im torn personally as a fan. I love joe pa and what he has done for PSU. Over the years, he has been a fantastic role model for the athletes, great leader, and also he is always very generous too the University. That being said, times are changing, and more importantly, kids are changing.
What was said above is correct. 18-20 yr old kids anymore cant relate too Joepa. They see him as some old guy with old wrinkly balls (lol im watching the movie big daddy as I type this and adam sandler just said that line). But seriously they dont look up too and admire Joepa like they once did. Anymore kids need someone much different then Joepa too relate too and too respond too. I love the guy, but wouldnt mind seeing him walk away. We have had some amazing talent over the past 7-8 years, and Joepas ways just havent gotten the kids too respond like they should. Eventually he has too walk away, cause the program will only get worse before gettin better im afraid when he is still running the program. I do love the guy though, I played college ball at a very small school, but if I would have been talented enough, well i woulda loved too play for him. I would love too see Pennst go after someone like peterson from boise (not that he would want too come to PSU), but someone young like him who knows how too get young athletes ready too go...
just my .02