June 13+1 Tues


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Feb 22, 2001
GL back atcha, my fudd'y friend.
Yanks perpetually threatening, tonight, but apparently waiting to 4-spot in the 4th (take it to the food bank).

Gonna try to do first 2 before first period.
No rush as balls are crackin'...should maybe rephrase that...nevermind...tonight.

7 stl(Garcia-L)@Wash(Maya)
Large edge stl SP despite Maya finally having a decent go at SF in last and Garcia's numbers on road nothing special. Jaimie's been good vs in 2 incl.'11, though he's been erratic lately, esp. w/recent poor work on road.
Small edge Wash BP.
Large edge stl bats.
stl 16-13@R, Wash 6-2 home to L (9-9 total vsL)
Both w/Mon off; stl in from Mil, Wash in from SD.
Wind in from left 10mph.
Have stl 67%(-145)+7
My book w/no RL yet but might tempt. ML parlay w/Hendrix-knows-what or something. Can't see price going down, mind you, and I can't P until the morning.
Despite the beer.
Total of 8 likely total pass, here.

7 flor(Volstad)@Phil(Hamels-L)
Large edge Phil SP. Cole's been hot and while Volstad hasn't been annhialated, recently, he's been grim on the road in 5.
BP's even.
Small edge flor bats w/Phil slumpage but at home should balance out and I don't buy the overall numbers regardless.
*flor 4-5 @L after Duke of Earl thing (8-11 vs L total), Phil 14-10 home to R.
Phil w/day off and staying put after chc while flor in the process of being beaten senseless at home by 'zona before a restless flight.
Wind in from right 5mph and 50% chance of rain whole game.
Phil 65%(-205)-3
Total of 8 another pass.
Kinda pricey though fish sticks look undercooked.

Pretty sure those are my 2 highest calls for the day.

1st period awaits
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Feb 22, 2001
7 mets(Niese-L)@Atl(Jurrjens)
Medium edge Atl SP. Both quite hot. Niese good vs at home June 3rd, only '11. Jurrjens good vs in 12 incl.vg H vs Apr16th then so-so @June 4th; Jair's been great in 4 home starts.
Large edge Atl BP.
Large edge nym bats, by some maybe misleading numbers. Both with some injury issues and nym lack of anything vs Maholm does me no good while Atl so-far lack of goal vs Wandy might keep commentary capablly coherent.
nym 14-14@R, Atl 4-3 home to L (11-7 total vsL)
Wind in from left 7mph. Warm and clear otherwise.
Atl comes home from Hou and nym come in from Pit.
Atl 57%(-151)-4
Little interest in side as nym bats are inconsistent and my faith in Niese does not do justice my current rating of him.
Total of 7 might be hard to crack but not a real turn on.

8 pit(Karstens)@Hou(Norris)
Small edge Hou SP. Norris has been good home in 8. Karstens--surpisingly good (to me) lately--has poor numbers vs in 4+1rp esp.in 2+1 @MM though no'11; also been crap on road in 4+2 (HR trouble) though better last 2 @Mil and @Chc.
Medium edge pit BP.
Small edge Hou bats.
pit 13-13 @R (only 8-13 home to R), Hou 5-17 home to R (horrid 13-33 vs R overall, though somehow 11-9 vs L overall).
Wind out to right-center 13mph if open; supposed to be vg weather so should be open.
Hou stays put after atl while pit comes in from home after nym.
Hou 58%(-114)+4
Maybe, here. Mildly like it.
Total of 7.5 looks too low for this park, Karstens and the weather, though not so much for the offenses.


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Feb 22, 2001
8 mil(Gallardo)@Chc(Wells)
Large edge mil SP. Wells cold in 3 since DL.
Small edge mil BP.
Medium+ edge mil bats, esp. w/recentness though Dempster doing continuation of last go.
mil 12-13 @R (20-7 home to R), Chc 7-16 home to R (17-31 overall vs R)
Wind in from right 11mph.
Game #2 of series.
mil 63%(-134)+5
Maybe something, for me here.
No overnight total, as usual for Wrigley.

9:4 sf(Cain)@Ariz(Collmenter)
Small edge Ariz SP by my ratings though Cain very good last 2 (H to col, wash).
Small edge sf BP.
Medium+ edge Ariz bats esp. w/lately not even including their ownership of Nolasco Mon.
*sf 12-13 @R, Ariz 14-10 home to R
Wind left-to-right 7mph if open; supposed to be sunny and very hot.
Ariz in from Flor while sf with day off and comes in from SF.
Ariz 62%(-115)+8
Hard to go against Cain normally and maybe more so currently, but SF has major injury issues & prefer home while D'Backs bustin' a move in division, are finally getting some decent BP work and Collmenter has been doing a pretty good Greg Maddux imitation.
Count me in.
Under the 7.5-110 if I had to play it but side will be enough poison.
Under and side both look better 1st5 as Collmenter doesn't complete and g-men have the better BP.
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Feb 22, 2001
Maybe all those Mac-blowers are right.
This Dell is pissing me off.
"out of memory error," my ass.
Step 1 reboot. Step 2 the balcony.

10 cin(Cueto)@Lad(Kershaw-L)
SP's pretty even. Kershaw crap last 2 incl. @Cin June 4th, though vg home in 7. Cueto quite hot and very good on road this year in 4; he's 0-3 vs in4 with the no-decision in a good home vs June 4th; he's been crap in 2 @Dodgers Stadium.
Medium edge cin BP.
Large edge cin bats with the work vs L though Lad has actually been hitting very good, lately--both teams have, though Lad a bit better (Coors didn't hurt).
cin 3-5 @L (7-7 vsL overall), Lad 9-14 home to R.
Wind out to right-center 6mph.
Game #2 of series after late, un-started go.
cin 55%(+118)+9
Could be worthwhile but not overly confident in same until I see Mon's get-down.
6.5 is lower than my esteem for computers, presently.

Need to see what's happening in the almost-real world.


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Feb 22, 2001
missed one NL.
not listed National League, take your pick
if Moseley-Nicasio I have Col 63%
Wind in from left.

7 tex(Ogando)@Nyy(Sabathia-L)
Small+ edge tex SP. Only 1 of 2 Ogando poor starts this season @Nyy fairly early (other was more *recent home to kc). Sabathia erratic all season and off poor vs bost.
Small edge Nyy BP.
Small edge Nyy bats just don't tell that to Carrasco.
**tex 4-8 @L (13-9 vs L overall), Nyy 14-12 home to R after Carlos gimme-a-breakage.
Wind in from left 7mph and good chance of rain.
Nyy stays put w/tex day off after series in Minny.
tex 51%(+134)+8
Had that before Nyy game Mon, where I thought they might rip a shred out of Carlos. Actually had 50-50 but I hate that shiite.
Under 8.5 looks safer than crossing the street at Yonge and Queen with your eyes closed.
Might try me some side.
1st5 for tex or und looks better than gamage.

7 clev(Masterson)@Det(Verlander)
Large edge Det SP.
Small+ edge clev BP.
Bats even overall but recentness has been all Det if you discount the 1's (final clev, extras Det) Mon.
**clev 12-13 @R after Burning-nett, Det 13-10 vs R, also more updated than my sanity.
Wind left-to-right 8mph.
clev in off monster 1-0 W at Nyy while Det at home doing extras vs rays.
Det 61%(-174)-3
Another pre-Mon finding. Kind of pricey as Masterson ain't bad, though Burnett is no Verlander, of late, and Det's got Ordonez back and should be feeling more mojo, esp. if W somehow occurs Mon.
Still too pricey.
Could be worse plays for Tues than under the 7.5, but still not my 1st or 2nd or 3rd etc choice.
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Feb 22, 2001
Presently hoping to break even or turn a small plus Mon. Bruins sure helped, therefore suggesting not to happenin' on the diamonds. My bad for thinking brewers over 0.5 runs.

7 balt(Jakubauskas)@Tor(Villaneuva)
Small edge Tor SP.
Small edge Tor BP with recent deterioration.
Bats too close to comparable to comment.
Wind right-to-left 6mph if open and supposed to be no rain but they had it open when it did rain and whatevas.
balt 8-9@R, Tor 9-14 home to R
Jays stay put after humiliation by RSox while balt day off and in from home.
Tor 58%(-147)-2
Won't touch Jays forevermore until they display some something.
Over the 9 if I'm in a particularly jaunty mood.

7 bost(Wakefield)@Tb(Shields)
Large edge TB SP. Wakefield good record vs as SP but most came pre-TB anythingness. Shields crap @Fenway but has been much better home vs; he's slipped a little and smokage wouldn't surprise with recent sox comeupance, or however you misplell that.
Small edge TB BP.
Large edge bost bats.
bost 15-9 @R, TB 11-13 home to R
bost day off after shellac of Jays and TB comes home after 2-1 10-inning loss in Det series closer.
TB 56%(-124)zilch
Mepass side, total and whatever else is offered.

8 cws(Floyd)@Min(Pavano)
Small edge cws SP. Not good numbers vs, however, in 13 (no'11) while Pavano has been good at home in 4.
Small edge cws BP, somehow.
Large edge cws bats.
cws 13-14 @R, Min 5-9 home to R (does seem like a low overall, aye...only 14 home vs R)
Wind in from center 12mph and moderate chance of rain.
cws day off after home vs a's while Min day off and stay home after rangers.
cws 56%(-119)+1
Moderately more tempting than getting a Mac. Actually, I see line is now -123 so maybe a Mac.
7.5 is too low despite the wind; both teams occassionally prefer to score runs but flip a coin there.

Two more to go but I'm almost through the Dead Sea Scrolls so hang on.


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Feb 22, 2001
Wow. 1st5 Dodgers has me up enough to take a bus ride.

10 kc(Duffy-L)@Oak(Cahill)
I'd not redoing this one. All my erroneous sources told me Outman for Oak. Cahill hasn't been great, lately, and -163 means I either pass or try apparently-promising Duffy to surprise vs this virtually unexistent O.
Over 7 -125 if there were no other plays on the board for Tues and the foreseeable future.
Wind in from center but my site for that refuses an*y further info--speed, rain, locusts, etc.

10 laa(Weaver)@Seat(Fister)
Large edge laa SP.
BP's even.
Small+ edge laa bats.
laa 12-7 at R (only 10-15 home to R), Seat 16-9 home to R.
This is game #2 of series.
Wind in from left 9mph and fairly cool, assuming open. Looks like Joe West to ump.
laa 59%(-132)+2
Prefer the SP but laa lacking mojo, lately, while Seat has occassional, lately.
Total of 6.5 is one for the ages, aye

That's it, barring potentially required edit. (I suspect I missed some vs L or R shiite, available elsewhere or from your psychic goldfish, if you have one too).


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Sep 8, 2001
F'n hilarious. :142smilie

You always make me laugh.:mj07:

I do like your leans on da Cards, da Phillies (but the price, the price :scared ), especially da Brews (shut out yesterday, fer gawd sakes), and da Zonas.

Let's make a little money today. Man, am I glad I bet Boston huge yesterday to buy out my Vancouver in less than 7 games bet. :eek:

Now to figure out what to do with the Van in 7 exactly "insurance bet" @ +432 future bet. :lol:

Hope you at least break even tonite, I'm sure you could use the money. :)
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