Jets talent review

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mojo risin

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Sep 3, 2000
top o the world, MA
Former secondary coach for the bucs comes in and takes the jets to the playoffs. Lets give him lots of credit for that. He also had the wisdom to steal super d-guy Ted cotrell from the bills, their loss, the jets big gain.

Not an offensive guy, new coach, Herm (the smiler) Edwards picked off. coordinator Paul (I been Around) Hackett who's has a bad rep for adding a new flavor to white bread, vanilla.

With a front office who has a hands off approach, the Herm has a free will, and he and Ted (why can't I be the head coach?) Cotrell come up with some serious voodoo in the offseason. "Lets kick everyone off the pretty good defense we had, and try something new." So off they went. The new 'free Sherm' didn't particularly like the secondary, they don't hit enough, they aren't fast enough, but most important, they aren't 'my guys'. So he sells them to Houston in a package deal.


Then he decides the dline is terrible, which they were, so he says, lets revamp, and they do.

Finally, not caring for the whiter than white vanilla flavor offense, he brings in Jimmy Raye (yea, that's my real name, wanna buy some pork bellies?) as an offensive assistant, adding a bit of color to things.

Is all this good? Damned if I know, I'm a Vermont country boy, but I do know Ted Cotrell is one of the best, Herm edwards is too, and Paul Hacker needed some serious jive blood. One brewing problem is the loss of offensive line guru Bill Muir to the Bucs.

This whole team's coaching was turned over last year so has some experience now, would be an upgrade cept for the Muir loss.


My cousin Vinny is in some serious reruns, now in its 38.5 season. Ints were way down last year, but so was any distance on the ball. Very very short yardage per pass, a function of no wr, paul whitebread, and the weakening arm.

Offseason surgery again, but shouldn't effect his stable pocket performance. His age actually is less of a factor than anticipated, considering the great run they have, and shorter routes the offense calls upon.

If he gets hurt don't count on Chad Pennington to help much, all indications so far is he's STILL not ready.

Slight downgrade.

'My favorite Martian' is a rock, and in his 9th season needs to get less carries. Well, lucky Jets, they pick a winner last year in the 2nd round, bruiser Lamont Jordon, who showed well as a rook in a limited gig, and this year the talk of the offseason. he's the real deal. Fb richie Anderson is worth mentioning because he's a great pass catcher and can power run as well. Quite a backfield here and Jordon the wildcard upside.


Laverdius Coles had a great 2nd year last year. He was jetsoned into the #1 spot and handled it well with a 14.7 ypc. Big speed. Solid hands guy Wayne Chrebet got pushed to #2 by the fleet Coles, and now with the suprising development of Santana Moss, may go to #3.

Moss, injured last year, had a big offseason, and really bulked up. Although short at 5'8", plays the cut routes exceptionally, and is maybe the fastest guy in the NFL. At TE they had big plans for 1st rounder Tony Becht, but he had a down rookie year. In his 2nd, there is blue sky ahead.

Big Speed here, and a major developing picture.

Big upgrade.

Uh'oh, could be a black cloud. Last year, with the leagues 2nd leading rusher and only 19 sacks, a strong arguement for leagues best line. Now with Coach Muir gone, and Kery Jenkins joining him down at the bucs, and Ryan Young off to Houston in the "big Deal", looks like a problem. They picked up Dave Szott to fill a hole but he got injured and lost for the season. So Karerem Mckenzie, 2nd year 3rd rounder, untried, steps up.

Who will take over for Szott at this point is a tangle, but rest assured, it won't be good. However, they still have pro bowl center Kevin Mawie, Jason Fabini, and Randy Thomas, so still a cut above average.

Downgrade from the top of the heap.

What a terrible year they had here, although able to make some adjustments midseason which stopped the bleeding, but still wound up 28th rush defense. they purged and now starting over.

John Abraham is pro bowl type who had 13 of their 27 sacks. Now in his 3rd year, the sky's the limit.

Jason Fergeson returns from the injury which cost him the whole season, and he's the super plug in the middle, another pro bowl type. Then they bring in Josh Evans, long time starter for the Titans, who got booted due to potential drug suspension, but he beat the rap so great addition.

The question is whether Shawn Ellis, can return to his rookie form now that he has some help. For competition they drafted Bryan Thomas in the 1st round, although early word is he's not performing, and in the 4th, Alan harper. they are really trying to take Ellis out of the lineup, watch for that.

Big Upgrade here.

Getting long in the tooth with Mo Lewis and Marvin Jones in their 2nd decade of service, and they lost James Farrier. big addition is super star Sam Cowert from the Bills, but he has to heal from a torn Achilles, usually a 2 year process. James Darling is a solid backup but after that it get thin.

Stable if cowert can play well, if he can't, look out below.

So now we will find out of sherm and ted are true geniuses, or will be spending the offseason in Haiti brushing up on the voodoo.

One of sherm s 'guys' down in bucland, donnie Abraham comes in, after losing his starting spot last year in a noticeably poor pass defense. But he's a hitter, says sherm!

Sam Garmes, slow with the giants, who also showed signs of a bad secondary, is also on board. Aaron Beasley comes in from the jags, who gave up on him, and damian Robinson who was brought in last year from the bucs along with sherm makes another attempt to prove he is nfl caliber. Noone cept sherm seems to think so.

Frankly, I don't even pretend to know what's going on here. This looks like an all loser crew of zombies, filled with reclamations and never weres. Not like they stole these guys from teams with poor talent evaluators and bad coaches. Sherm is trying to outwit some sharp guys. good luck!!

Downgrade til he undoubtedly proves us all wrong.

The Tuna has spoken, and he says there are too many changes on the oline, dline, and secondary for this team to do better this year.

But sherm suprised the hell out of everyone last year, looked like the team was imploding early, but he built them into playoff contenders. Now with a better running game, big improvements at wr, and a dline upgrade, he's got some top of the league strengths.

If his secondary stroke of genius holds up, he could cast a spell over the whole afc east.