Just a little more........occasionally


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Jan 17, 2000
Fairfield, CT., USA
Like yyz I had Denver to Win tonight and would make the same decision again given the information out there that I found.(newspapers,resources,and the Madjacks Forums) While many here had the right side there was precious little to support the decision by Packer backers. I, for one, would appreciate a few WHYs (even if its ...because Nolan picked it, or just got that feelin)...If we're going to work together....informed decisions result from research and experience. To me....I gave Denver the advantage in areas of talent, matchups, impact players out, coaches probable game plan....The pack had the obvious Home advantage. These reasons were available and most shared in the forum. I know that the majority got the W tonight with the "Pack" and Congrats!.....Still, however, don't know too much about the Why???
Hope no-one takes this as sour grapes cause its absolutely not meant to be. Just a request for a little reasoning for the picks if possible....Just tryin to learn



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Forum Member
Nov 21, 2000
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Lines may vary....

Jags@Giants Giants-3 Giants win 27-3 (dog)

Steelers@Vikings Vikings-3 Viks win 24-10 (dog)

Titans@ Rams Rams-4 Titians win 23-10 (dog)

Falcons@Skins Falcons -3 Falcons win 27-6 (FAV)

Chargers@Dolphins Chargers Win 23-20 OT (dog)

Eagles@Bils Bills-2 1/2 Bills win 6-3 (FAV)

Patriots@Panthers Panthers-3 Pats win 23-8 (dog)

Ravens@Jets Ravens -1 Jets win 16-3 (dog)

Cowboys@saints Saints-7 1/2 Saints win 16-10 (dog covers)

Bucs@Browns Bucs-3 1/2 Browns win 7-6 (dog covers)

Lions@Colts Colts-4 Lions win 27-26 (dog)

Bears@Chiefs Cheifs-3 Bears covered 10-9 (dog)

Seahawks@Cards Seahawks-6 1/2 Cards win 16-13 (dog)

Raiders@49 raiders-1 1/2 49'rs win 20-17 (dog)

Broncos@Pak Broncos -2 1/2 Greenbay 22-7 (dog)

This was cut/pasted from another site...buddy

[This message has been edited by buddy (edited 08-21-2001).]

Nolan Dalla

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Sep 7, 2000
Washington, DC/Las Vegas, NV

You ask a fair question. The facts pointed to a Bronco win and cover last week. So, why did some of us have Green Bay?

I don't want to spend too much time on this, because I could probably be here all day. But it essentially boils down to being a pre-season game where the home field will be the deciding factor. In the regular season, had these same facts existed -- I would have gone with Denver or layed off the game entirely. But, given the Packers had played so poorly last week in Cleveland, I didn't think HC Sherman was going to take this game lightly with his players. A full house and game on Monday Night Football also added to Packer incentives.

Denver had no reason to be emotinally charged for this game. Their home openner is NEXT WEEK. That's when they should let the team of horse run out of the cage. Not this week.

Another game that had a similar results over the weekend was the Tampa-Cleveland game. Do you think the Browns would have a snowballs chance in hell against the Bucs in a regular season game? But in pre-season with all the vets on the sidelines, and Browns at home with a new coach, Cleveland was the play. I missed that one, since I had Tampa. Now (after the fact) it's easy to see where we went wrong.

Forget injuries and statistics. Look at motivation. That's my pre-season motto.

Of course, I can't speak for others as to their reason for backing Green Bay last night -- but those are mine.


-- Nolan Dalla


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Nov 9, 2000
During the regular season & if time permits I will give a reason for making my choice.I thought I gave a reason why I chose GB,it was similar to what Nolan stated home team & rebounding from a flat performance.Another reason why I picked both SF & GB was that both teams opened as a 1 pt. dog against a better team.It looked too easy to bet Oak.& Denver.I tutored under a great football handicapper from my old neighborhood(Pete the Grocer),who basically said when it looks too easy bet the other way.Of course it doesn't always come in,but in the long run it will.Good Luck to everyone.


Forum Member
Jun 10, 2001
Las Vegas, NV
This game seemed to be a perfect example of Nolan's "tunnel vision". Its easy to get locked in to a strong team. Den would have been considered superior even if GB didn't have all those defensive injuries. All the write-ups about Den were true.
However, if anyone knew about all those things, WHY WAS THE OPENNING LINE --PICK EM?
For sure the linemaker knew the information plus the fact that many, many people are going to bet Den this year. It goes back to the old saying "If a line seems to good to be true, it usually is".
You know the teams everyone bets (Den, Oak, Ten, TB, Min, STL). If you get an amazing line to bet them--BEWARE!! Red Flags should go flying. Those teams will be overvalued to start with. The linemaker doesn't have to tempt anyone to bet them.

indecision is the KEY to flexibility


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Aug 22, 2000
i ate it big on denver last night also.im one to check nolans plays before i make the final call but failed to last night.a good preseason is now back to square one.no pun intended.

thanks to nolan in showing the big picture and taking time to comment.i thought the line was low to start; with anticipated green bay at home money in mind. but i also had that feeling about "no free lunch".and still piled it and blabbed about it.

also i live in denver and always have said bet denver and the over at home and bet against denver and the under on the road. not the case with last years defense but as a general rule.

i should have known mcaffrey wasnt playing but i didnt.i thought the first half was what was expected by me minus the key turnovers on denvers behalf.i had to shut it off in the 3rd quarter because i coudnt stomach anymore.

im glad the majority made money and hey shit happens in this gambling world.ive learned yet another lesson that i thought i learned before.but we all have our greedy moments and think were gettin away with something.

just had to say somethin after blabbin about that game and gettin smacked in the face.

theres alotta football out there yet .


Life is Good
Forum Member
Jul 27, 2000
Just as all have stated above and what Nolan has said in his analysis on any of his preseason games esp TB/Cle and NO/Dal, both of which I ate the big one, but whether preseason or not sometimes shit just happens.

NO had the game wrapped and in the oven when Blake throws an interception that goes 95 yards and they cover.

TB has Cle stopped just before the half and a coach on the sidline gets a 15 yd unsportsmanlike conduct penalty, keeps the drive alive, they go on to score or it could had been a 6-0 game and cover.

Sometimes all the capping skills in the world cannot and will not explain the shit happens theory and believe me we will all have many more of these this season, let's just hope luck is on our side and we keep it at a minimum.


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Aug 14, 2000
I just wanted to say that it was hard to make that play!However,these results happen EVERY week.If any of you have ever joined in these football contests(no points included) those are hard.The thing you need to do is to try and select the UPSETS for the week.
I know alot of you get that feeling when playing the obvious.It just doesn't feel right.That was how I felt Monday night.Combined with Nolans write-up.

One possibility this week looks like Oakland vs. Dallas

let element-x be with us


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Aug 12, 2001
Sunset Beach, Ca, USA
Reasons for playing GB were one: home team with strong crowd getting points; two, game vs Browns looked much better after Browns beat Bucs;three, the point spread seemed odd, one of those too good to be true spots where invariably, it is too good to be true. These are hardly stellar reasons to substantiate a play that likely would not be made under same circumstances on a Sunday in regular season.
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