World Cup Record
MoneyLine 0-0
Spread 3-1
Draw Bet 1-1
Over/Under 0-0
Parlay 0-0
Prop 0-0
+7.02 Chipwiches
Denmark and Netherlands ends in a tie $4.17 (+317) *0.75 Chipwich
Cameroon and Japan ends in a tie $3.30 (+230) *0.75 Chipwich
Paraguay minus half goal beat Italy $3.85 (+285) *1 Chipwich
MoneyLine 0-0
Spread 3-1
Draw Bet 1-1
Over/Under 0-0
Parlay 0-0
Prop 0-0
+7.02 Chipwiches
Denmark and Netherlands ends in a tie $4.17 (+317) *0.75 Chipwich
Cameroon and Japan ends in a tie $3.30 (+230) *0.75 Chipwich
Paraguay minus half goal beat Italy $3.85 (+285) *1 Chipwich