Kris' response to "Should I Stay" from Cabo

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Forum Member
Dec 13, 2001
This post is in response to Cabo?s ?Should I Stay or Should I Go?.

Yes, this is the infamous ?KRIS?. A friend of mine, who I turned on to Madjacks?s a year ago because ?Cabo? was a great capper?, gave me a call and told me I had to take a look at this site, which I was very apprehensive to do. To my amazement, I can?t believe Cabo would try to use this site for personal reasons and lie about me in his latest scam over the Internet! All you guys, who replied to Cabo, I respect most of what you guys had to say. I was surprised that most of you were honestly concerned over this ?story?. Well, I?m going too finally make myself feel better and inform the world of the true MR. CABO. I would suggest you all take heart in the truth, and prepare yourself for looking elsewhere for Cabo to be posting. Because when he gets ?caught?, he runs! And the next posts he makes will be behind bars if he?s not careful. If I were a gambling ?woman?, I would never place a bet with Cabo, nor should anyone else. Maybe now, I?ll get legal advice on defamation of character.......

This is so humiliating that I would bring myself onto a message forum in front of total strangers and have to defend my name and honor. But for the first time in four years, I?m taking charge of my life and not going to allow this guy to use me any more for his own selfish, manipulative, deceptive plans. Normally I wouldn?t give a crap what this guy does or says, but after reading this LIE and reading most all your sincere concerns, I honestly feel in my heart, that this guy needs to be exposed for what he really is. First of all, if any of you have really been following Cabo?s posts, you would know that I, Kris, left ?Cabo? FOR GOOD last April. And yes, I did leave because of his gambling, drug addiction, fraudulent lifestyle, criminal behavior, cheating, stealing from his family, lies, need I go on.........

I?m not here to speculate on this latest desperation for money. I?m sure he has done something beyond our belief has normal people to go to this extreme and make up such a story. Believe me, I?ve heard them all.............. What is it this time Cabo, credit cards, gambling, child support, what? But let me inform you all, that this story is a complete LIE. I left Cabo and his dysfunctional behavior last April (through an Annulment, thank the Lord, since he was not divorced when he married me two years earlier, and any of his debts would not follow me). He doesn?t even have his own home, much less any of the imaginary ?passions? that was taken. We do not have children together either?!?. He sure doesn?t have a checking account or any other credit his name. Maybe someone else?s, but not his. That?s probably why he needs the money. To pay off someone??am I right, ?Cabo??!

Lastly, save your time and energy and concern for this latest ?story?. Wade you should really read through these posts and see that there are really good people in this world. One day when you really are in need, there?s not going to be anyone there for you because you have definitely ?cried wolf? one too many times and gone to a major extreme with exploiting me and this story this way.

I?m sure most of you read right through this pity story and knew what he was up to, and I know you all are smart enough to not ?lend him money? or even help this compulsive, insensitive, selfish, con artist. This is still so hard to believe that I lived with this kind of behavior and truly loved this man. He?ll realize that one-day. It hurts to know that he never loved me, but this kind of person is incapable of loving himself, much less anyone else. I am so much better off now. My life has totally done at 180-degree turn around since I got away from this person. I never realized what pain compulsive behaviors could cause those people closest to them.

I?m ending this with an apology of having to take up your time and using this forum that you guys use for your hobby and doing something that most of you do for fun. I?m finally at a place in my life where the life with Cabo was just a bad dream. I did all I could for this man and realize nothing or no one will ever change him. I just couldn?t stand back and watch him get away with this. Wade, you need to take a good look around you. You have nothing and never will until you get professional help. Stop bringing everyone around you down. You are a 38-year-old man, for once in your life, take heed in your mistakes and learn from them. Wade, if not for yourself, but your son.

For you that read this, don?t expect a response back from ?Cabo?. He?s not man enough to come back and tell the truth. With that, God Bless you, take care of yourself and your families, and don?t ever let gambling or anything else bring you down to this level. It does affect everyone around you. Especially those you love. Please keep my family and me in your prayers and have a blessed holiday season! Kris


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Forum Member
Aug 10, 1999
Thanks for clarifying the 'story'. Hopefully nobody was suckered into sending a large sum of money, or any money at all. To try and tug the heartstrings of people in this forum who were obviously concerned and believed what was said (even though the story had so many holes and inconsistencies in it you could dry a mack truck through it..not sure how anyone could believe it) and get them to send money is disgraceful. I'm sure everyone who has been doing this for a period of time has run into financial difficulties as a result of gambling..but to try and 'scam' other people with a BS story...that is just plain terrible.


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 12, 2001
I was just wondering why legal advice had not been sought given the severity of what had happened. . . truly a sad day at MadJacks for those who felt anything for Cabo and his story. I do hope he gets the help he needs.


Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 17, 2000
Interesting. Sad, but interesting.

Good lesson for some junior gamblers perhaps. I've always heard that no one is a complete failure, they can always serve as a bad example.

Kidd's Korner

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Sep 1, 1999
The thing that really cracks me up about this whole soap opera is that many of us are somewhat apprehensive about sending $25 to anyone on this web page or anywhere else on the net for a Bowl Contest or a March madness contest or the like. Many figure, "Well, if I get suckered out of $25 I am the dummy and at least it was only $25."
Even after countless posts are left about "the guy running the contest is an upstanding guy", or "the guy pays when he has a contest. He won't screw you", we still are leery of sending our hard earned money to a frickin' screen name. And how many posts have we read about people getting screwed in contests and on-line bookies??!! I, for one, got taken by a screen name Jayhawk1 and KCRunman who were running a tout service called Winner's Edge. These guys decided to do an online bookie business. Needless to say I was up over 13G's after 2 weeks and never saw a dime. Oh yea, forgot tomention I was dumb enough to send them a money order for $300 after my first week's losses. Again, all the posts from screen names I talked to on a regular basis who told me the guy was legit, convinced me to give hima shot. Well, I was the dumb ass. Some of these screen names even said they had met the guy and they got screwed too. The point is, all we are on this website are screen names. Fortunately, some of you have had the chance to meet and I think that is great. I don't know Mad Jack from Adam. But if I ever meet the guy in person I would buy him a beer and complement him on a great site. If a friendship was built and the guy needed help, I would probably do something for him. But, take it from a past victim, NEVER BE FOOLED BY A STORY. AND NEVER LET UMPTEEN POSTS ABOUT THE PERSON BEING A STAND-UP GUY SWAY YOU INTO STUPIDITY. Hell, send me some money so I can retire at 34.

PS I would like the opportunity to meet some of the great cappers on these boards like HOOPS, RAYMOND, STAG (the GOD of Hockey), Nolan (poker king) and others that I like to read daily. If anyone is ever going out to Vegas for a week let me know so I can try to meet you out there. is my e-mail address.

Good Luck everyone, Happy Holidays, and Beware of Story Tellers.....


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Jul 13, 1999
i dont know who or what to believe, but i do know that it ain't going to continue here.

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