Lay 107 is a sham...

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Forum Member
Nov 29, 2003
I received a free $25 test drive account from lay 107 in early November....

Through some good luck and a few good picks and a winning parlay or two by Thanksgiving eve I had app. $350 in the account..

That same night I hit a straight bet on Texas Tech over Utah, and 3 hockey totals and round robin, got the account up to the sum of $790...

So, thinking that somewhere I read a clause to the free acount stating that there was a $500 cap to winnings off the free account, I decided to verify whether or not this was true.....for if it was true then why should I risk trying to win more when all I could do was lose under the cap or win money I couldn't collect?

I called Thanksgiving night and the operator I talked to informed me that all thier accounts were the same, that in fact the stipulation was that I could only withdraw $500 at one time, that if I had, say $2000 in the account I could only take out up to $500....

I thought that was a bit strange, but trusted her word while somewhere in the back of my head I should have called later for a confirmation of that policy.

So, I took it for granted that I could win more and proceeded to place more bets and actually built the account to a peak of around $1055.....over the course of the next month I lost over 70% of that, then built it back up to around $757. I then decided after seeing some shortfalls in thier lines, or lack of some lines for that matter, that I would move some money out of there just to see how they would respond.

I called customer service to see if they could send me $600. I was told there was a $500 cap to the winnings, that they would take the $25 startup out of that and I would receive $475. After a neteller fee of $15 that sum now became $460. I asked if the $25 could be taken out of the balance of the account and if they could send me the full $500.....they stated it could not....So I settled for the $460, they said it would take about an hour to process the neteller transaction.....I was fine with that.

Two hours later I tried moving the funds out of my neteller account only to see that it hadn't been funded. I called to find out the status of the transaction, asking if they could send me the full $500 and take the $25 from the balance of the account.....this different operator told me that this was possible.....ok, now I got two different answers. As far as the transaction, she stated that the person who authorizes transactions had left and would not be back until later......

Now I just went from "we can process that in about an hour" to "the person who does that is not around".....what the hell???

Two hours later I called back after trying to finish the neteller transaction, still getting the unfunded neteller account line....I called cus service as to the status......this now different operator from the others I talked to said that it would be processed and in my neteller account tomorrow.....I was getting the runaround and getting a tad pissed.....So I asked for a supervisor and she told me she could process the transaction.....

A short time later the money was in my neteller account, the $25 startup was subtracted along with the $15 neteller fee. A short time later the remaining $253 was listed as a "debit adjustment" and erased from the account, to leave the account at a balance of $0.00....

Overall I guess I'm grateful at the free shot they gave me, I did earn $460 that I didn't have before......but thier operators are definitely undertrained.....I had asked one of them how much money I'd have to deposit to activate the whole balance of my account.....she was vague about it and stated something to the effect of around $50 or $100....Do they even have a set percentage or specified amount????

I got three different answers as to the status of the neteller transaction.....

Then after all that the remaining balance was confiscated and the account balance was zeroed out....

I can definitely say that I'm not going to have anything to do with lay 107 or thier affiliates....they have NO overnight lines, they rarely post halftime lines on the late games, and they withhold some halftime numbers that they consider beatable that other more reputable sportsbooks offer to thier customers...

I got $460 from them but I spent a complete month wasting my time trying to build up an account that was basically topped out.

After all this they take the remaining $257 and zero out the account.....POOR CUSTOMER SERVICE IN LIGHT OF THE FACT THAT BETTER SPORTSBOOKS HAVE FEWER OR NO STIPULATIONS ON LIMITS ON WINNINGS....I will not go back to them, in fact I will run them into the ground via the forums.....


Forum Member
Aug 31, 2003
New Jersey
Thanks for sharing. Very tough situation but at least you did get something out of them.

Turning 25 bucks into over a dime is an impressive feat though - really sucks that you couldn't cash out.

Because of stories like this I only use one of Jack's sponsors, too many shady operations out there.


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Forum Member
Nov 29, 2003
I was looking back at some pages I saved....the exact wording they used was:

"maximum payout is $500 from the $25 test-drive promotion, unless additional funds are deposited by customer"

No one seemed to know or could tell me exactly what amount I would have to deposit to fulfill that clause....

Is it a set percentage of the account or a set figure? No one I talked to could tell me that.....the best answer I got to that question was the clerk who told me "well, maybe if you could send us 50 or 100 dollars" was clear to me that she didn't know herself and I got the feeling if I sent them "x" amount of dollars that maybe upon my retirement age and rolling it over how many times that if I wanted to withdraw some out of the account that they would look back and say "I see by our records that you deposited "x" with us and thats the most you can withdraw."......

They are basically in the commodities business and being in that business the only thing they have to offer is service......the service I got was incredibly poor.....neteller is a lot faster system than they turned it into....

I wasn't demanding my money and I was quite fine with the process taking an hour, but after some time and getting three different answers as to the status of the transaction, each answer getting worse than the last one, and there's only one person there who can authorize these transactions?

The analogy I would use in this instance would be something to the effect of a head contractor building a house for you, then he takes the blueprints with him and tells his carpenters to get to one there seemed to know what was going on or could give me any of the specific answers to the questions I was asking.....
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Dec 18, 2001
HOLLYWOOD, FL said their reps were undertrained. Give it a thought, maybe their clerks are trained just fine. That is to get you confused, bewidered, headed the wrong way and ready to get pissed & give up & bet more(&lose).This sounds like a trick that (Nasa) would pull. But, believe me, their tricks are worse than 107's and their reps are sharper (more double & triple talk than you could even keep track of). The dumber these clerks sound to you=the smarter some of them really are. Congrats on your $460........a bonafide coup.


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Nov 29, 2003
Hitman.....thanks for the words.....there actually was a side of me wondering if I wasn't getting the stall put on me in hopes that I would lose it all back.....I guess I'm not the only one who has little thoughts like those creep into his mind.....that one creeped into my mind but just ever so slightly on the radar screen...

I posted this at the other place, you know, the place described by that little slip of paper you take to the druggist to get your prescription filled?

I went into more detail over there.....seems things got a little more heated over most things do there....

If you get a chance you might want to go there and read up....seems like most people over there are satisfied with "C" class sportsbooks with crummy service and late or nonexistant lines......


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Forum Member
Dec 18, 2001
K ,marco, maybe I will visit. The thoughts I mention do more than creep into my mind..........I am SURE that it is a legitimate thought process on my part. Not at all the shops, tho, may I add . I have never even whiffed it at Carib, Pinnacle, Olympic, etc. I equate it to anyone walking into a car dealership or an insurance company. Go into he dealership and they will "bag"90% of the customers that walk thru the door. Face it, they do this 24/7, every day of the year, and the customers turn into "marks" quickly. They know every trick play, end around and quarterback sneak in the book. And when those don't work, they will go back to the archives of the 50's and run a "statue of liberty" play or give you a "drop kick". They will even punt on 3rd down with a "quick kick".How are you going to play their "games" & win ?? Especially over the phone--to a business that is not governed by our laws and more often than not with a person whose skills in speaking English are limited. Or, with a manager who changes names on a weekly basis, shows up for "work" an hour per day.............Or who doesn't even exist.
As I intimated before, you did good............enjoy your winnings !
And don't set foot near those types ever again.
Thanks for enlightening us.
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Mr Hockey

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Forum Member
Mar 17, 2003
Just be glad you got anything. They didn't have to give you a free $25 to begin with. Maybe you would avoid things like this if you would avoid freebies to begin with.