June 8 Wed


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Feb 22, 2001
Ohhh, there ain't no [lines] nowhere.

Gonna spew crunchies and maybe come back later with info that caused and may cost or opposite.

CIN 56% ov
SF 64
SD 53 o
PIT 51 u
PHIL 64 u
stl 61 un
MIL 67
BALT 55 u
NYY 57 ov
TEX 69
tor 57
CWS 59
LAA 55 und

Some total leans indicated but several wind systems look like they may do the funky chicken on those.

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Feb 22, 2001
funk it...they refuse to bend over and open the lines

12:3 chc(Dempster)@Cin(Arroyo)
Small edge chc SP. Dempster been crap on the road in 6, quite erratic and is off shit game @Stl. Arroyo also erratic but off good game vs lad.
Small edge Cin BP.
Medium edge Cin bats, esp. w/latelies.
chc 8-12 @R, Cin 16-12 home to R.
Cin 56% as in some alternate universes I would normally prefer Dempster to Arroyo.
Over quite tempting (11.5?!?!). Doesn't look like cubs are playing to play lately, however.
Wind out to left 10mph.

3:4 wash(Maya)@Sf(Cain)
Large edge SF SP.
BP's comparable, in theory.
Bats comparable.
wash 11-15 @R, SF 10-8 home to R.
SF 64% seems fair and line might reflect worse than that, methinks. Maybe Maya has a surprise but I won't bet on same.

Likely pass these 1st 2 unless they somehow give us a 9 at Great American.


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Feb 22, 2001
Actin' funny, but I don't know why

6:3 col(Cook)@Sd(Moseley)
Medium edge SD SP but that's assuming a lot. Cook coming off DL and has deteriorted over the past couple of years, not to mention the rehab stint not being overly impressive. Moseley--who I've never liked--was crap in his only vs back on May 13th @Coors; he's been good, lately.
Medium edge SD BP.
Medium edge col bats but slumping quite bad, despite W Mon, and a sticks edge in this park is tough to call.
col 9-11 @R, SD 7-19 home to R.
SD 53% and likely a small fave. Can't touch this.
Over--maybe a 7--tempting, but overs at Petco is playing with fire, and the Padsticks and slumping rox--well--who am I kidding?
Wind in from left 7mph only further drops the ball.

7 ariz(Duke-L)@Pit(Maholm-L)
Medium edge Pit SP. Interesting matchup with these former teammates going and as much as I'm not crazy about Maholm, I'm even less crazy about Duke, even with the good game in game before last. Maholm nothing special vs in 4; good numbers at home but only 1-4 to show for it.
BP's comparable.
Large edge ariz bats.
ariz 2-5 @L (8-8 overall), Pit 5-4 home to L (9-6 overall).
Pit 51%.
I think I'd rather go bowling.
Under, maybe, but Duke a crapshoot at present and for into the unforeseeable future.
Wind out to left 7mph means see-ya on my interest in this one.

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Feb 22, 2001
Couple of lines becoming.
Did get a 9 for Great American.

7 lad(Kuroda)@Phil(Hamels-L)
Large edge Phil SP. Both with very good numbers vs, in 4 each--and both 2-0 vs so something must give.
Large edge Phil BP.
Bats comparable, at present.
lad 5-4 @L (11-6 vs L overall, somehow), Phil 11-8 home to R.
Phil 64% a big reflection of Hamels stellar work lately, while Kuroda is often a tough call.
Haven't seen line but I can imagine...hugeness.
I see under 7 +100 and wind is also supposedly to be blowing out to right at 8mph; tempting but I think I'd only try with an ump like Hirschbeck or Eddings or Cuzzi (oh, my!) and some money that I'm annoyed with.

7 atl(Lowe)@Flor(Nolasco)
I have SP's even, at present. Nolasco poor numbers vs in a bunch, including @Apr14th; he's been good home in 7 but only 1-0 to show for it.
BP's comparable and both are very good.
Bats comparable.
atl 9-11 @R, Flor 11-10 home to R.
Flor 55% and won't be dog.
No interest on total. Strong wind in from center, however.


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Feb 22, 2001
I see some openers.
Ugly board.
I might be bowling on Wednesday.

8 stl(Garcia-L)@Hou(Norris)
Medium+ edge stl SP. Garcia not very good on road through 7, though 2-1. Norris good vs in 1st7 go's, including home Apr26, but was poor @May18th; Norris vg home in 7.
Medium edge stl BP.
Large edge stl bats.
stl 15-10 @R, Hou 6-4 home to L (10-8 vs L overall).
stl 61% and with a Myers over Westbrook Tues--not a stretch--I'd either go doggie or (more likely) go home.
I like the under and an 8-105 could be worse. I need to boo at the ump and Tues'. Wind out to center 12mph doesn't help, there, if roof is open which seems likely.

8 nym(Pelfrey)@Mil(Wolf-L)
Medium+ edge Mil SP. Pelfrey dogshit on the road in 6 (1-4, 8.58 era, 1.94 whip, .354 baa) and he's very erratic and coming off crap game home vs pit. Wolf not my fave but nym the pits, OPS-wise, vs L.
Medium edge Mil BP.
Medium+ edge Mil bats. Not sure on Beltran--looks like he's in the lineup Tues.
nym 3-1@L (9-5 vs L overall), Mil 16-7 home to R.
Mil 67% and the runline at +125 or +130 might rock esp. w/non-let-down in their opener Tues. Even the ml at -150 to -160 might be worth a parlay or Hendrix-knows what.
Over, maybe, the 8.5 but prefer side. Wind out to left if roof open but decent chance of storms so likely not.


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Feb 22, 2001
12 min(Pavano)@Clev(Masterson)
Small+ edge Clev SP. Pavano poor on road in 7 though coming off good CG W at KC. Masterson 0-4 vs in 5GS + 3relief.
Large edge Clev BP.
Medium edge Clev bats as they seem to be going in opposite directions, lately.
min 11-19 @R, Clev 13-6 home to R.
Clev 60%. I dunno. I see -156 and don't think I can't touch either side.
Total 8.5. No interest. Wind out to right 13mph.

7 oak(Outman-L)@Balt(Britton-L)
Small edge Balt SP. Britton's been good in 8 at home but crap in only vs, @May29th.
Medium edge oak BP.
Bats comparable in this L on L.
oak 6-3 @L (10-6 vs L overall), Balt 6-7 home to L (8-13).
Balt 55% and I can't touch as I haven't figured out either of these SP's, yet.
Mild lean under 8+111. Wind out to right-center 7mph makes mild milder.

7 bost(Wakefield)@Nyy(Burnett)
Small edge Nyy SP. Wakefield 11-17 vs, Burnett 5-3 vs, other #'s comparable for the two vs.
Medium edge Nyy BP.
Bats comparable.
bost 11-9 @R, Nyy 11-9 home to R (deja vu).
Nyy 57%. Who knows. Let's see Tues. No value on -125 anywho and flippage unlikely for me.
Over sounds promising. maybe even with the 10+102. Wind out to left-center 9mph and apparently 0% chance of rain and warm and sunny, whcih might further encourage balls-a-soarin.'

8 det(Coke-L)@Tex(Ogando)
Large edge Tex SP. Coke coming off DL. Ogando vg home in 6--and everywhere--and vg in only vs, @Apr11.
Small+ edge Tex BP.
Medium edge Tex bats though both are smoking lately.
det 8-13 @R, Tex a stellar 8-1 home to L (11-8 vs L overall).
Tex 69% and I am looking to side with this one way or another, or both.
Total of 9 doesn't interest me--maybe Tex team total over. Wind in from right 13mph doesn't help runline or team total but you can't always get what you want.
Sunny and clear and fans should be jammin' to see this former people-trafficker (allegedly). Not for that reason but...nevermind...


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Feb 22, 2001
I'm going to try to finish this now, which will give me less time to make some crazy last-minute bets for Tuesday. I must confess to liking the nationals +125, however.

8 tor(Villanueva)@Kc(Duffy-L)
Small edge tor SP. Duffy's been wild and needs some more seasoning, no doubt (oregano?).
Medium edge tor BP despite the slap in the face Mon.
tor comes in with a team OPS of .843 vs L, KC sports .707 vs R. Jays much better at home--same as KC--however.
tor 4-4@L (10-6 overall), KC 16-14 home to R.
tor 57% seems fair for what little what we've seen of Duffy. I'm sure he'll have a break-out game, sometime, but he's having a hard time finding the strike zone.
No interest in total of 9.5 Under, maybe, if jays swoon again. Wind out to left-center at 14mph so maybe not.

8 seat(Vargas-L)@Cws(Pink)
Small edge Cws SP. Both very erratic. Vargas off gem vs tb after 2 crappy. Floyd vg @May 7th.
Small edge seat BP.
Small+ edge Cws bats, also the better hitting team lately.
seat 8-8 @R (24-17 overall vs R), Cws 3-5 home to L (7-9 vs L overall).
Cws 59%. Limited value on the -134.
Wind right-to-left 13mph.
Likely another pass the salt.

10 tb(Shields)@Laa(Weaver)
Small edge Laa SP. Both good #'s vs, both including meetings this year. Shields off a crap game @Seat, his first loss on road in 6. Weaver has been very good lately.
BP's comparable.
Bats comparable; not sure about the Upton and Longoria flu thingee, and don't see lineups yet for the late go Tuesday.
Laa 55%. Good grief at -146.
I like the under but mild wind out to right-center doesn't help. Need to check ump. Seeing 6.5+106 so I presume a 7 would be -115 to -120'ish.

Ugly board.
Oh well...about 14 or 1500 games still to go.


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