LimeWire and FBI Federal Search Warrant


play the under
Forum Member
Jul 8, 2005
Girlfriends house just got searched by 10 local cops and the FBI. The whole focus was the use of Linewire and child porn. The warrant was for child porn only. Girl friends 15 year old son uses limewire to download music, I had no idea about porn on limewire (and I have never used it). The 15 year old kid said he has looked at porn, but not child porn and did not download any porn. FBI says they uploaded child porn off of the computer or IP address. They searched the house and did not find anything, of course they got the computer and a cheap wireless router. My laptop was at my office in a different town, they did not get it.

We did not let me kid talk to the FBI and now have legal council. The attorney knows the Federal DA that signed the warrant and is going to talk to her this afternoon if possible. The kid has not talked to the FBI and may not if the attorney can stop this witch hunt.

I am at the Library now and used google on linewire and FBI, seems the FBI is using linewire to search for child porn on the net. That also what they told me, that they did upload child porn from the IP address or computer.

Is it possible that someone esle download this stuff using limewire to the home computer?

If you have linewire, I would delete ASAP, plus any questionable files, of course.

Any comments would be appreciated. Thanks Tom


on probation
Dec 30, 2006
If you are sad enough to download child porn do it from the library :com:

Agent 0659

Forum Member
Dec 21, 2003
Gym rat
It's LIMEwire, and you are file-sharing with other peoples computers the way I understand it.

Your kid must have downloaded something, but hell he is a child himself! Welcome to Nazi Germany, 1942. Thanks a LOT Republicans for taking away nearly every fukcing right we ever had.

Don't get me wrong, I want pedophiles gutted and hung by their balls on main street but this big brother shit is over the top!


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 3, 2007
Like agent said Limewire is a peer-to-peer file sharing program. Which means none of the files are located on a central server which is how the creators of the software avoid being arrested for copyright violations. Everything is shared from the users computer (if you use limewire you can turn that feature off). You said they use a cheap router, well if the security on the router was turned off or very minimal someone easily could've gotten onto their network connection and used their internet connection. If they FBI traced it back to just an IP address and not a particular computer well that IP address is stored used by the router and then the router acts as a DHCP server and hands out IP addresses to every computer connected to it, but a trace to the actual IP address of a computer on that network will always lead back to the single IP address handed out by your ISP. For example, you connect through a router and the ISP assigned the router an IP address of, then 2 computers go on the internet through that router they will get IP addresses of and If a neighbor or someone is the person with the 192.x.x.102 address and they are sharing child porn and someone runs a trace they will get an IP address for that person of (the one assigned to the router). The ISP will look up that IP address and it'll show you as being the person assigned to that IP address.

If the FBI traced it to an exact computer (normally through the MAC address of the network card) then the only other way someone could've gotten it onto that computer without physically being on it would be either a trojan horse virus that allows a remote user to take control as if it was their own computer or some type of other remote access. If you need me to clear any of that stuff up let me know because I know I just kind of rambled on there. Good luck with case!


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 12, 2001
Boston, MA
Got 2 pretty much say I agreed with you Agent. Personally think all child pornography is disgusting & people should do serious time. When the inmate in Massachusetts killed the Catholic priest that was in on child molesting charge, I said he got what he deserved.

But who at 15 years old didn't look for Porn in magazines or pay cable or whatever. Today it is unfortunately much easier. Feds as usual expended efforts in wrong area. How about much stricter laws incarcerating and castrateing these sick bastards, instead of hassling 15 year old kids.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
It's LIMEwire, and you are file-sharing with other peoples computers the way I understand it.

Your kid must have downloaded something, but hell he is a child himself! Welcome to Nazi Germany, 1942. Thanks a LOT Republicans for taking away nearly every fukcing right we ever had.

Don't get me wrong, I want pedophiles gutted and hung by their balls on main street but this big brother shit is over the top!

If you want pedofiles gutted Chad you better get on your liberal buddies at ACLU that are defending NAMBLA -child porn site as right to free speech--or is that one of those rights your talking about that is being taken away by those nasty ole conservatives ;)

3 Seconds

Fcuk Frist
Forum Member
Jan 14, 2004
Marlton, NJ
Using any peer to peer service like Limewire, Bearshare, Frostwire, etc, you would have to be a moron not to turn off uploads & acting as a supernode.

Chances are the boy had no idea about this probably was just trying to DL some regular old porn, got some child porn & then didnt properly delete it. Feds jumped on & uploaded, bang your being searched.

I agree child porn making people & freakin sick ass molesters should be strung up, but at some point logic has to be used. Logical thinking is a thing of the past in this country. Thank you Mr. Bush & the GOP.

There is a big difference between someone molesting a kid or producing child porn or trying to solicit, then someone downloading porn who accidently gets a under age file completely way does that poor sap deserve to be sitting in a federal pen just for wanting to get off to a big titted blonde getting a facial. Shit, that could realistically happen to anyone.
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Go Heels
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
Balls Deep
For all we know turksure is the one who downloaded it.

Using limewire to download any porn, let alone child porn, is illegal because the stuff is copyrighted. I've used file sharing programs myself but you guys are already claiming this as an innocent mistake.

Despite what you may think, the feds aren't going to bang down someones door and seize computers if it's one isolated porn file. I hate to break it to you, but for them to do that there had to have been considerable amount of child porn being downloaded or uploaded from that location. I'm not saying it was the OP and it could have been from someone else but how do you know?

There are cases all over the place of teenagers molesting little kids. Do you think people turn into child molestors when they turn 21 or something. Again, I'm not saying this one kid is guilty but I think it's ironic how everyone assumes this is a mistake. The feds aren't gonna go to this much trouble unless they had good reason to.


Go Heels
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
Balls Deep


Welcome to Nazi Germany, 1942. Thanks a LOT Republicans for taking away nearly every fukcing right we ever had.

Don't get me wrong, I want pedophiles gutted and hung by their balls on main street but this big brother shit is over the top!

Got 2 pretty much say I agreed with you Agent. Feds as usual expended efforts in wrong area.

Read this morons-

A former respiratory therapist was sentenced to more than 45 years in prison Wednesday for sexually preying upon some of the most defenseless patients at the hospital where he worked: children so sick they couldn't speak out.

Wayne Albert Bleye said he molested and took pornographic pictures of disabled children in his care.

Wayne Albert Bleyle had pleaded guilty to molesting five disabled children and taking pornographic photographs of others.

Prosecutors said he targeted patients who were comatose, brain-damaged or too disabled to talk.

He allegedly told investigators he molested as many as half the children he treated in 10 years working in the convalescent ward at Rady Children's Hospital in San Diego.

Sometimes Bleyle stared straight ahead during his sentencing hearing; sometimes he cast his eyes down at a table. Anywhere but at the victims' relatives, some weeping, others shaking with anger.

"I just want you to know it doesn't matter what you say or how many years you spend in jail -- it's not going to be enough," said Lillian Godfrey, whose daughter, now dead, was among those Bleyle abused. "I don't think you have a soul. You're just an empty human shell."

"The acts Mr. Bleyle inflicted on my daughter ... disabled, mentally fragile, are a parent's worst nightmare," Janice Frost said.

One of Frost's daughters was under Bleyle's care from the time she entered the long-term facility as a 10-day-old newborn suffering a brain condition. She was 10 years old when she died in June 2006, three months after federal investigators discovered her image in pornographic photos on Bleyle's computer.

"During her dying moments, I told her I would see this through," Frost said outside the courtroom, as she clutched one of her three older daughters.

Bleyle, 56, was arrested in March 2006 after federal agents traced child porn through Internet file-sharing networks to his home computer in suburban Santee.
They found tens of thousands of pornographic images, including photographs he took of himself abusing his patients.

Bleyle confessed to investigators who reached him by phone in New York state, where he was visiting relatives, that he had molested as many of his patients as there were snowflakes falling outside his window, according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents.

Under an agreement reached in June, Bleyle pleaded guilty to eight counts of forcible lewd acts involving five children. At a hearing in June, he also agreed to plead guilty to four counts of exhibiting minors in pornographic materials, far less than the initial 33 pornography counts.

The plea was modified Wednesday, with prosecutors dropping one pornography count and Bleyle pleading guilty to a single count of posing a child for pornographic purposes.

Bleyle was ordered by Superior Court Judge Kenneth K. So to serve at least 85 percent of his sentence -- close to 39 years, by which time Bleyle would be in his mid-90s. He faced up to 165 years had he been convicted of all counts.

Prosecutors said they made a deal in part to spare one of Bleyle's victims the strain of testifying. The teenage girl said Bleyle inappropriately touched her buttocks while she recovered from a stroke.

"This provides closure for everybody," Deputy District Attorney Laura Gunn said outside the courtroom.

Investigators identified four of the five children Bleyle pleaded guilty to abusing: three girls and a boy who were all younger than 14 when the molestations took place. Two of the children have since died.

Investigators never learned the name of the fifth victim, a 2-year-old girl.

Pandora Johnson's son was not identified in court documents as a victim, but she and three other parents who believe Bleyle abused their children were allowed to speak at the hearing.

Pandora Johnson said she had asked her son, who cannot speak because of a breathing device in his throat, whether he had been abused.

"He didn't give his usual yes or no sign. He just looked afraid," Johnson said. "And when I said, 'Wayne will never do this to you again,' he gave me a big smile. That smile broke my heart."

Bleyle did not address the court except to murmur, "Guilty, your honor," when asked how he pleaded to the posing charge.

His attorney, Casey Donovan, spoke on his behalf after the families were finished.

"He wishes to apologize to all the victims and their families," said Donovan, who noted that Bleyle himself had been sexually abused as a boy. "He knows he can never make amends for what he has done."

Donovan said Bleyle claimed that Johnson's son was not among those he molested.

Bleyle worked at the well-regarded children's hospital for 25 years. A month after his arrest, a second hospital employee, tracked through peer-to-peer networks, was charged with molesting a comatose toddler patient.

Christopher Alan Irvin, a 32-year-old nurse at the time, pleaded guilty in September to molesting the toddler and was later sentenced to 14 years and eight months in prison.

The arrests prompted the hospital to ban cell phones in patient treatment areas, including rooms, and require doors and curtains around patients be left open most of the time, said hospital spokesman Ben Metcalf.
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3 Seconds

Fcuk Frist
Forum Member
Jan 14, 2004
Marlton, NJ
Read this morons-

A former respiratory therapist was sentenced to more than 45 years in prison Wednesday for sexually preying upon some of the most defenseless patients at the hospital where he worked: children so sick they couldn't speak out.

Wayne Albert Bleye said he molested and took pornographic pictures of disabled children in his care.

Wayne Albert Bleyle had pleaded guilty to molesting five disabled children and taking pornographic photographs of others.

Prosecutors said he targeted patients who were comatose, brain-damaged or too disabled to talk.

He allegedly told investigators he molested as many as half the children he treated in 10 years working in the convalescent ward at Rady Children's Hospital in San Diego.

Sometimes Bleyle stared straight ahead during his sentencing hearing; sometimes he cast his eyes down at a table. Anywhere but at the victims' relatives, some weeping, others shaking with anger.

"I just want you to know it doesn't matter what you say or how many years you spend in jail -- it's not going to be enough," said Lillian Godfrey, whose daughter, now dead, was among those Bleyle abused. "I don't think you have a soul. You're just an empty human shell."

"The acts Mr. Bleyle inflicted on my daughter ... disabled, mentally fragile, are a parent's worst nightmare," Janice Frost said.

One of Frost's daughters was under Bleyle's care from the time she entered the long-term facility as a 10-day-old newborn suffering a brain condition. She was 10 years old when she died in June 2006, three months after federal investigators discovered her image in pornographic photos on Bleyle's computer.

"During her dying moments, I told her I would see this through," Frost said outside the courtroom, as she clutched one of her three older daughters.

Bleyle, 56, was arrested in March 2006 after federal agents traced child porn through Internet file-sharing networks to his home computer in suburban Santee.
They found tens of thousands of pornographic images, including photographs he took of himself abusing his patients.

Bleyle confessed to investigators who reached him by phone in New York state, where he was visiting relatives, that he had molested as many of his patients as there were snowflakes falling outside his window, according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents.

Under an agreement reached in June, Bleyle pleaded guilty to eight counts of forcible lewd acts involving five children. At a hearing in June, he also agreed to plead guilty to four counts of exhibiting minors in pornographic materials, far less than the initial 33 pornography counts.

The plea was modified Wednesday, with prosecutors dropping one pornography count and Bleyle pleading guilty to a single count of posing a child for pornographic purposes.

Bleyle was ordered by Superior Court Judge Kenneth K. So to serve at least 85 percent of his sentence -- close to 39 years, by which time Bleyle would be in his mid-90s. He faced up to 165 years had he been convicted of all counts.

Prosecutors said they made a deal in part to spare one of Bleyle's victims the strain of testifying. The teenage girl said Bleyle inappropriately touched her buttocks while she recovered from a stroke.

"This provides closure for everybody," Deputy District Attorney Laura Gunn said outside the courtroom.

Investigators identified four of the five children Bleyle pleaded guilty to abusing: three girls and a boy who were all younger than 14 when the molestations took place. Two of the children have since died.

Investigators never learned the name of the fifth victim, a 2-year-old girl.

Pandora Johnson's son was not identified in court documents as a victim, but she and three other parents who believe Bleyle abused their children were allowed to speak at the hearing.

Pandora Johnson said she had asked her son, who cannot speak because of a breathing device in his throat, whether he had been abused.

"He didn't give his usual yes or no sign. He just looked afraid," Johnson said. "And when I said, 'Wayne will never do this to you again,' he gave me a big smile. That smile broke my heart."

Bleyle did not address the court except to murmur, "Guilty, your honor," when asked how he pleaded to the posing charge.

His attorney, Casey Donovan, spoke on his behalf after the families were finished.

"He wishes to apologize to all the victims and their families," said Donovan, who noted that Bleyle himself had been sexually abused as a boy. "He knows he can never make amends for what he has done."

Donovan said Bleyle claimed that Johnson's son was not among those he molested.

Bleyle worked at the well-regarded children's hospital for 25 years. A month after his arrest, a second hospital employee, tracked through peer-to-peer networks, was charged with molesting a comatose toddler patient.

Christopher Alan Irvin, a 32-year-old nurse at the time, pleaded guilty in September to molesting the toddler and was later sentenced to 14 years and eight months in prison.

The arrests prompted the hospital to ban cell phones in patient treatment areas, including rooms, and require doors and curtains around patients be left open most of the time, said hospital spokesman Ben Metcalf.

First off I am not a moron & I dont need you to go name calling me for my opinion.

I agree those are sick ****s & they deserve everything they get...I support all law enforcement agency in tracking down actual abusers & those that are responsible for the making, buying whatever of child porn.

I dont support the extreme right direction this country has taken. I MY opinion it has gone to far. The RIAA are a bunch of Nazi's that use Nazi tactics to track down & entrap folks. What they do is flat our CRIMINAL. If you are unaware read some of the press its all over the internet.

The whole gambling ban BS, is crap.

You can go on & on. You may agree, but I dont.


Go Heels
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
Balls Deep
First off I am not a moron & I dont need you to go name calling me for my opinion.

I agree those are sick ****s & they deserve everything they get...I support all law enforcement agency in tracking down actual abusers & those that are responsible for the making, buying whatever of child porn.

I dont support the extreme right direction this country has taken. I MY opinion it has gone to far. The RIAA are a bunch of Nazi's that use Nazi tactics to track down & entrap folks. What they do is flat our CRIMINAL. If you are unaware read some of the press its all over the internet.

The whole gambling ban BS, is crap.

You can go on & on. You may agree, but I dont.

The morons statement was directed to the two people I quoted, not you. No matter how you break it down, file sharing programs are illegal as is (I know this can be argued technically), so the govt is monitoring something that isn't legal to begin with. Give me a break.

Agent 0659

Forum Member
Dec 21, 2003
Gym rat
The morons statement was directed to the two people I quoted, not you. No matter how you break it down, file sharing programs are illegal as is (I know this can be argued technically), so the govt is monitoring something that isn't legal to begin with. Give me a break.

Don't go acting like I was trying to draw the line straight from this to the Nazi reference. There's a lot of shit going on from this gov't that leads us there. I would draw you a picture but I ran out of crayons explaining shit to Sponge. Besides, I'm just an 'idiot', I could never tell a genius such as you something you didn't already know.


You may be right, they probably would not go through this much if it was one isolated incident.

3 Seconds

Fcuk Frist
Forum Member
Jan 14, 2004
Marlton, NJ
Be that as it may even if it is granted that file sharing is illegal, that doesnt make the tactics employed by the RIAA responsible or it can even be argued legal. What they do to even innocent people is unacceptable.

They are modern day Nazi's

The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
There's a lot of shit going on from this gov't that leads us there. I would draw you a picture but I ran out of crayons explaining shit to Sponge. Besides, I'm just an 'idiot' QUOTE]

Could you kindly show me one, just one, thing you explained to me that you knew and I didn't? Show me Einstein something that you tried to explain to me that I was wrong about, and you were right. I really want to see this so step up genius. The way you talk you must be able to bring up at least five quickly. You won't come up with shit. When you insult somebody, back it up cous or save the insult.
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Agent 0659

Forum Member
Dec 21, 2003
Gym rat
There's a lot of shit going on from this gov't that leads us there. I would draw you a picture but I ran out of crayons explaining shit to Sponge. Besides, I'm just an 'idiot' QUOTE]

Could you kindly show me one, just one, thing you explained to me that you knew and I didn't? Show me Einstein something.

Well, for couldn't figure out KellyinDallas's name..:shrug:

I'm sure you were confused as to where she is from too....:rolleyes:

:0corn :0corn

The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
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