First time was 1964. got layed.
Lost money. Not much did'nt have much.
1969 got layed I think. Lost money Still did'nt have much.
1978 Bowling tourny. Wife was with. Did not get layed.
1983 Won some money. Around 300 bucks. It took 3 days of 10/20 dollar a hand BJ. Shit harder then a real job. Can't remember if I got layed.
1990 Bad trip lots of rain and cold. Lost over a grand. Most on buckets that I was not to smart at. A lesson in do your home work. All these times and I still have not seen that dam.
Now I still have a dam to see and Fletchers pool. So next S B, Im going to see both. And depends if the wife comes or not if I get?