Liken a couple of small favs

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grey beard

Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 20, 2003
Leesburg Va
Like the Os over the Blue Jays as a small favorite price. Os better hitting team than the Jays...Litsch is very off to a good start but has hit a wall lately...Os will get to him...Liz not much better...he's a hard throwing, wild 5-inning pitcher at best..but he does have good stuff if he's throwing my mind worst case is both pitchers get pounded and the game ends up with the relievers which is very possible, best case is Liz is on and the Os take a commanding lead..either way I like the Os. Os 8 Toronto 6.

Like the fish over Atlanta...not that familiar with the fish's starter but it won't matter, Capillo is OK..but regardless, give me the better hitting team in this one...Braves will continue to sink in the standings in my opinion. Marlins 7 Braves 4

grey beard

Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 20, 2003
Leesburg Va
Adding an over and a small dog

Adding an over and a small dog

Like the over 7 1/2 in the TB/Oak Game...two good pitchers makes this under what it is...but Kazmir is a bit off form and may have a tired arm (he did look pretty good in the all-star game though)...he can be wild at times though...Eveland is solid starter as well...TB, however, can produce some runs, particularly at if Kazmir is not the usual Kazmir as I suspect, think Oakland can put up a few (llike 3-5)..TB will get theirs (4-6)...Tampa 6 Oak 3).

Like the Brewers against St Louis...I know Pineiro can be tough but his fast ball doesn't move at all...hard and straight..think the Brewers will hit a few out tonight..McClung is not bad..been around a few years...pitches well for 5-6...neither pen is any think Brewers get out to the lead and hold on...Brewers 8 St Louis 5.