Lakers are Free Money


Urban Achiever
Forum Member
Oct 22, 2009
Love it, Bisket!

Spend it now ;)

Wow, if that's not confirmation for you Jord, I don't know what is. I'll tail for a little bit, but I have so much distrust for this Laker's squad that I can't put too much on it.

Happy Hippo

Forum Member
Mar 2, 2006
Sorry guys, but this has been said twice this season now, that I recall, and both were losers. Nothing is free in gambling. Especially when it comes to the Lakers.

Better luck next time, and try to avoid that phrase. It doesn't work out so well. And by the way, I was on them too, so I'm not trying to be coy.


Forum Member
Jun 27, 2002
Chicago, IL
Hippo meet Bisket. He has had about 30 locks of the year (and about 25 have been winners, although that's not the point). That's just how he calls the game. Don't need to look into it any more than another big play for him. I was just egging him on, playing along

You know I like you Hippo, but really? Like the word "lock" means anything. DO you think we really thought it was free money? Or a "lock?"

Maybe if we would have bet the Lakers, but then came on MJ and posted Memphis is FREE MONEY, then the Lakers would have covered? :shrug: Or do we really have to think it is a lock for the "jinx" to work. Maybe Kobe scoured all the message boards and found the word Lock and threw the game. Wait, but what about the other 7,861 people around the Net that called Memphis a lock tonight... what happened to their jinx? Or can they keep using that term? Avoid the phrase? why? As if it really affects anything?

Silly stuff :mj07:

And even funnier is how people make such a big deal about betting on the Lakers and losing. It's another game. It doesn't matter to me if it's the Lakers, the Bobcats, or Southeast Missouri St. Money is money. A bet is a bet.

Anyhow, not directed all at you Hippo... just an explanation for the people who care so much about the Lakers (if they are such an easy fade, I must be blocked out from seeing the people that keep winning money on them every night) or the terms lock, GOY, free money, etc.


Happy Hippo

Forum Member
Mar 2, 2006
Hippo meet Bisket. He has had about 30 locks of the year (and about 25 have been winners, although that's not the point). That's just how he calls the game. Don't need to look into it any more than another big play for him. I was just egging him on, playing along

You know I like you Hippo, but really? Like the word "lock" means anything. DO you think we really thought it was free money? Or a "lock?"

Maybe if we would have bet the Lakers, but then came on MJ and posted Memphis is FREE MONEY, then the Lakers would have covered? :shrug: Or do we really have to think it is a lock for the "jinx" to work. Maybe Kobe scoured all the message boards and found the word Lock and threw the game. Wait, but what about the other 7,861 people around the Net that called Memphis a lock tonight... what happened to their jinx? Or can they keep using that term? Avoid the phrase? why? As if it really affects anything?

Silly stuff :mj07:

And even funnier is how people make such a big deal about betting on the Lakers and losing. It's another game. It doesn't matter to me if it's the Lakers, the Bobcats, or Southeast Missouri St. Money is money. A bet is a bet.

Anyhow, not directed all at you Hippo... just an explanation for the people who care so much about the Lakers (if they are such an easy fade, I must be blocked out from seeing the people that keep winning money on them every night) or the terms lock, GOY, free money, etc.


Well, if it wasn't directed at me, then maybe you shouldn't have used my name in the post three times.

Just my personal preference, I don't like using the word "lock" or "free money" or "GOY" on posts. No, I don't think it is jinx. Just pointing out that the two times "free money" has been used this year in this forum, the bets lost. And oh yea, all those people did win their Ravens ML bets that you pointed out so kindly to them *weren't* free money too.

Like I said, personally I just don't like it. But glad you could have a laugh at my expense. I'll keep my "silly" opinions to myself.


Forum Member
Jun 27, 2002
Chicago, IL
I don't quite get your ravens connection. They said it was free money... And it was. Tonight bisket said it was free money on lakers and it wasn't.

That seems like 1-1 to me. Shrug


Forum Member
Jun 27, 2002
Chicago, IL
And, it was partially directed at you because it was your comment that I responded to. That's why I said not ALL directed at you. The lakers part wasn't

the addict

Forum Member
Oct 9, 2009
PA proud
Bisket keep it up man you have hands down made me a shit ton of money

One loss is nothing.

Gl tonite.

Happy Hippo

Forum Member
Mar 2, 2006
If it was just a personal thing, then why did you tell us to avoid it? It is silly.

You're right, it was a personal thing and I probably should not have said it. However, I do find it demeaning to be called "silly". You could have got your point across by not using that word and outright laughing at me, and using phrases like, "but really". The tone in your post was demeaning and I don't appreciate it. I try to bring positive takes to this forum, and I don't know why I need to be talked down to like that. If I said one thing that was "stupid", then you could have nicely said what you meant. And you had to ridicule everyone for discussing their loss on the Lakers. Why can't we discuss it? This is a gambling forum, and it should thrive on discussions. I just don't get why people have to call others silly for what they want to talk about in this forum, as long as it is basketball related.

My point about the Ravens thing is that you started a thread to sarcastically ridicule people about their "free money", so I just found it ironic that you then came in here and ridiculed me for my opinion about the phrase "free money".

It was just an opinion, and I guess I should have kept it to myself. Sorry Bisket - I did not mean offense by it, and didn't realize that was your style of posting. Again, I wish you luck in the future, and of course you are entitled to use any kind of phrasing that you want.

I'll stay out of your, and Jord's threads.



Forum Member
Jun 27, 2002
Chicago, IL
You can discuss whatever you want. Wouldn't that then imply that I can discuss whatever I want?... Like making a valid point about the fact that losing money on the Lakers doesn't cost you more than losing on any other team? Seems reasonable to me given your standards of a gambling/NBA forum.

The Ravens point is wrong. There isn't anything ironic. With the Ravens, I was simply implying that +315 on that game was a ridiculous line and seemed "too easy" to grab those odds. So, thinking Vegas set us up, I went the other way. It had nothing to do with the term "free money" or "lock." My opinion in this game was not based on a bad/tricky line, nor did I talk about Vegas or free money in my thread. My post in this thread was simply playing onto Bisket's style for fun and camaraderie. It IS silly to me that people take the term he uses so seriously. I do apologize if that offends you.

And I never took offense to your opinion, I only didn't like being told to avoid a phrase.

However my demeanor came off, I don't know, but I can tell you I don't get worked up about 1 thing in these sports forums. People have done a lot worse things to me than disagree with me on the internet. I always try to argue the points... and I use those phrases to say how I feel. And it is how I feel; and I still feel my post is spot on. Sorry you didn't like it.

Your hoops knowledge is appreciated in this forum.. keep up the good work, and hopefully not to much offense taken


(I see Jack in a corner doing this :facepalm: and posting his icon about someone on the internet being wrong)

Keep hurting em, Bisket


Forum Member
Nov 13, 2009
Seems lots of gamblers have 'big' personalities which is an easy recipe for conflict. Just the nature of things... today's a new day! Lets get em!

the addict

Forum Member
Oct 9, 2009
PA proud
Seems lots of gamblers have 'big' personalities which is an easy recipe for conflict. Just the nature of things... today's a new day! Lets get em!

I've seen posters argue over which tranny is better looking, so ya I agree it seems everyone wants to have an opinion which is good, everyone should have an opinion....

Aslong as people can discuss those opinions in a calm and respectful manner, its all good and nothing to see....

I know personally that HH is a wonderful person before a wonderful capper, and jord always seems to be respectful of others, just a slight disagreement is all...

Onto today and let's all win money....

Although we only have one "consistent" capper her apparently so fuck who knows


Forum Member
Jun 27, 2002
Chicago, IL
I've seen posters argue over which tranny is better looking, so ya I agree it seems everyone wants to have an opinion which is good, everyone should have an opinion....

Aslong as people can discuss those opinions in a calm and respectful manner, its all good and nothing to see....

I know personally that HH is a wonderful person before a wonderful capper, and jord always seems to be respectful of others, just a slight disagreement is all...

Onto today and let's all win money....

Although we only have one "consistent" capper her apparently so fuck who knows

That's all it is to me. No big deal. I say my thoughts on here... no grudges and not personal at all for me. Always looking for whatever edge I can get is all (and occasionally get caught up in a stupid argument here or there).

I'm digging into the college card as I type, in case work gets in the way again, and I have to rush my card like last night.

Load up on the Knicks tonight!!

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