Knock Knock

Senor Capper

is feeling it
Channel Member
Nov 14, 2000
I'm coming in, ready or not.
Nice to have something to keep me busy at least until May.

Many differences in capping Arena as opposed to the NFL.
With the reduced field of play, virtual absence of ANY running play it doesn't do much good to examine passing & defensice stats.

Yup, Arena football is all passing.

There are certain places like Orlando, Tampa Bay and Arizona where teams have been based for awhile and a good homefield advantage has been deleloped.
But I have witnessed that most franchises don't stay around long enough to develope a steady fan-base.

Here in Vegas it used to be the Posse, then the XFL with the Outlaws. Now we acquired (from New Jersey) the Gladiators. Games are going to be shown on NBC & sould be popular, here in Vegas especially against teams owned by Jerry Jones & John Elway.

SOME football is better than NO football.
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