Dear Al Michaels:
You do a damn fine job on Monday Night Football, and have done so for years. I respect your play-calling ability, your insight, and your ability to share the booth with a varied cast over the course of years. Also, you always keep your eye out for the bettors.
But please keep your personal political views off the broadcast. When talking about the back-and-forth action in the game in New England - "a flip-flop game" - you cleverly inserted: "We're certainly in the right state for it." I know you are a hardcore conservative Republican. That's your right. But I don't want to hear your views on the junior Senator from Massachusetts currently running for President. Frankly, I don't give a damn what you think politically. Calling a football game is not the forum for you to express your personal voting preference.
Many fans enjoy sports because it is an escape from the day-to-day. Instead of listening to politicians talk about wars and the economy and health care, we get to sit back and get lost in what was a fantastic football game. When you insert your political preference, it takes away from our enjoyment of the game.
It's unprofessional and it's beneath you. Please stick to what you're good at, and keep your mouth shut about the stuff we are trying to avoid when we watch sports.
Thanks a bunch,
You do a damn fine job on Monday Night Football, and have done so for years. I respect your play-calling ability, your insight, and your ability to share the booth with a varied cast over the course of years. Also, you always keep your eye out for the bettors.
But please keep your personal political views off the broadcast. When talking about the back-and-forth action in the game in New England - "a flip-flop game" - you cleverly inserted: "We're certainly in the right state for it." I know you are a hardcore conservative Republican. That's your right. But I don't want to hear your views on the junior Senator from Massachusetts currently running for President. Frankly, I don't give a damn what you think politically. Calling a football game is not the forum for you to express your personal voting preference.
Many fans enjoy sports because it is an escape from the day-to-day. Instead of listening to politicians talk about wars and the economy and health care, we get to sit back and get lost in what was a fantastic football game. When you insert your political preference, it takes away from our enjoyment of the game.
It's unprofessional and it's beneath you. Please stick to what you're good at, and keep your mouth shut about the stuff we are trying to avoid when we watch sports.
Thanks a bunch,