"Keep muslims out of my backyard"

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JJ Reddick

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Aug 6, 2006
This could happen only in TEX-ASS
There's an awful lot of exciting news when you round the corner on Baker Road. One of two big yellow signs announces a new neighbor is coming soon.

K.I. A., that's the Katy Islamic Association, plan to build a mosque here.

"It's not an appropriate place to have a mosque or church," said resident Barbara Simpson.

It isn't going over real well.

"As a house of worship, they shouldn't be disturbing the peace and tranquility of 15 homes," said resident John Wetmore.

Neighbors tell us they're concerned about traffic and drainage and a little fear of the unknown. Some of the homeowners even offered to buy the land back for more than a million dollars. The K.I.A. doesn't seem very interested in the offers.

So it seems the community at the end of Baker Road has a pretty good fight. But this fight has gone much farther than many between two neighbors. You see in these fights, sometimes neighbors throw mud at one another. In this instance, they're wallowing in it.

Craig Baker owns pigs. He's the guy behind the second big yellow sign on Baker Road. That's the one announcing Friday night pig races.

Sure can. But aren't pigs on the property line racing on a Friday night a little offensive to a Muslim neighbor?

"The meat of a pig is prohibited in the religion of Islam," said Katy Islamic Association member Youssof Allam. "It's looked upon as a dirty creature."

Yeah, there's that and also that Friday night is a Muslim holy day.

"That is definitely a slap in the face," said Allam..

Now before you go thinking Craig Baker is unfair, or full of hate, or somehow racist, hear him out.

Baker has long roots here. His family named the road and when the new neighbors moved in, he tells us, they asked him to move out.

"Basically that I should package up my family and my business and find a place elsewhere," said Baker. "That's ridiculous, they just bought the place one week prior and he's telling me I should think about leaving."
That new owners deny they ever said anything like that, but Baker isn't budging.
Baker admits the pigs are a message he is not leaving.

The 11-acre property is sandwiched between a pricey subdivision and Craig Baker's business.


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Nov 4, 2000
Sounds like the old south. Not so long ago 50/60 years. And in some cases never went away.
Whites didn't want blacks to live next door or going to there schools. Sounds like we still are learning. Maybe some never will. Hate should lose in the end. But only if enough good stands up and fights it. Much of the south's idea of keeping blacks from good education back then. So called idea to keep them in line. Is costing us plenty today. Thank goodness in most parts of south and the country that has changed.
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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Question DJV--

If you had all white school and all black school with equal funding--who do you think would get the better education and why?


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
Question DJV--

If you had all white school and all black school with equal funding--who do you think would get the better education and why?

How about this one?

If you had a school full of AIDS riddled kids and one totally 'clean', with equal funding, who do you think would get the better education? (keeping in mind that there are no blacks dragging the rest of the students down in either one of the schools.)


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Nov 4, 2000
DTB your question at this time is some what out of date. Things have changed in many areas then 50 years ago. Kids of any color given equal chance with good teachers. That's important the good teachers. Should test out very close. Even tho some of the blacks mothers and fathers were held back some. And that is where extra help comes from at home. So some support is missing there. I would enter a third idea that hard work is still needed for anyone. That is why folks from Asia do so very well. They work on there schooling till they drop. Again those that are lucky enough to get the chance. They make most of it. Not all get that chance.
Kosar your to smart for this old guy. But you sure have a good way of putting a differant light on things.
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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
I can always tell when your trapped Matt--you counter the obvious with the ridiculous :)

--but to answer your question I think their education would be equal.
--and to counter the gay issue once more--I would hope that every gay live a long fruitful life--as well as any child that contacts aids through no fault of their own--my prob is with the chronic drugs users--and aids carriers that continue to spread the disease knowingly and for them I would just as soon they dropped dead -- YESTERDAY.

Now that we have that out of the way once again--would you happen to have answer to question I asked DJV.

My solution would be to have schools open to everyone--but diff schools for scolastic ability or desire to learn.

Would make sure I have one with only one door that leads in and out simultaneously--would be for those not wanting to learn--no intent to graduate and only objective to disrupt those that do.
Only cost would be for door and could transfer funds saved to the other schools where desire to learn is objective--"regardless of color"


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
How do you determine who wants to learn or not. Obviously they wouldn't just check a spot that says "I don't want to learn". It would take some time to determine whose ambitious. ....And at what age? I wouldn't expect 5th graders to be very serious yet. Myabe by 8th grade?

So let's say you have a decent system set up and 9th grade is the cutoff. ...Where do we store the unserious 9th graders? Do they go straight to a work camp? Some are perhaps gifted athletes - do they get drafted into various pro sports organizations?

You speak of yourself being a pretty bad kid before military service. Would you have be left out of the better schools setup in this system? Where would you rank? It sounds like you were the rebellious and disruptive character that would not be given a chance in this system.


Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
the mosque we have here in Bowling Green was has nothing very close to it. I'm glad one wasn't built close to me (pig races, funny stuff!), but I do have a Mormon temple about 1/4 of a mile from my house. The only good thing about that is none of the 18 year old missionaries have ever come to my door the whole 7 years I've lived here :mj07: Guess I'm inside the reaching out missionary boundaries since I'm so close to that temple.
sidenote story about pigs and muslims that I know. The Sepoy rebellion or Indian Rebellion in 1857 was triggered by many things, chiefly, resentment of British rule. The sepoys were the native army that served the British. This army was comprised primarily of Hindu and muslim soldiers. A rumor was spread among the sepoys that their new ammunition cartridges were sealed with lard (which would mean either pork or beef fat). The process of loading their muskets which was ingrained into them from countless hours of drill and could not be changed as it was second nature was as follows. You bite off the top of the cartridge with contains the ball, then you pour the powder down the barrel and prime the pan, you then stuff the wadding down the barrel and then spit the ball that you bit off first into the barrel which is then ramrodded down so you can fire. The cartridges were sometimes sealed in some way to make them water resistant (usually with beeswax). Sealing the cartridges with pork lard or beef lard meant that the sepoys would have been biting into pork or beef lard which would have been wholly forbidden and offensive to a muslim (pork) and hindu (beef). When the sepoys were told that the cartridges were not sealed with lard, they didn't believe, and this disbelief was reinforced when the British commanders told them they could remake their own cartridges and seal with mutton fat or beeswax. Hard to fight wars when your men won't shoot their muskets, lol!! Good rumor for sure!

I think there was also some sort of mutiny with British native soldiers in Afghanistan that happened because of this same reason at another time in history.
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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Smurph Would say most those on the revolving door would welcome it--those in other could progress as their scores dictated.

of course all hypothetical and not realistic.

To answer your other question--in grade school our grading scedule was E-S-A-I-F Excellent-Supieror-Average-Inferior-Flunked. Only classes I didn't get E in 8 years were handwriting and conduct--which degenerated from Ave to I's and F's on occasion in later years.
High school got put in experimental class. We had 32 students that when through same classes same time for 4 years.Was bummer as did not get to meet lots of other kids--admittedly might have been somewhat disruptive but basically did not effect my studies or others.
However you make good point and did make me think about past and have remorse on being disruptive and disrepectful of others--you got me there.

The Sponge

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Aug 24, 2006
I think the better question for Dog would be, dog if you had only one way to watch Fox News and it was in a school filled with either black kids or a school full of gay kids, which one would you get your fair and balanced news? The one with Dick Cheneys new grand kid or the one with Colin Powells kids.
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Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
I think the better question for the sponge would be, sponge if you had only one way to read the New York Times and it was in a school filled with either black kids or a school full of gay kids, which one would you get your liberal news? The one with Dick Cheneys new grand kid or the one with Colin Powells kids.

:142smilie :142smilie pot meet kettle once again.


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Jun 18, 2002
Wait until the refugees come in! :scared
Plus how many of them will be trained to kill us:shrug:

The Sponge

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Aug 24, 2006
thank you, thank you very much. It's comical, really it is.

six, i went to school with 30 percent blacks. I worked with blacks, played ball with blacks, have blacks in my neighborhood, have friends that are black. Now can you say at least two of these things? Im willing to bet in your neck of the woods the confederate flag is the focal point in your neighborhood. Just because people can't read a sentence and have to spin my words to fit their agenda and your not intelligent enough to realize this, it is not my problem. Now for the leading newspaper in our country? I don't read it but I would if i live in NY. Now Fox News? Anyone with half of a brain knows this station preys on the week-minded like you. Just last night they had a wonderful topic for a guy like you. Some former Black Professor who doesn't like white people. Were ever they dug up this guy, it is for clueless people like you to keep voting against your best interest. Your buddy Haggart again another guy who laughs at you sheep followers. He just takes and takes from you fools and you don't know any better and just keep supporting his platforms. Its actually laughable.


Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
six, i went to school with 30 percent blacks. I worked with blacks, played ball with blacks, have blacks in my neighborhood, have friends that are black. Now can you say at least two of these things? is this why you hate them so much now? Were you picked on because you're a runt of a white dude, or is it all about the poor tips?? :142smilie Seriously, my school was about 20 percent black, I have coworkers who are black, I grew up playing ball at Lampkin Park and Covington Woods park and many times I was one of the only whites there, my next door neighbor is black, and I have friends that are black, so I guess I can say all of the things you did.Im willing to bet in your neck of the woods the confederate flag is the focal point in your neighborhood. nope, no confederate flags around here, and again, the Civil War was not fought because of slavery. Do you still think that, toolboy??Just because people can't read a sentence and have to spin my words to fit their agenda and your not intelligent enough to realize this but I am intelligent enough to know how to use the word your and you're which you repeatedly screw up., it is not my problem. Now for the leading newspaper in our country? I don't read ityou don't read it, but every story or news link you post is from the NY Times :shrug: but I would if i live livedin NY. Now Fox News? Anyone with half of a brain knows this station preys on the week-minded are the week minded those who like to think about 7 day periods of time? Not familiar with that term :mj07: like you. Just last night they had a wonderful topic for a guy like you. Some former Black Professor who doesn't like white people. Were ever they dug up this guy, it is for clueless people like you to keep voting against your best interest. Your buddy Haggart again another guy who laughs at you sheep followers. He just takes and takes from you fools and you don't know any better and just keep supporting his platforms. Its actually laughable. actually, I will agree that people who support Haggart now are fools. I never did, and I've always thought him an idiot.

comments above in the quoted response. Sponge, YOU'RE the one who is not intelligent.
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Nov 4, 2000
If were going to compete in the world. We better start using are schools like many place in world do. Our high schools no longer #1. Students in places like Singapore (witch by the way are rated #1. With others in Japan and Taiwan) are doing studies we do in 9 grade in 6th grade. And there schools don't close for average of 4 months a year.
They are lucky to get 2 months. We as tax payers are not getting our pay back for our money. If we start soon we can catch up and maybe even keep some jobs here at home. And private schools always complaining are no better. Only thing there better at is letting those who can pay attend.


Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
If were going to compete in the world. We better start using are schools like many place in world do. Our high schools no longer #1. Students in places like Singapore (witch by the way are rated #1. With others in Japan and Taiwan) are doing studies we do in 9 grade in 6th grade. And there schools don't close for average of 4 months a year.
They are lucky to get 2 months. We as tax payers are not getting our pay back for our money. If we start soon we can catch up and maybe even keep some jobs here at home. And private schools always complaining are no better. Only thing there better at is letting those who can pay attend.

I agree that that private schools are no better. One of the private schools around here called me several years ago to see if I wanted to teach science since they knew I was a RN with a bachelors degree :mj07: They don't have to have to have the educated teachers like the public schools.