need to get any of the "expensive stuff". But I can tell ya there is a ton of string out there and a ton of string manufacturers.
At your level you won't really notice that much with a string. But even at your level you will notice some differences.
Here is a quick "helpful list":
1) The tighter you string a racquet the more control you have.
2) 17 gauge string is thin, 15 gauge is thick (kickserv used 15 gauge string, which is rare)
3) Some strings don't last long, but have "lots of life" others are like titanium and never break. Some strings loose tension quickly.
See what I mean when I say there are lots of things to consider.
It is like somebody saying "What car should I drive"?
I would string any racquet at the "low end", meaning if it said 55 to 65, I'd string it at 56 or 57. I am biased though, I never liked my racquet tight. I liked it loose, like my women:142smilie
Let's put it this way, if I was to give you a racquet I'd do the following:
-15 gauge string (some stringers will be like 15 gauge are you sure, just tell em....yes I'm sure.) It is rare for rec players to string a racquet with 15 gauge string, but fuck it, go with the 15 gauge. The 15 gauge string covers more surface area, more surface area covered the better for you. That's what I always say.
-I used "cheap string", worked fine for me. Here is what I used:
I am not sure if they make it any more:shrug: Just stick with a "Synthetic Gut" string and you'll be fine. Don't pay the extra money for Natural Gut or Hybrid, not worth it.
-Don't get pissed if string breaks easily, it is cheap so you have to expect it.
Hope that helps:SIB
Note: I'll be curious if you can find 15 gauge string, it is tough to findkurby