Linus, WhereAreMyNuts, Little Cricket, Smitty, KickSwerve and the rest of the Libturds


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Forum Member
Jan 18, 2002
Among Libtards!!
You losers have spent your time sitting on MJ's talking all kinds of crazy shit about DJT and the American people, supporting, defending and making excuses for the most corrupt, radical and out of touch administration and political party of all time. You drank the kool-aid of the mainstream mediocres and you've shown time and again that you are either incapable or unwilling to acknowledge what was going on in this country. Anybody with half of a brain or an ounce of common sense could understand that the economy was killing the American people, inflation was out of control and it directly led to middle class Americans building up credit card debt in excess of 1 trillion dollars. The economy was issue #1 for the American people. As the old saying goes, "it's the economy stupid."

So your party decided to subvert democracy. You couped Oatmeal for Brains (after telling us he was sharp as a thumbnail tack) and you were backed into a corner because of your radical policies of having to insert a lady who couldn't make it past the first cut during the Presidential primary race for the 2020 WH. Isn't it ironic that your obsession with DEI forced you to have to run the worst candidate in the history of American politics, a radical, socialist, weak on crime AG from the cesspool city of San FranShitsCo. If it wasn't for TDS, she would've gotten beat even worse than she did.

DJT and the MAGA Republicans spoke policy and making America and our citizens lives great again. In contrast, your party of "joy, unity and inclusion" could only offer us that DJT is HItler, his supporters are garbage and we'll let you kill an unborn baby up until and in some cases, after birth.

As we wake on this glorious Wednesday morning, the American people have spoken, loud and clear! DJT has swept the swing states and the popular vote, there is nothing you can say and no excuse you can make other than looking in the mirror and blaming yourselves. The American people have had it with whiny little bitches (especially beta males like you clowns) with TDS. There are real problems caused by Joe and the Hoe and fixing those is what the American people are concerned with.

So you have a choice, continue to sit on MJ's and complain that "Orange Man Bad" or you can get off of your asses and try to figure out how to fix your party. Until the Democrats kick these radical progressives out of their party and quit being tone deaf to the will of the people, the beatings will continue. This is just the start of what I'm expecting to be a decade or two run for the conservatives in America, our movement is growing while yours wilts on the vine.

And one more thing, I think Linus has accused me of being a "Ghost Account." Doesn't take a genius to see that I've been registered at MJ's since 2002, I've been here longer than little cricket, wherearemynuts, little smitty and others. I've got over 2,500 posts because I used to post plays in the CBB forum but since MJ's is basically been dead for the better half of a decade, I no longer post here (except when I have to come set some libturds straight.) What's embarrassing is that wherearemynuts has over 27K and Linus has over fools need to get a life.

Enjoy the next 4 years and beyond!!!


Forum Member
Aug 29, 2006
It’s put up or shut up time, isn’t it? The guy was fired for a reason in 2020. Why you are so confident THIS time he won’t fuck up is baffling.


Forum Member
Sep 1, 2012
It’s put up or shut up time, isn’t it? The guy was fired for a reason in 2020. Why you are so confident THIS time he won’t fuck up is baffling.
Change your WOKE to STUPID
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Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 5, 2005
Upstate NY
She's at 73M and counting now, and that just shows you how much people wanted Trump FIRED last time.
it's insane. it's as if these idiots forgot what trump's term was like. his job approval rating a few weeks ago for his time in office was higher than it ever was when he was in office. for some reason, they just believe him when he says it was a fantastic 4 years. maybe the best 4 years in human history.

by november 2020, people had had ENOUGH of it.
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