let's ALL help to defeat this gambling bill!!


Staff member
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Jul 13, 1999
posted by THE SHRINK


First, keep in mind this legislation must be approved by the Senate EXACTLY as it was written in the House before it can go to the president.

The Johnson bill in the Senate is different from the House bill. If it passes the Senate and nothing further happens, the issue is dead, because in order for a bill to go to the president, both houses must approved the EXACT same language, and I mean EXACT, right down to the punctuation.

If both houses pass a different language, then a conference committee will have to iron out the differences and send the final bill back to both House and Senate for another vote.

If the Senate is serious about passing a net gambling bill, watch for an attempt to pass the House bill rather than the Johnson language.

With time drawing short in this session of Congress, time is on our side. Things change daily, but I expect the Senate will finish their pre election work by Oct 15, then come back for a quick lame duck session in mid november, but that is very much subject to change.

SECOND...supporters of this bill accross the country did little to urge its passage. I know of one office that got omly four form letters urging its adoption over the last couple of weeks.


I received the following email from someone in a congressman's office who sides with us...

"I checked with several other offices. No one received any letters or phone calls urging the bill's defeat.

Congress is like any other body, the squeaky wheel gets the grease, and 'net gamblers sure didn't "squeak" about this bill.

What the heck were people doing on your website yesterday bitching about whether the bill was passed by a voice vote or roll call??? That was completely immaterial! What matters is that the bill passed and virtually no one took 3 minutes to call their representative before the vote.

I am not sure people realize the gravity of the situation here. Ken, may I suggest you contact every one of the sites that advertises with you. You need to explain the sitaution clearly to them They need to send emails to each of their customers explaining how vital it is that they contact their elected officials in both the House and Senate about this (I have explained how to do it in a previous email to you--NO FORM LETTERS!).

If net gamblers sit back and do nothing, then they will get exactly what they deserve and have no right to complain about it."

If gamblers want to do something to help our cause, I URGE that you call the number below and insist on speaking to one of your SENATORS.

Even if you don't know their names, the Washington D.C office can assist you with that, and they will connect you to the Senator's office in your state...

I strongly suggest you ask for the DEMOCRATIC SENATOR in your State because the Republicans can probably not be pursuaded to changes their minds...

The DEMOCRATS may be able to help squash this bill, but they will only do so, if we make some noise...

I am so frustrated to learnt that hardly anyone called to voice their opinions...

If we sit back and do nothing, don't come posting and crying on these forums about this bill...

We can do something RIGHT NOW!

The choice is YOURS!

Please take 2 minutes NOW to call the number below, ask for the DEMOCRATIC SENATOR of your STATE and leave your name, address and message that you oppose HR 556 because it goes against your consitutional rights and you don't want to be told what you can or cannot do in the confines of your homes, period!

Call your SENATOR, dial (202) 224-3121 and give them your zip code. When you reach your representative?s office, tell them the substance of the message above!!!



Nick Douglas

Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 31, 2000
Los Angeles, CA, USA
I want to bump this back up to the top. I am going to call this phone number on Friday morning and I hope you all do the same. Polititians do respond when they are deluged with enough angry contituents. Another good idea may be to write letters to local media outlets, but support may be lukewarm at best there. If a major newspaper would come out against this bill it would certainly help a lot, but that may be unreasonable to expect.



Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 24, 1999
So Cal
I am not following you Nick, I promise. But I echo his response. Take 2 minutes out of your life and make that phone call. Politicians go which ever way the wind blows. Do it!


Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 12, 1999

"Call your SENATOR, dial (202) 224-3121 and give them your zip code. When you reach your representative?s office, tell them the substance of the message above!!!"
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