Justbet Customers - Updated


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Jul 13, 1999

We are fighting a DDOS attack and want to ask you if you can see JustBet.com from where you are.

Please click on http://www.justbet.com/ and let me know if you can see the website. If not, please go to http://whatismyipaddress.com/ and send me your IP address so I can report to our technicians the area you are in cannot see JustBet.com

What you can tell any JustBet.com customers to do if they ask you?

1.] They can call the office at 1-800-274-8313, 1-800-562-1619 or 011-506-2298-5978 and tell our customer service department what their IP address is. Our Technical Department will white-list their IP and they will get into JustBet.com without any problems. They can find out what their IP address is by going to http://whatismyipaddress.com/

2.] For immediate access, they can try one of the 3 following alternative websites?

? http://www.justbet.org

? http://www.justbet.co.cr/

3.] The third option bettors have is to contact our office via telephone 1-800-274-8313, 1-800-562-1619 or 011-506-2298-5978 and we will give them access to a secret entrance to their JustBet.com account after we confirm they are a valid customer.

What is a DDOS attack?? got to this site for an explanation >> http://dos-attacks.com/what-are-dos-attacks/

Thank you for your time, patience and support. We are working with some new specialists now and should have very good solutions in place within the next couple of days.

Best Regards,
Bet on MyBookie