & 1 goalline set 1 rcvr wide was near midfield. The 'skins bit like a hobo on a ham sam'ich.


Forum Member
Oct 20, 2002
MeanGreen Nation
Nick Douglas said:
I don't play video games.

There is an exception to every rule. I can't comment on that play specifically b/c I don't remember it but I can tell you 3rd &1 in your own territory is a hell of a lot different than 3rd & 1 in the red zone.

Bottom line is you are inviting a sack if they blitz (which WAS did). Sack in your own territory is the worst possible scenario for field position. Sack in the redzone does not matter one bit b/c you get the 3 points anyway.

Simple football strategy. And teams run all the time successfully vs. the blitz, they just run wide. As I stated earlier, that is what the play call looked to be, but it looked like Jordan messed up. Blame him, not Hackett.

yes i understand the blitz/sack thing..that's elementary football.
Why not come out on 3rd & 1 in 3 wide, singleback? At least force the skins into a timeout. hackett called a conservative gameplan and all but told washington what play was coming. My point, diverse play calling keeps your opponent on their heels. Hacketts gameplan was fit for a rookie................


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
it was hackett

it was hackett

you`re kidding,right?.....he ran 2 slow developing delays on succesive downs....right into run blitzes and pinching ends...


you have 1 yard to go.....the qb has to run back to the tailback to give him the ball....a delay..they were almost draw plays.....not a quick hitter....and by the time jordan got the ball,they were all over was that jordan`s fault?....very slow developing plays...

did you hear madden and al michaels?.....they were stupified.....

hackett`s notorious for this stuff...

read the new york papers tomorrow....

bet you a dollar to a donut that hackett or edwards or both get toasted....


Vegas Dave

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Jul 23, 2002
I wouldn't blame Hackett. He did the best he could to mix the playcalling up.

What the real problem tonight for the Jets was that the Redskins were playing to protect the run all game long. They were forcing the Jets to throw the ball. I think Curtis' biggest gain was maybe five yards. Trotter and Arrington barely left the field and rightfully so.

The key third and one in the game was a questionable call. It wasn't a bad call, but it was poorly executed. It was obvious that the Redskins were going to protect for the run like they were doing all game but letting Vinny pass was not going to be a good idea either. A screen pass would have worked great on that play. It did look like Jordan botched that play, and it was even more surprising to see Curtis Martin on the sidelines.

Oh well.....


Forum Member
Oct 20, 2002
MeanGreen Nation
oh well, if they would've gotten the 1st would that gaurantee a jet win? Oh well, at least we got a push!:D :D :D
We'll all regroup and get 'em this Sunday.:cool:

Nick Douglas

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Oct 31, 2000
Los Angeles, CA, USA

First of all, who gives a shit what New York papers say? New York sports journos are idiots by and large. They don't know their ass from a hole in the ground.

As for the alleged "slow developing play" that the two nincompoops in the broadcast booth were blathering on about, my contention is that it wasn't designed to be slow developing. As I mentioned before more than once, it looked like Jordan blew it. When a running back fails to do what he is supposed to do when he is the ball carrier, that can make a play appear to be "slow developing" when it actually is not. You know, like... oh, let's say... a play that is designed to go off left tackle and the back runs a counter instead. When that happens, what is supposed to be a quick hitter looks slow developing.


Registered User
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Nov 16, 2002
Vegas brothels
It was more than the 3rd and 1 play

It was more than the 3rd and 1 play

Hackett put together such a friggin vanilla and unimaginable game plan together its sickening. The Tight end was open ALL NIGHT LONG, he threw to him ONCE!!!!
Every swinging dick in the world knew they would feature Martin, this game was theirs for the taking. What a sorry-ass excuse for game plan.:mad:


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When you are in 3rd and 8 and you got 3 receivers running 5-6 yard patterns there is a problem. You would normally have 2 receivers run 8-9 yd. patterns and one guy running a pattern a little shorter underneath as a third option in the west coast offense. The play calling was terrible and I would have thought Testaverde would have audibled a little more. Just a thought.



el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"


i wonder why vinnie took 3 steps back to hand the ball off to jordan?....btw,he was tackled for a 4 yard the middle linebacker....the linebacker was there almost as fast as vinnie...

as far as everybody else being stupid...not necessary to blanket all with differing opinions as stupid

was there a mistake on that play? did look like vinny and jordan bumped during the play.... but the play was a run up the middle....and in truth,hackett has been under fire for quite awhile in n.y.

vinnie`s not the starter,but,he`s been in this system for god knows how long and can still throw the ball...160 yards of total offense will not win you many ballgames...

many saw the play calling,the routes consistently coming up a few yards short of 1st downs,the mundane 2nd and 3rd down calls in that final drive,as less than i said,160 yards of total offense usually doesn`t get the job to the washington "d"...they played well..

we can agree to disagree...g.l. this weekend.
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Vegas Dave

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Jul 23, 2002
I've never heard of Hackett being under fire, but I'm not from the New York area. I always thought he's been a good co-ordinator and I think he did the best he could last night.

Just to re-iterate my earlier point about all the 'bad playcalling', just keep in mind that it was very hard for the Jets to sell the fact that they were going to pass the ball. They came out on the first drive of the game and passed the ball well, and caught everyone off guard. That was good playcalling. After that, they didn't have any success running the ball. You can't blame the 'short 3rd down routes' on Paul Hackett. I guarantee you 100% that when he or any other offensive co-ordinator draws up a 3rd down offensive call he doesn't ever imagine that the ball will be thrown before the receivers hit the first down marker (except for the screen pass). Vinny did not have any patience in the pocket, and he was throwing the balls short. In all honesty Vinny was the one who looked uncomfortable yesterday. For a couple of the 3rd down plays you saw Chrebet coming back to catch underthrown balls, and diving to catch badly thrown balls. That's not Hackett's fault.

Conway missed a touchdown on botched route, and then there was the big 3rd down play. When I said that Jordan botched the play what I meant was when he first got the ball, he stuttered in a different direction than his blockers. Maybe he got confused, maybe he saw that he had nowhere to run, or maybe he thought it was a different play. Anyway you look at it 95% of the teams in the league would have attempted a running play with 3 and 1 just like the Jets did. It keeps the clock going, and you don't want to force your QB to do anything spectacular (and judging by the blitz that was coming, Vinny would have had to do something spectacular). Running the ball keeps the clock going, and then you hope your defense can hold the Redskins.

On top of all of that, once again, the Redskins game plan was stop the run on first and second down by any means necessary, and then just sit back in coverage on third down. And it worked. The Jets were in long 3rd down all game long but they just couldn't get the key one when they needed it.

Testaverde didn't have a very good game, but the Jets were in it. They played very smart football to be that close in the end.


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Aug 10, 1999
Hackett has been under fire in NY ever since he got there. USC couldn't wait to get rid of him, as their offense was atrocious with him at the helm. I dont think Kansas City was too happy with him either towards the end of his time there.

New York journalists don't know anything, but Nick Douglas does. Interesting.
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