Lebron James needs.......

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Forum Member
Jan 23, 2001
to admit he's getting all kinds of stuff for free.Or he needs to learn to not flaunt things in the public eye.He came to his high school game wearing a $1000 suit and new shoes.He also had 2 huge diamond earrings in and 2 gold chains.Not to mention the cell phone...and he is from the inner city projects.So he's driving around the projects in a customized H2 with TV's in it wearing his $1000 suit and his new shoes talking on his cell phone and bling-blinging with his gold and diamonds......NA....he's not getting any special treatment.I dont doubt his talent for one second but he has no business playing amateur sports with all the infractions he has committed.Take the money and run....especially before you blow a knee out....:D
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