He wrote a very good book back in the 70's.
The National Football Lottery. Its about many things we read and do here. Read it you will like it. Then he held his own as a TV analyst, for a few years. Now he needs to retire and go fishing. He still is looking to ask that perfect question. In the mean time he is asking many stupid ones. He should have retired about 10 years back. .
A friend and I were discussing this very topic last night during the Vargas fight. We agreed that Merchant always wants to break down sporting events into deep life changing questions. I keep waiting for him to discover the meaning of life one of these days, he sure is asking enough questions to find out!
Funny you should post this about Larry. On Friday, I was traveling to Austin. Larry and some clown from the L.A. Times sit accross the aisle from me.
These two talked the entire time on their way to El Paso to cover the fight. If you think he knows nothing about boxing, you should hear his take on MLB.
Oh stewardess, do you have any.......EARPLUGS??????????????