My opinions on the fight...
Judah's chin is obviously there for the taking and Mayweather is the most accurrate puncher in the game
Judah definitly fights to the level of his opposition, but it could also be said that he trains and prepares to the level of his opposition.
I agree with both takes on Judah-Spinks II
Judah was 100% focused and that played a huge role in his dominating performance. At the same time, Spinks was extremely overconfident going in and the pre-fight party sealed the deal.
Judah is one of the biggest headcases in boxing, I have him finishing second right below the king Emmanuel Augustus for biggest waist of talent.
I agree with gw, Judah inside distance at probably +700 is definitly worth a shot. This line has been greatly influenced by Judah's loss to Baldomir. As stated above Judah trains and prepares to level of his opponent and he was looking way past Baldomir. That said, I don't see Judah winning a decision over Mayweather regardless so the ko prop at much higher payout is in order here...small play of course.
Like gw said, Judah is quik and has sudden power. I recall Mayweather being slightly hurt by Corley who is a southpaw like Judah but with much less power.
Believe me, after taking the fluke loss to Baldomir, and knowing who he's about to fight, Judah will be prepared and in the best shape of his life. Judah has the quiks to catch Mayweather and the power to hurt, it wouldn't surprise me one bit if Judah stopped him.
gl bl