Originally posted by beantownjim:
barfly did your mother take your playboy away from you.where do you find the time to find all this crap.its nice to go outside every now and then and see real human beings instead of blow up dolls.kindergarden starts up again in 30 days i hope your mother signed you up.
- No she didn't. Actually the subscription is in her name and she is more than happy to let me read them. That is , when she is finished
with them.
- To be honest with ya Mr. Bean, I get home late at night from a gig and I peruse the internet saving links, pics, and other little tidbits in the hopes that people like you come along. It's great, isn't it? I mean where else ya gonna need a pic of a guy with his head up his ass. C'mon Beanie, YOU even have to think that was funny.
How bout we do a little poll.
If ya think that the picture of Beanie with his head up his ass is an accurate description, Give me a HELL YEAH!!!! (That one is for you Nick)
- I actually get to go outside quite a bit, but as maggio could attest to, I do have a thing for blow up dolls, but I hardly feel that this is an appropriate forum for this subject. All I can say is don't knock it till ya tried it, LATEX BABY!!! OH WHAT A FEELING!!!
- Nope she forgot again
There's always next year! Personally, I'm thinking there's a consiracy against me by my family. I mean, c'mon, mid 30's and my parents still don't feel like I am emotionally stable enough to handle the rigors of Kindergarten. Ahhh, who knows, Maybe they're right!
Make mine a Double!,