LETS say the judge was REPUBLICan THE DA the court stenographer all the poeople besides his magats reupblicans the millions in social media you tube face book X instagram all republicans and HE was still found Guilty on all 34 counts!!!!
Then what would trump and his weak team of lawyers say it was rigged that his own Party and magats were politically motivated.... by whom? in short this is what republicans always do they go out commit crimes then when it goes sideways they blame someone else
any way i would love on july 11th that he has to report to NYC probation officer every week
Then what would trump and his weak team of lawyers say it was rigged that his own Party and magats were politically motivated.... by whom? in short this is what republicans always do they go out commit crimes then when it goes sideways they blame someone else
any way i would love on july 11th that he has to report to NYC probation officer every week