Line Movement

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Chain Saw

Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 15, 2003
I saw on a line service that the Tenn/Georgia game has gone from Tenn -1 to Georgia -2. Although certainly not the largest swing I've seen, it still got me thinking about line moves.

How much money does it take to move the line a half point?

That's probably a dumb question for a lot of you, but this novice would like to know.


Chain Saw


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 19, 2001
Depends. Lots of places 'move on air' and require no money at all to be bet. They simply follow the 'don best' screen and move their numbers with each move of the screen. Others might move on a 'limit' bet (the maximum allowed per that book per that particular sport).

It's also worth noting that in football, the number 3 requires different amounts to move on and off than any other number. The move on or off a 3 in the NFL is usually a three part move by many books. It might start -3 and -110 but move slowly as the books usually change the price (-110) a couple times to reflect their reluctance to move off -3. College football isn't quite as glued to the number 3 as the nfl. Pros have learned that the value of 3 is different from the nfl and college game. Also there is so little buy-back on the 'cold' side in college football. Lots of games will end with the books having a 10 or 15 to 1 ratio on some college games. This lack of buy back is the reason some college games will move 7 or 8 pts. Nobody wants the 'cold' side.

Hope this helps some. Good luck.
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Chain Saw

Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 15, 2003
Thanks auspice. That makes a lot of sense. One of our city's finest went to Vegas a couple years ago and he came back saying it took $5000 to move the line half a point in Vegas. Didn't think he knew what he was taking about then. You've confirmed my suspiciions.

Chain Saw
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