2009 Tennis Record
Parlay 14-21
Head to Head 59-73
Over/Under 3-0
Game Spread 6-12
Prop 1-6
Futures 1-2
-6.28 units:142smilie
Challenger-Samsung Securities Cup. Seoul, Korea
Lukas Lacko beat Thiemo De Bakker $2.00 (+100) *2.5 units:scared
I know most madjackers won't have a line on this match, but some of you may. I do know that madjacker sponsor 5dimes has a line on this match. Match starts around 11:30pm Friday night to 1am Sat morning.
Lacko gets it done at even money
Parlay 14-21
Head to Head 59-73
Over/Under 3-0
Game Spread 6-12
Prop 1-6
Futures 1-2
-6.28 units:142smilie
Challenger-Samsung Securities Cup. Seoul, Korea
Lukas Lacko beat Thiemo De Bakker $2.00 (+100) *2.5 units:scared
I know most madjackers won't have a line on this match, but some of you may. I do know that madjacker sponsor 5dimes has a line on this match. Match starts around 11:30pm Friday night to 1am Sat morning.
Lacko gets it done at even money