carlos bledsoe aka "abdul hakim mujahid muhammad".......hmmm?... just like the muslim converts that planned to bomb the joooos in new york....
the media take?.."Political and religious motives?"
um, could they be more cryptically uncryptic?.. one soldier was murdered and a second injured, and they're dancing around the possibility that it was jihad.....shocking!
look out !..gitmo grads.. coming to a big house near you!....
"what`s the big deal?...'scuse me while i burn some incense in front of my obama statue"
carlos bledsoe aka "abdul hakim mujahid muhammad".......hmmm?... just like the muslim converts that planned to bomb the joooos in new york....
the media take?.."Political and religious motives?"
um, could they be more cryptically uncryptic?.. one soldier was murdered and a second injured, and they're dancing around the possibility that it was jihad.....shocking!
look out !..gitmo grads.. coming to a big house near you!....
"what`s the big deal?...'scuse me while i burn some incense in front of my obama statue"