Kerry could be screwed!


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Sep 11, 2003
Atlanta, GA


**World Exclusive**
**Must Credit the DRUDGE REPORT**

A frantic behind-the-scenes drama is unfolding around Sen. John Kerry and his quest to lockup the Democratic nomination for president, the DRUDGE REPORT can reveal.

Intrigue surrounds a woman who recently fled the country, reportedly at the prodding of Kerry, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.

A serious investigation of the woman and the nature of her relationship with Sen. John Kerry has been underway at TIME magazine, ABC NEWS, the WASHINGTON POST, THE HILL and the ASSOCIATED PRESS, where the woman in question once worked.


A close friend of the woman first approached a reporter late last year claiming fantastic stories -- stories that now threaten to turn the race for the presidency on its head!

In an off-the-record conversation with a dozen reporters earlier this week, General Wesley Clark plainly stated: "Kerry will implode over an intern issue." [Three reporters in attendance confirm Clark made the startling comments.]

The Kerry commotion is why Howard Dean has turned increasingly aggressive against Kerry in recent days, and is the key reason why Dean reversed his decision to drop out of the race after Wisconsin, top campaign sources tell the DRUDGE REPORT.


Forum Member
Jun 21, 2000
some other stuff that will be brought out after he married his first wife Julia Thorn who had mega cash from her wallstreet family

said he had cheated on her a few times , then after marrying Teresa Heinz(pittsburgh of course:D ) in 1995 , pictures were taken of a 22 year old bomb shell modle coming out of their boston town house in sept of 1998 at 1230 am while his wife was off at their home in nantucket, and this is like the 3 or 4th time he has been caught with other women since he married heinz which again by the way is worth a ton of green, his strory was the young girl was dropping off a resume yeah right just like when i got caught pounding a stripper on my first wife and she left wearing my wifes shoes who had almost the same pair sketter1 can tell you that story, another player steped up to the plate for me and said he and her which he said was his girl friend were in our room, i did get the shoes back but was caught red handed like i cared at that point of my life anyway :shrug: but these pictures are still in the hands of the person who took them:D :D right hey djv what you got to say about that one:confused: Kerry not me:D :eek:


Forum Member
Sep 16, 2003
fletcher said:
some other stuff that will be brought out after he married his first wife Julia Thorn who had mega cash from her wallstreet family

said he had cheated on her a few times , then after marrying Teresa Heinz(pittsburgh of course:D ) in 1995 , pictures were taken of a 22 year old bomb shell modle coming out of their boston town house in sept of 1998 at 1230 am while his wife was off at their home in nantucket, and this is like the 3 or 4th time he has been caught with other women since he married heinz which again by the way is worth a ton of green, his strory was the young girl was dropping off a resume yeah right just like when i got caught pounding a stripper on my first wife and she left wearing my wifes shoes who had almost the same pair sketter1 can tell you that story, another player steped up to the plate for me and said he and her which he said was his girl friend were in our room, i did get the shoes back but was caught red handed like i cared at that point of my life anyway :shrug: but these pictures are still in the hands of the person who took them:D :D right hey djv what you got to say about that one:confused: Kerry not me:D :eek:

Man if he can score this kind of talent, I should be able to get the Playboy model of my choice. I don't care how powerful he is, I have a cat who's rear end looks better than his face.

Kerry's face=my cat's:moon:


Forum Member
Jun 21, 2000
where are all the JK backers who love to slam any repub. and bush now, they must have pc problems, our guys are quite as a mouse on this one:shrug:


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
why isnt this being reported ? I have not seen it anywhere.

I think they know that if they run this story then Kerry's
campaign is in the dumper.



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Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
Well as I said before I dont like any of these folks and forsure wont repeat my vote for Bush. I did say I could have gotten to like Clark. Believe He's a stand up fellow.
Now as for all the stories above. Must be soemthing wrong with this info. When O Reilly from FOX news says it all BS. Then we find out Clark must not be to worreid about this either. Sounds like he is either joining Kerry in Wisconsin or just endorsing him tomorrow. Could be some smoke here to draw the heat off of Bush. He has come acrosse rather bad this last week.
So we shall see if O'Reilly has it right or is he becoming a liberial to.


Forum Member
Jun 21, 2000
come on djv need to here from you pops:D what do you really think about this honest i want to know, myself we don't have a great pick either way just keep me safe and I can do the rest mYself, have my own retirment , longterm care ins, also enough other ira's and cd's to not worry about ssi, healt care is all that could worry me, and hell if i don't have the means to cover what i need for medical i will stiff them fuk it I will be old. as long as i have ,a house, food, and a tv, just keep me safe i can figure out the rest. really sucks when your not thrilled with anyone but i will stay with bush i have voted cross party doesnot bother me but I think i am safer with bush just like ronnie then anyone else,that is just IMO, so let me hear your your veiws pops i really do read them hell you been around longer then me so i do respect what you have to say, and where has buddy been have you heard from him? hope all is well with him.


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Mar 14, 2001
I checked out the Fox News website and saw nothing about this there, I figure if anyone had it, they would. But nothing yet.

Although it wouldn't surprise me if it were true. I've been around weathly, powerful people quite a bit in my short life on this planet, and I can say without a trace of doubt that fidelity is not one of their finer qualities. Generally speaking, of course.

It wouldn't matter to me either way to be honest. I'll vote for Kerry because, while I do like Kerry, the important thing is that he is not Bush. I think a gorilla would be a better president than him. But I'm also not stupid enough to think, if this is true, that it won't negatively affect Kerry.


Forum Member
Jun 21, 2000
pops you must of posted when i was agree not much to pick from, i would be happy for once but never will happen to have a regular middle class person run the country, but you don't see many middle class people in upper politics guess it takes money to be in those groups? is this a true statement really not into po;itics that much I am not real keen on people telling my how and what to do and think most are just not on the up and up, but i could be wrong but don't think so, very good judge of people and bullshit you learn that as a coach.but that being said i will take our great usa over anywhere else and have been to a good many places with baseball and i have seen how lucky i have it in life, played a year in the dominician now that was rough, fish head soup and chicken and rice.


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Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
I agree the picks are week. The last really good one died around 1946/47. I thought Clark could be the real deal. So many think thats it' Kerry. Im just not that liberial yet. Your right we need some good money mangement from Wash, and were not getting it. The rush into Iraq after being in bed with Saddam for so long just seems like a huge waist of our money. As I said the other night just think what some of that money could do just for our run down highway system. The jobs and taxes that would be paid from those salaries. The SS sytem had been robbed so bad that it just a fluke. No real money there anymore just paper IOU. It's nice our congressmen/senators,president can have the neat retirement packages and health care they have. But they dont know how to see you and me and anyone else can have the same. There's by the way is 20 bucks amonth. They fight like hell to get a drug policey to help the older folks in the country and end up with a program no one understands. And cost tons of money. Wisconsin has had one for the old folks for almost three years now, it's simple and runs very well. They could have used the same program for the country. But instead they pay off drug companies for some reason no one understands. We got a tax cut they said. I hope you saw some of that. I made a little less money this year then last now being retired. And payed more. Hel of good tax cut. Fletch mainley I just get sick of all of them with there strech the truth BS. And they keep thinking you and I are dump enough to buy in. Your right Im older and when you see how those even much older then myself are getting call welfare people. The same ones that fought in Korea and even a few left from WWII. That really pisse me off. It just shows some of the young guys here have no clue. Other then that everyones healthy and my grand kids are growing up fast. So Im one dam lucky happy 62 year old. I dont know what happen to old buddy I like his humor. We can always use it.


Forum Member
Jun 21, 2000
i am 42 and never really looked or worried that much about things, but when i did start to try and learn and read up, that is when i even became more suspect of people in power, I don't think 25% tell us the truth or the real story, it is like a game for the rich and the middle class is left in the dark, but the older I get the more i make sure I set myself up with what i need have always had my own retirement set up since 25 and put in more in more as I was able to and will be fine, but like i said i am covered if i need longterm health care which is a home, hope i never need it but pay for it, but as far as medical i will be in trouble, and since i don't work for anyone i am a corp. it is not cheap for me so don't know what the future holds in that aspect when i get 65, i think if i need it I will be in trouble once again IMO , but would just like some truth and it is both sides not just one, i am a repub. but would say more independent vote for who i fell is best for me and I think states should have more say on stuff for us where we live then feds telling us what we are going to do, that is why i am going back east, hell nv is a toxic waste dump and only going to get worse. my piss is better and safer then the water out here, that is why i have a bottle water machaine, i don't mind paying the 5 bucks for 5 gallons and have 60 gallons in the workshop so I can make it a few weeks if something goes wrong learned they hard way in andrew when i lived in countyside it is a burb of miami. also have food:D and 2 gas mask ray can tell you:eek: and lot of guns, so hell give me some damn medical coverage when i reach 65 and i think i will do ok, but really that is a very big worry of mine, since my wreck and 8 operations in 15 months i know what medical bills a d meds can run and it has opened my eyes up a lot. lucky i am on a leain against the ohio highway patrol and state of ohio or I would of been in bad shape. medical care is a major worry for me ssi i don't even care i am set because like you said all paper and by my time might be on rock. and I am all for helping others but shit help our own first, that i have always had a problem with. tons of people in our own country need help and we do and have and still will piss money away on other countries which sometimes you have to but not all the time. like i said i am new to most of this really never thought much of it till about 10 years ago, then really started looking at shit hard after 9/11 and my own health problems. i stand firm on more state control then fed, hell i sound like a milita (SP) type person anti fed which i am not but think states should have more say in what is best for them, still the reg joe would get screwed I would say but maybe not as bad. I love my country but somethings just are not right and seem to get worse, hell would like to have a health system like canada seems to work well for them, about the only thing that does:D just pulling your chain my friends up north but they do seem to have it down .
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