Total Population 318,745,538 current as of 2015
Black or African American 37,685,848 12.2%
Whitey 199,817,552 63.7%
OMFG that was from 2010
Race And America's Prisons: It's Complicated
We were a little surprised by just how many black men were behind bars in Wisconsin (1 in 8), but when you drill down to Milwaukee, the state's largest city, the numbers get even more eye-popping: 1 in 2 black men in their 30s there have spent some time locked up.
Racial Disparity
The United States criminal justice system is the largest in the world. At yearend 2011, approximately 7 million individuals were under some form of correctional control in the United States, including 2.2 million incarcerated in federal, state, or local prisons and jails.1) The U.S. has the highest incarceration rate in the world, dwarfing the rate of nearly every other nation.2)
Such broad statistics mask the racial disparity that pervades the U.S. criminal justice system. Racial minorities are more likely than white Americans to be arrested; once arrested, they are more likely to be convicted; and once convicted, they are more likely to face stiff sentences. African-American males are six times more likely to be incarcerated than white males and 2.5 times more likely than Hispanic males.3)
If current trends continue, one of every three black American males born today can expect to go to prison in his lifetime, as can one of every six Latino males?compared to one of every seventeen white males.4) Racial and ethnic disparities among women are less substantial than among men but remain prevalent.5)
According to the FBI in 2013, the last stats available African- Americans committed almost 54 percent of all murders in the U.S.A. when race is cited in the police report. As you may know African-Americans account for 13 percent of the population. So you can see the murder stats are way out of proportion.
Crime Stats Alarm Black Leaders
January 26, 2014 AFP 64 Comments
? Shocking new study on youth arrests lays bare facts about crime and race in America
By Victor Thorn
The implications are shocking: Nearly 50% of all black males and 38% of white men will be arrested by the age of 23. These statistics, compiled by four college professors between the years 1997-2008, were published in the January 6 edition of the journal Crime & Delinquency.
The biggest question one takes away from this study is what types of crimes are these young adults committing? Not surprisingly, there exists a great deal of variance depending on the perpetrator?s race.
A 2012 study by the Department of Justice?s Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention revealed that in 2010 black youths committed six times more murders, three times more rapes, 10 times more robberies and three times more assaults than did their white counterparts.
Similar statistics were released by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in the ?Uniform Crime Reports.? They determined, ?In the year 2008, black youths, who make up 16% of the youth population, accounted for 52% of juvenile violent crime arrests, including 58% for homicide and 67% for robbery.? By contrast, the only categories where white youths surpassed blacks were in liquor law violations and driving under the influence.
Even black civil rights advocates such as Van Jones, President Barack Obama?s former green jobs czar, confirmed these findings. In his October 5, 2005 article, ?Are Blacks a Criminal Race?? Jones wrote, ?African American youth represent 32% of all weapons arrests [and] were arrested for aggravated assault at a rate nearly three times that of whites.?
To better comprehend this trend, on January 10 AMERICAN FREE PRESS spoke with veteran journalist and author Alan Caruba. When questioned about the proliferation of black crime, Caruba explained, ?The black community is afflicted with all kinds of problems based on a long history of failing to integrate fully into the overall community.?
Pointing to current events, Caruba explained: ?The knockout game is a good example of what?s wrong today. It goes straight to the heart of how [blacks] are raised. It?s a disturbing trend that all of us need to pay more attention to.?
The so-called ?knockout game? was made popular largely by gangs of teenage blacks who select a random person and try to knock them unconscious with one punch to the head or face.
Although few publications other than AFP have the courage to buck political correctness and address the actualities of this social cancer in a forthright manner, in a 2011 speech Philadelphia?s black Mayor Michael Nutter offered the following admonishment to black youths:
?You have damaged your own race,? he said. ?Take those damned hoodies down. Pull your pants up and buy a belt because no one wants to see your underwear or the crack of your butt.?
Summarizing this entire matter was former federal prosecutor Andrew C. McCarthy who, on September 30, 2005 declared:
?Some identifiable groups . . . commit crime at a rate that is higher than the national rate. Blacks are such a group. That is simply a fact.?
I guess now maybe we can see WHY Cops are scared to death when confronted by minorties in crminal situtaions :0003
Black or African American 37,685,848 12.2%
Whitey 199,817,552 63.7%
OMFG that was from 2010
Race And America's Prisons: It's Complicated
We were a little surprised by just how many black men were behind bars in Wisconsin (1 in 8), but when you drill down to Milwaukee, the state's largest city, the numbers get even more eye-popping: 1 in 2 black men in their 30s there have spent some time locked up.
Racial Disparity
The United States criminal justice system is the largest in the world. At yearend 2011, approximately 7 million individuals were under some form of correctional control in the United States, including 2.2 million incarcerated in federal, state, or local prisons and jails.1) The U.S. has the highest incarceration rate in the world, dwarfing the rate of nearly every other nation.2)
Such broad statistics mask the racial disparity that pervades the U.S. criminal justice system. Racial minorities are more likely than white Americans to be arrested; once arrested, they are more likely to be convicted; and once convicted, they are more likely to face stiff sentences. African-American males are six times more likely to be incarcerated than white males and 2.5 times more likely than Hispanic males.3)
If current trends continue, one of every three black American males born today can expect to go to prison in his lifetime, as can one of every six Latino males?compared to one of every seventeen white males.4) Racial and ethnic disparities among women are less substantial than among men but remain prevalent.5)
According to the FBI in 2013, the last stats available African- Americans committed almost 54 percent of all murders in the U.S.A. when race is cited in the police report. As you may know African-Americans account for 13 percent of the population. So you can see the murder stats are way out of proportion.
Crime Stats Alarm Black Leaders
January 26, 2014 AFP 64 Comments
? Shocking new study on youth arrests lays bare facts about crime and race in America
By Victor Thorn
The implications are shocking: Nearly 50% of all black males and 38% of white men will be arrested by the age of 23. These statistics, compiled by four college professors between the years 1997-2008, were published in the January 6 edition of the journal Crime & Delinquency.
The biggest question one takes away from this study is what types of crimes are these young adults committing? Not surprisingly, there exists a great deal of variance depending on the perpetrator?s race.
A 2012 study by the Department of Justice?s Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention revealed that in 2010 black youths committed six times more murders, three times more rapes, 10 times more robberies and three times more assaults than did their white counterparts.
Similar statistics were released by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in the ?Uniform Crime Reports.? They determined, ?In the year 2008, black youths, who make up 16% of the youth population, accounted for 52% of juvenile violent crime arrests, including 58% for homicide and 67% for robbery.? By contrast, the only categories where white youths surpassed blacks were in liquor law violations and driving under the influence.
Even black civil rights advocates such as Van Jones, President Barack Obama?s former green jobs czar, confirmed these findings. In his October 5, 2005 article, ?Are Blacks a Criminal Race?? Jones wrote, ?African American youth represent 32% of all weapons arrests [and] were arrested for aggravated assault at a rate nearly three times that of whites.?
To better comprehend this trend, on January 10 AMERICAN FREE PRESS spoke with veteran journalist and author Alan Caruba. When questioned about the proliferation of black crime, Caruba explained, ?The black community is afflicted with all kinds of problems based on a long history of failing to integrate fully into the overall community.?
Pointing to current events, Caruba explained: ?The knockout game is a good example of what?s wrong today. It goes straight to the heart of how [blacks] are raised. It?s a disturbing trend that all of us need to pay more attention to.?
The so-called ?knockout game? was made popular largely by gangs of teenage blacks who select a random person and try to knock them unconscious with one punch to the head or face.
Although few publications other than AFP have the courage to buck political correctness and address the actualities of this social cancer in a forthright manner, in a 2011 speech Philadelphia?s black Mayor Michael Nutter offered the following admonishment to black youths:
?You have damaged your own race,? he said. ?Take those damned hoodies down. Pull your pants up and buy a belt because no one wants to see your underwear or the crack of your butt.?
Summarizing this entire matter was former federal prosecutor Andrew C. McCarthy who, on September 30, 2005 declared:
?Some identifiable groups . . . commit crime at a rate that is higher than the national rate. Blacks are such a group. That is simply a fact.?
I guess now maybe we can see WHY Cops are scared to death when confronted by minorties in crminal situtaions :0003