Koffi Anna - shut up!!

Snake Plissken

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Forum Member
Mar 21, 2000
The Island of Manhattan
He is all over the news now that Iraqi civilians have been killed, eagerly blaming the coalition, but where was his outrage about the American POW's? All he could muster was, "Both sides should treat their POW's humanely." And what nerve he had to chastise Condie Rice about getting that humanitarian aid to Iraq. Tell Koffi to get on a boat, dodge those mines, hop in a white UN 4Runner, and drive it there himself if he thinks it's so easy.

Funny how he didn't show concern for Iraqi's when it was Saddam torturing and killing them by the thousands. The Rwanda massacres also seemed to be forgotten by the great humanitarian Koffi.He is very selective about which humanitarian disasters he wants to discuss. The ones that make US look bad are his favorites.:mad:


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Forum Member
Jan 9, 2003
Canton, Ohio
When it comes right down to it.....this war could have been over as soon as we controlled the Iraqi skies......which was immediately. But its not over because we are taking more precaution to protect civillians than any other war in the history of the world.

They use one chemical weapon and you'll see how fast this war can end.
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