LIBERALS (cute column)

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Jan 21, 2001
Coming soon:

Anti-war protesters have shed their garments in an effort to convince the masses that war is evil. The politically-inspired-stripping is necessary since clothing would get in the way of the holes that they speak from.

Another anti-war protest is the performance of the Greek play in which the women withhold sex from their husbands for the sake of avoiding war. This is an additional indication that the left has the proclivity of thinking with their genitals.

This means that although Liberals are in favor of Affirmative Action, for the time being they will not be getting any action.

Not all liberals support the ?If we fight with Iraq-We will not get in the sack? movement. Some argue that if sex is abstained there will be no babies and no babies means no more abortions.

To combat the groin-offensive of the left, Conservatives have been having sex like neighborhood cats; anywhere, all the time and with multiple partners. This war-equals-more-(Sex) campaign, illustrates just how truly Patriotic most Americans really are.

Once again the two parties have disagreed on a fundamental issue. The left has chosen: Rest In Peace while the right has opted for: Getting Laid in Good Health.

Although the sophistry of the left is more outrageous than Jerry Springer Uncut & Uncensored, I still concur with one facet of the liberal agenda. No, not with the eradication of coitus. I do however firmly believe that women, who get naked for their Country, demonstrate an altruistic loyalty to their Nation. Especially if these women are between the ages of 20-35, have tanned bodies and reside in my city.