KMA, help me

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1/2 cocked
Forum Member
Nov 10, 2004
Southern California
I mistakenly downloaded "Netflix special" offer and now I have a nightmare of spam and trojan down loaders...

I've use spybot, adaware, Msn antispyware, hijack this and used them in safe mode....all to no avail what next....this is driving me crazy!!!!

Notice to everyone: Don't download NetFlix from the ad in Sunday's newspaper.... :nono:

I've been fighting this for over 3 hours now....and I'm pissed off....!!!!


BSU Cards
Forum Member
Sep 1, 2003
New Palestine Indiana
since it was yesterday, there is probably a restore point that was created recently that you could restore back to and get away from this thing.

Not sure what this netflix special download thing is, I searched and found nothing.
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1/2 cocked
Forum Member
Nov 10, 2004
Southern California
bsucards said:
since it was yesterday, there is probably a restore point that was created recently that you could restore back to and get away from this thing.

Thanks, bsucards, I forgot about the restore points. I went back a week and things seem to be back to normal.
Msn's antispyware identified it as a trojan downloader. It represents itself as a "antispyware" program and it encourages you to download it to get rid of sypware on your computer :nono: . It has other messages that also pop up about every 30 sec's. tell you that your computer is infected and you should download this program to eradicate it.....
It's very nasty and cannot be easily removed.

I believe it came in a package that was imbedded in an offer of free trial subscription to Netflix. I was going to take advantage of the free offer and all hell broke loose when I downloaded the information.

Seems to be under control now...thx again.


Registered User
Forum Member
May 25, 2003
Everything so far about this one seems to indicate that it is not a trojan, it could be a worm at worst. So much so, there are no "removal tools" per se. If yah tell me what is exactly what's happening on your system, then I might be able to home in on a solution fo you.


1/2 cocked
Forum Member
Nov 10, 2004
Southern California
KMA said:
Everything so far about this one seems to indicate that it is not a trojan, it could be a worm at worst. So much so, there are no "removal tools" per se. If yah tell me what is exactly what's happening on your system, then I might be able to home in on a solution fo you.

Thanks, KMA, for responding. I used a restore point and it seemed fix my problem. I did find this, (using msn's anitspyware beta1) AFTER I used the restore function.

BHO.wstart (plug-in)
transponder.VX2A (adware)
transponder TPS108 (browser plug-in)
+ 3 additinal adware entries

The original worm (or trojan) functioned as a pop-up prompting me to download a particular spyware program :nono: . Additional pop-ups with boxes appeared saying I had an infected computer and should download their spyware program to eradicate it. Pop-ups came at a rate of about 1 every minute.....
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