Just a thought or two

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May 26, 2000
Watch yourself tonight. There are some bargains out there. Keep in mind that Vegas don't care who wins the game tonight and their lines are based on the fact that most betters will go with the top teams from last year regardless of the line. Remember how I felt last year about NY, LAL, and Ind. Might take Ind out of the mix this year and sub Phil. An example tonight is the LAL game. Port has a new coach (coaching was not the problem) and has lost several key players. They are not the Port team we have known in the past so why are they only 7' dogs. I smell something here. Similar situation at Utah tonight. Utah won't be very good this year but Mil with all their shooters are getting 3. Give me a break. I'll pass and see how this shakes out. Here's a list of the teams I feel will be better, about the same, and worse.

Atl Going back to last year's Phil trade they have made some really good moves and the trade with Van was a killer. Watch yourself taking Hou tonight.

Clips My top money maker last year with basically the same cast. Just needed to mature and only time will solve that. Now one year older and just made a major trade yesterday in getting Will Perdue. Just kidding but Perdue is a player that is willing to do whatever it takes to help the team. He won't hurt them which more than I can say about other trades made by other teams.

Chi How could they hurt themselves? They were about as bad as they could get. Oakley can still play folks. They needed somebody to rebound and he's not a bad shooter if he has time. New rules should help him. Mercer is showing signs of maturing and don't forget they were playing a little better toward the end of the year. Real young group.

NY Got better because Johnson retired and Rice is gone. Thomas has a chance to become the player I have thought he could be. Now if Van Gundy will get him a real center, this team can be dangerous.

Det(anything they did had to help), Mia cleared the way for Reilly to rebuild, Orl just needed everyone to stay healthy, and Tor's trade should be a plus. Phoe should be better off also.

GS Another team that kept the good ones and helped themselves with the people they added. Should make money before the public catches on.
Here is a group that I don't think helped themselves.

Here's the ones that didn't help themselves.
Phil Still didn't like the Mutumbo trade and don't see that they did anything to help Iverson in the off season. And now they go and get Coleman. He has caused problems everywhere and what makes them think he will change. They had their shot last year.

Sac Trading Williams makes sense on paper but I remember Sac before Williams. Couldn't win and couldn't draw. There was something about his style that made the team think they could beat anybody and that is hard to teach. Webber didn't show up for the play-offs last year and I'm wondering what's really wrong with him. Bibby is not the answer.

Dallas Still haven't got over the Howard trade. This team will not reach their potential as long as he is there. You can't pay someone that won't work, enough to get them to work.

Memphis Well they have got Jason so anything is possible but they traded their better players before the move.

LAL actually improved themselves if that is possible.

SA All that's left is Robinson and Duncan. Johnson, Anderson, and Elliot are gone. Robinson is slowing down and Duncan will need help under the new rules. This is not the team we have been used to seeing. They even got rid of Perdue.