lawyer keeping tabs on police at rnc refuses to come forward after cop is stomped


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
"""A protester attacked and seriously injured a plainclothes detective, according to police and witnesses. Hundreds of police in riot gear swarmed the area, pushing protesters away from the Garden and into nearby side streets. Four other police officers suffered minor injuries during the scuffle.

Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly called it "a blatant, vicious attack."

The plainclothes detective who was attacked, William Sample, was hospitalized Tuesday with serious facial trauma, but his injuries were not life threatening, police said. His assailant was being sought by police....

The New York Civil Liberties Union accused police of having raised tensions by not explaining to the crowd what they were doing with the barricades. Police said they were keeping open a lane for emergency vehicles.


a lawyer/observer was right next to the perpetrator while he was stomping the showed her in her little observer/ lawyer`s guild/nyclu green cap.....

she obviously saw the attack.....but has not come forward to help police identify the attacker.....they have requested that she come forward.....she has not....

she`s there to assist in nabbing cops who cross the line.....not thugs that attack and stomp cops......

another reason to hate these pieces of sh-t that hide behind the veil of the legal profession......


doctor`s have to live by the hippocratic oath....

it seems nowadays,lawyer`s live by what should be called the "hypocrite`s oath".....
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dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
yep they do their best to disarm the police....then the same party tries to mask this by paying for hundreds of thousands of more police from the federla government

but the police cant do anything

its funny how these protestors preach tolerance of everyone and then sucker punch and berate anyone who disagrees with them....


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
You could be correct Edward-- as I stated elsewhere there is little press coverage on this so far--I am asking myself how are they sure it was a lawyer--I think they are pinning a lot of evidence on blue hat. If it turns out correct however I am sure Kerry and Edwards camp has plenty of legal beagals to lend her legal support. ;)

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001
Just wait until the swift boat guys get a hold of this story. I can see it now, "Although I wasn't in New York City when the attorney stood there, I was in New Jersey and I heard a bunch of stories how she really just didnt stand there but in reality the lawyer assisted in beating the cops." "She is not fit to be a lawyer".

My God are you all that sick. The undoing of America is taking place in New York City right now.



Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
Im still trying to understand where his partner was. They work undercover in pairs at these events.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
where was his partner?...are you kidding?......did anyone see the film?...the size of that throng of people?....

isn`t anyone bright enough to comprehend the oldest "lawyer`s ruse" in the books?....change the subject...put the onus on the aggrieved party...the old misdirection play...

why ask "where`s the partner"...when the question is,"where`s the lawyer" that stood 2 feet away and watched the entire assault?...


edward...not all lawyers......not even most lawyers are abusive of their profession.......

but enough to ruin the reputation of the rest of you...

i`m just baffled that.....if that woman was an "officer of the court"( let`s use that term instead of lawyer) she was out there to report observe and report... isn`t she obligated to step forward and help authorities?

or is it really a oneway street?.....

and if that`s the case,...why is that the case?......

it`s not o.k. for cops to brutalize deminstrators..agreed....even though some are there for the sole purpose to disrupt and create problems....

but it is o.k. to almost beat cops to death....while an officer of the court "observes" but doesn`t "report". ....

and then,the aclu chimes in blaming the cops for being the best scumbaggy tradition of aclu lawyers trying to divert the focus of the issue......furthering their reputation as an extreme, left wing,radical fringe group hiding behind what should be considered an honorable profession.....

very sad indeed...
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Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
So if the guy does not know it's a cop it's ok. But other wise of course it's not ok. Theres no question about that. But you believe some lawyer was to stop all this. But this guys partner can't help. What about the other 100 people walking by? Were they all lawyers. And what about we here now some protesters have had her heads broken open. Why everyone watch that. You ant see chit. This stuff is mild.
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el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
i wasn`t meaning to jump you,my brother.......i just get a little itchy when the focus of the debate get`s conveniently diverted...

you da` man,chan...


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky

Covering for a Criminal

Thursday, September 02, 2004

By John Gibson

Well, guess what? I finally got some answers about that lawyer from the National Lawyers Guild (search) who the cops wanted to help identify the guy who stomped a cop during one of these convention protests. It turns out... she's not a lawyer.

She's a computer worker who was given a green hat, signifying a lawyer from the National Lawyers Guild and told to go out in the protests and watch for cops mistreating protestors.

As it turned out, it was protesters mistreating cops and ?Ms. Lawyer Wannabe? made herself scarce rather than help the cops identify the cop stomper.

Now, the National Lawyers Guild says it is representing her and guild lawyers are charging that the cop who got stomped deserved it: That he was recklessly and dangerously charging the crowd on his motorcycle.

Look, the National Lawyers Guild formed in the 1950s to defend Communists. As you can see, its great traditions have been carried forward to this very day.

And it turns out the so-called protester wasn't a protester at all, but a cheap street thug who lived in a halfway house and was out looking to put his foot in a cop's face. He was arrested at another protest when he no doubt planned to do the same cop stomping act as the first protest.

So the computer-geek-turned-lawyer-wannabe for the National Lawyers Guild was not protecting a protester who was standing up to The Machine, or The Man, or whatever. It was just another chump street criminal. And the National Lawyers Guild doesn't want to help the cops take a street criminal off the streets?

This whole thing is worse than I thought. If it had just been politics ? the lefties trying to cover for the lefties ? OK, that's the way the world is. But it's the lefties trying to avoid helping put an honest-to-god criminal in jail?

How did this half-century-old group of lawyers go from just plain wrong to just plain stupid?


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
Yes and the guy doing the kicking was a local hood not even part of the demos. Still very mild. I didn't even see one car turn upside down and buring.

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001

As I indicated earlier in this thread (post 5) two days ago, as Paul Harvey would say, I preferred to wait for the rest of the story. Well there it is. However, this thread is reflective of several issues which I have been ranting about since I began posting here at Madjacks.

Initially, the thread was started by the weasel from New Jersey who wrongully assumed that the person who alledgedly did not assist the cop was a lawyer. The weasel then stated that this story (as initally reported) "... was another reason to hate pieces of shit who hide behind the veil of the legal profession".

This rash, incorrect, and biased post by the weasel (maybe I will call him "W") clearly represents certain types of individuals who have been posting at this forum who 1) take stories out of context to support their positions, 2) use such misleading stories to support popular themes intiated by several special interest groups (ie hatred of lawyers), and 3) jump to conclusions without looking into the facts as long as those rash, unsupported conclusion fit their belief systems.

What effect does this thread have, you ask? Look at the title of this thread. "Lawyer keeping tabs on police refuses to come forward after cop is stomped." Now a lurker or member casually surfing the politics and religion forum will see this title which supports the popular belief that lawyers are scumbags will reinforce his already inaccurate viewpoint and come away with a reinforced belief that such belief is true.

This story, as initially reported is inaccurate. It was not a lawyer, but rather a computer worker. However, computer workers who watch and do nothing while a cop gets stomped ain't quite as newsworthy is it boys. That doesn't fit a popular theme conceived by special interest groups. I mean none of us hate computer workers. Let me put it another way W, "... another reason to hate pieces of shit who hide behind the veil of the computer worker profession".

By the way, what is a computer worker anyway? I mean right now, I'm working on the computer. My secretary is working on the computer. Wayne is working on the computer. This leads me to my next example of erroneous and misleading posts made at this forum by certain indiviuals with an agenda which are designed to drive home points not based on fact but, rather based on misleading, media driven, innuedno, supposition and out and out lies in an emotional appeal to enforce right wing principles.

Lets examine the article posted by Wayne which retracts the earlier erroneous new story that the women who blatently watched and walked away from the dismantling of a police officer by protesters was a lawyer who, as W said, lived by the "...hypocrites oath". Was this story a retraction or in reality a spun editorial by someone with an agenda? Initially, lets look at who wrote the article so gratiously provided by Wayne. John Gibson. John, is employed by Fox News. You know, part of the liberal media.

Now, lets look at the facts in Johnnies story. Fact (1), the woman was not a lawyer but, rather a computer worker. Who did the woman work for? The article does not say. Now, Johnnie reports that "Ms Lawyer Wannabe" made herself scarce rather than help the cops. Well, I got some problems with this. Did Johnnie talk to the woman? How does he know that she wants to be a lawyer? How does he know, as he reports, that the protesters were stomping the cops? Are there any quotes in this story?

Johnnie then states, as fact, that the National Lawyers Guild was "...formed in the 50's to represent communists." Well, boys and girls I never heard of the National Lawyers Guild, so being the inquisitive fellow that I am, I pumped those key words into my handy dandy google search engine.

Then, unlike Johnnie, I clicked on the National Lawyers Guild website. I went to the "about us" tab and then clicked on history. It appears that Johnnie was inaccurate about when this organization was formed. He said 50's but in reality it was 1937. Now that error was rather insignificant. But wait, theres more.

It appears that the "communists" that this organization was representing were the McCarthy era blacklisted Americans during the communist scare. Johnnie also fails to point out that this group assisted in the prosecution of Nazi war criminals at the Nuremburg trials.

To be fair, this is a group of lawyers more akin to the ACLU than it is to mainstream legal associations like the ABA. So for those of you who think that the ACLU are Satans attorneys here is more fodder for your coffers. More of a fringe group and not mainstream.

If you really look at this article please count the facts and the verification of facts reported by Mr. Gibson. It appears to me that the only fact in the story is that the woman was not a lawyer. However, Johnnie, in his fair and unbiased manner, turns this story into another attack on lawyers!!!! Amazing.

The story is not factual. It is Johnnies way of reporting, in a completely biased fashion, that the "lawyer" is now a "lawyer wannabe". Ask yourself, did Johnnie report both sides of this story? Did Johnnie talk to the protesters, or as he refers to them, "street thugs"? Did he report their side and the police side, so that we can decide.

He did not. He wrote a story that barely reports that the EARLIER STORY WAS WRONG, yet spins it in such a way that it continues to reinforce the belief that lawyers are scumbags. If it wasn't a lawyer it was a lawyer wannabe. Hell, maybe she hates lawyers and is a reporter wannabe.

This srory was portrayed as factual yet is in reality a thinly veiled editorial advancing Fox News conservative conservative, anti-lawyer agenda. Yet, the American public buys into these sound bite editorials as "news" when in reality it is propoganda.

These are the type of stories that Wayne and anothers post at these forums on a daily basis. Stories which are in fact just that, stories. Not news but artfully crafted prose designed to advance popular misconceptions that feed into the publics preconceived notions.

It is effective to polarize as the Republicans are doing. It is effective to refer to all trial lawyers as "predators" as Dr. Bill Frist did several nights ago. It is effective to be divisive. It is effective to fight instead of work out solutions. It is effective to make people black and white instead of seeing them as grey.

Ask yourself, who is effective for. You might find the answer a bit scary.

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Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
1st Edward
Is is evident you are dismissing my acknowledgement my agreeing with you right after your intial post.

"You could be correct Edward-- as I stated elsewhere there is little press coverage on this so far--I am asking myself how are they sure it was a lawyer--I think they are pinning a lot of evidence on blue hat. If it turns out correct however I am sure Kerry and Edwards camp has plenty of legal beagals to lend her legal support."

2nd.Gibson (of Fox) did say intially that an attorney was suspected
but when he corrected it it was his main theme on day and if you look on Fox news on Net today,his correcting is top billing not hidden on the 11th page as you would find on NY Times.

3rd The National Lawyers Guild is defending her for what refusing to come forward when policeman is seriously injured---just as bad or worse than if they had witnessed it themselves---as I said before wonder whather attitude would be in she was gang raped and everyone stood by and watched and fail to come forward

4th Don't try and make the National Lawyers Guild look like anything they aren't--little sister to ACLU.

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001

I did not dismiss your acknowledgement. I'm merely pointing out how Mr. Gibson buried the retraction, then spun his opinions to prove the point the erroneous representation was trying to prove in the first place. What did I just say?

I'm not discussing what Gibson did or did not do anywhere other than your post. A simple reading of the article retracts the error but then goes on to say lawyers are scumballs. I'd be interested if you read the article any differently.

Is she charged with a crime? If not, what is the National Lawyers Guild defending. Hey, with reference to your analogy, this country is being gang raped by your boys in DC and everyone seems to be standing around watching.

Lastly, you don't seem to want to acknowledge that I did say this group did not represent mainstream lawyers (ABA) but rather was more of a fringe group akin to the ACLU. Mr. Gibson does not mention this however, implying that this is typical of all lawyers.

It would be like me saying Alan Keyes is typical of all republicans. Other than Dr. Freeze, I would think that you would agree with me and state that carpetbagger Keyes represents the fringe ultra, ultra right wing of your party.



el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
she wasn`t a lawyer....o.k...

..but was representing the lawyer`s guild.......

she was there to ensure that the cops didn`t act irresponsibly in response to the shenanigans of the protestors....

but,she was representing "the lawyer`s guild".......she did have an observer`s "little green hat"...SHE WAS THERE TO OBSERVE AND REPORT....

it didn`t matter that a citizen was very nearly killed....and that authorities requested that she come forward to help identify the culprit....WHAT MATTERED WAS THAT THE CITIZEN WAS A COP...

why didn`t she,at least as a good citizen,come forward and do her civiic duty?

because,my friends,the lawyers guild is the aclu,agenda driven.....

they aren`t about "the law"....they are ,again,AGENDA DRIVEN"....

she was there to try and make the cop`s job as difficult as play gotcha....

citizenship be damned....doing the right thing?....the hell with that....

it doesn`t suit their purposes.....

the lady wasn`t a lawyer,but she was their surrogate...

and her well as the legal spin making the cop out to be the bad guy here,are reprehensible...

i ask of anyone reading this..... would you,if you saw a man assaulted and nearly killed,willingly assist the cops in identifying the assailant?

my guess is that most would say yes....because,i believe that most on this board are solid citizens...

but,that`s what we`ve come to expect from these radical legal groups hiding behind the constitution and the law....

nice try,eddie........ehhhh,,or eae...or "I LOVE WR"......



Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
Serious injury. I'm waiting for the law suite to just see how bad. Then everyone will love that lawyer trying to get this policeman tons of cash. It will be OK then. But if that policeman beats some guys lights out it's OK. Just doing his job. Is that what were saying. By the way the local hood that did this I believe was released already. And admits was not even part of these demonstrations.

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001

Like Johnnie Gibson, I love your spin. Thank you for proving my point. Initially, you prejudged the article. Now you have prejudged what happened. You are a very good republican, W.

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