June 7 Tues


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Feb 22, 2001
Some Monday's obviously pending.
Also a few pending's on the SP's.

7 ariz(Hudson)@Pit(Correia)
Small edge ariz SP as Hudson's been a little cold while Correia is a little hot. Correia's been poor at home in 4 and that includes facing the nats and lad.
BP's fairly even.
Medium edge ariz bats.
ariz 11-9 @R, Pit 6-11 home to R
Both w/day off Mon with Pit staying home and 'Zona having come in.
I have ariz 55%.
They'll no doubt be favoured and small will tempt but likely -120 or more.
Not interested in the total. Might be an 8.

7 lad(R.De La Rosa)@Phil(Oswalt)
Medium edge Phil SP as Oswalt has been decent lately and DLRosa makes 1st start--he's been good in relief and had a solid spring but I don't know much about him, otherwise, and need to see some action.
Large edge Phil BP.
Small edge Phil bats but lad has been the much better hitting team, lately. Utley is not contributing much, yet, and Rollins likely out.
lad 8-13 @R, Phil 11-8 home to R
They play Monday night.
Phil 59%.
Line will eclipse -150 so I can't touch it. Big dog might tempt with lad, depending on Mon, but fading Oswalt and the superior BP doesn't sound like fun.
Maybe under, if a 9, but slim chance for that. Wind supposed to be out to right at 7mph, anyways, with 30% chance of storms.

Will take my time, here.
No lines for 3 or 4 hours regardless.


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Feb 22, 2001
7 chc(Davis-L)@Cin(Volquez?)
Small edge Cin SP. I have limited confidence in Davis while Volquez should get the start after a recall from the minors after a bad stretch and some selfish comments.
Small edge Cin BP.
Huge edge Cin bats with the massive .865 OPS vs L (chc .703 vs R and slumping, as well as missing Soriano).
chc 8-11 @R, Cin 3-2 home to L
They play Mon night.
Cin 68%
Assuming it's Volquez, he will no doubt be pumped to redeem himself. Line likely -170 or even higher. Maybe a runline.
Over, if anything, on the total, but under a 9 posted would surprise me. I'd prefer the runline if I think the score will be high. Wind right to left 6mph.

7 atl(Hanson)@Flor(Brad Hand?-L)
Large edge atl SP though Hendrix-only-knows what to expect from Hand in his debut. Hanson with good numbers vs in 7 incl.vg home vs Apr12.
BP's comparable--both vg.
Small+ edge Flor bats but neither smoking, lately.
atl 6-4 @L (10-7 overall vs L), Flor 11-9 home to R
atl with day off while Flor stays home for finale w/mil
atl 54% but this call has a huge error possibility
Under--maybe an 8--might work but this Hand debut seems risky either way. Still, atl not smoking L and both with solid BP's. Strong wind in from center projected.


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Feb 22, 2001
8 stl(Westbrook)@Hou(Myers)
Medium edge stl SP. Myers with some major HR trouble, esp. at home in 5 GS.
Medium edge stl BP.
Large edge stl bats.
stl 15-10 @R, Hou 5-13 home to R and only 13-29 overall vs R
Both w/Mon off with stl coming in from st.lou and Hou coming in from San Diego.
stl 58%
Maybe at something under -120; Westbrook has been improving somewhat while Myers hasn't.
Total likely 9 and no interest, here. Wind out to center 11mph if roof open which seems likely.

8 nym(Capuano-L)@Mil(Marcum)
Large edge Mil SP. Capuano quite erratic and poor on the road in 4 GS, including serving up 6 big flies in 23.2 ip; his 1st vs former team. Marcum's 1st vs.
Medium edge Mil BP as they've been vg lately.
nym OPS .725 vs R while Mil (preferring R, by OPS) only at .698 vs L. Still have to prefer Mil bats, esp. at home and with nym current injuries, I understand now likely adding Beltran to the mia. Braun not 100% but still a threat.
nym 10-13 @R, Mil 5-0 home to L--only squad without a home loss to L (6-6 vs L overall).
Mil with a night game at Flor while nym have Mon off and tour in from NY.
Mil 65%
Line will likely be insane. Runline, maybe.
Under--maybe an 8 or 8.5--if Capuano has a good game but I'd prefer some kinda side action. Mil should be especially pumped if they complete the sweep but there's always that let-down possibility coming off road trip.
Wind right-to-left 14mph if roof open, again likely.


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Feb 22, 2001
10 col(Jimenez)@Sd(Stauffer)
Medium+ edge col SP. Jimenez off of beauty--finally--and has been vg in 4 road games with opponents batting less than .090 vs him on road. Stauffer with poor #'s at home in 6, including 0-3 with a .301 baa and he's been grim in 4 of last 5 (only good start was @Wash).
Medium edge SD BP.
Medium edge col bats though SD the better hitting team lately.
col 9-11 @R, SD 7-18 home to R
They play Mon night.
col 58%
Likely -130 to -150 so not sure on value, depending on what goes down Mon.
Maybe under with Jimenez going and neither O kicking butt but total likely around 7.
Mild wind in from left.

10 wash(Zimmerman)@Sf(Sanchez-L)
SP's pretty even. Zimmerman has been the better of them, lately, and Sanchez has been quite wild quite wild and could use a good ump, which we'll get word on later tonight.
BP's pretty even.
Small edge SF bats.
wash 1-7 @L (7-9 vs L overall), SF 10-8 home to R
They play each other Mon.
SF 54%
SF will be too pricey and I'd prefer wash if a big doggie, depending on what goes down Mon.
Under, maybe, but will be 7 max.
Wind out to center 11mph wouldn't help there.


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Feb 22, 2001
7 oak(tba)@Balt(Jakubauskas?)
God-only-knows on this one, right now.
They play Mon.

7 min(Liriano-L)@Clev(Carrasco)
Small edge min SP. Liriano coming off DL; he's been very wild and could use a good ump which we'll know soon. Carrasco's been bad in 4 home starts, all vs hot teams, for whatever that's worth.
Large edge Clev BP.
min 10-19 @R (14-28 vs R overall), Clev 6-5 home to L (9-9 vs L overall)
Medium edge Clev bats save for lately where they've tanked while min has been--seemingly--overachieving.
They play Mon.
Clev 55%
I have no confidence in this call or either starter. I will pass side unless min is a large dog and they own Clev Mon.
Over possibly. No idea if we see an 8 or 9.
Wind out to right 7mph and ump will show soon.

7 bost(Lester-L)@Nyy(Garcia)
Small+ edge bost SP. Lester's been poor in 4 of last 5 and while he's 7-1 vs Nyy in 13, and has been good in New York for his career, he was nothing special @May 15th. Garcia nothing special vs in that same matchup.
Medium+ edge Nyy BP and they've been quite good lately.
Small+ edge Nyy bats. Both on fire lately.
bost 11-9 @R, Nyy 6-4 home to L (12-6 overall vs L and better OPS vs L than R, this year).
Both w/day off Mon; bost came in from home while Nyy flew back from Cal. (Laa).
Nyy 55%
Line likely close to even. Nyy as dog might tempt.
Total--maybe 8.5 or 9--doesn't interest me. Wind out to right-center 9mph and a chance of storms.

8 det(Porcello)@Tex(Harrison-L)
Small edge Tex SP. Porcello's been good in 6 road games but he was destroyed in only meeting vs, at Rangers Ballpark last year. Harrison with bad #'s vs in 3 GS, no '11, but has been very good his past 2 (@Phil then home to kc).
det 7-3 @L (13-5 vs L overall), Tex 11-10 home to R
They play Mon.
Tex 59%
Need to see Mon's and line. Tex likely moderate fave.
No interest in total. Wind in from right-center at 10mph.
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Feb 22, 2001
8 tor(Drabek)@Kc(Mazzaro?)
Large edge tor SP. Drabek wild and could use a good ump, another we'll know soon. Mazzaro was crap in his only vs, back in '09, though he had a decent minors stint after the nightmare relief appearance vs clev May 16th.
Medium edge tor BP.
Small+ edge tor bats esp. as teams going in opposite directions in that department.
tor 11-11 @R, Kc 15-14 home to R.
They open the series Mon.
tor 58%
Line might be lower than Mon's (-125'ish) which would interest me, esp. with a better showing by Morrow and a piledriving of Paulino.
Over if I had to play the total. Wind out to center 15mph but Drabek's big downfall has been the wildness.

8 seat(Felix)@Cws(Humber)
Medium+ edge seat SP. Felix has been mostly vg lately and was vg home vs May 6th. Humber quite good home in 4.
Small edge seat BP.
Large edge Cws bats esp. w/recent surge.
seat 8-8 @R (24-17 overall vs R), Cws 8-10 home to R (21-24 overall vs R).
They play Mon.
Cws 52%
I'm not sold on that call and would only try as moderate+ dog and with a good showing Mon.
Perhaps a promising under but depends on current unknowns--likely 7.5, max, anyways. Wind right-to-left 13mph.

10 tb(A.Cobb)@Laa(Haren)
Large edge Laa SP. Haren good in 10 vs incl. @TB on Apr.6th but he's had recent back issues. Cobb impossible to call at this stage but he was pretty grim in his mldebut vs same angels back on May 1st.
BP's comparable.
Bats comparable.
tb 11-8 @R, Laa 9-12 home to R.
This series opens late Mon.
Laa 61%.
Line will show no value relative to this call. I'm not really interested whatever takes place Mon.
Mild lean under--likely an 8--but pass with SP unknown factors and wind out to right-center at 6mph.

Lines should be, soon.


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Registered User
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Dec 13, 2005
Where are you getting these starting pitchers from? BetJam has totally diff. lineups.


Registered User
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Feb 22, 2001
Where are you getting these starting pitchers from? BetJam has totally diff. lineups.

I use yahoo and verify at mlb.com.
I'm not sure about that totally different lineups comment, though, as the early openers I'm seeing correspond to my calls.
This is for Tuesday, remember.



Registered User
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Dec 13, 2005
I use yahoo and verify at mlb.com.
I'm not sure about that totally different lineups comment, though, as the early openers I'm seeing correspond to my calls.
This is for Tuesday, remember.

:facepalm: ....thought this was for today.
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