Little League World Series


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Feb 26, 2001
Fletcher what was your take...

Fletcher what was your take...

on the pitcher from TX that just threw the one-hitter. Thought he was impressive.


Forum Member
Jun 21, 2000
that's the kid the lefty i talked about to watch sunday in the tx championship. he has great command for a 12 year old and changes spped from 70 down to 58-59 on change and throws a little slider that he keeps down and in to the righties. he is tuff,the team he beat to get here from houston was one of the teams people thought would win the us championship,he has now shut down to very good hitting teams. back to back

and what's up with these 5'9 180 pound 12 year olds the grow in the mid west. must be the beef:D


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Sep 24, 2001
every one of harlems kids must be 13 by now which is legal , just have a gut feeling though!!

plus i really hate this show boatin shit!!!

the players coaches and parents appear to be disrespectfull!! and un sportsman like!!


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Jan 27, 2001
austin, tx,usa
i just cant get over the size of some of these kids, you said it, fletch..was it the ky team i believe? whatever team had that blonde righty throwing this afternoon, holy shit, that kid looked about 15, tree trunks for legs...throwing 74 mph, jesus christ.. i think it was wondo who said it in another thread, but little league baseball is an entirely different sport, all about which kids have matured early it seems, some of these kids look like big brothers compared to the rest of their squad..


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Sep 24, 2001
tell that kid to fix his fukin hat!!

gonna drive me nutzzzzzzzzz


big red

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Dec 27, 1999
steubenville, ohio, u.s.a.
little league world series

little league world series

just got back from williamsport, saw the games saturday and sunday. a few thoughts. originally thought kentucky was the team to beat from watching the regionals on tv, really hasn't changed, though the left hander from fort worth was very impressive and could be hard to beat. believe the us championship will come down to these two teams. as for the foreign side it will be either venezuela or japan. it was an absolute treat to watch japan take infield, talk about impressive, i could watch their infield practice for hours. sunday i was able to see this team practice, this team hails from the northern part of japan, and their season of baseball according to their coach is very short, because of the weather, three months. they were surprised to have made it here. practice was incredible and the discipline you would expect. this team is fundalmentallyjust so sound, i think they will find a way to win against venezuela, but we will see.

i took a couple of my little league players with me to watch the games, if you enjoy baseball, please make time and take your children it's and experience you'll never regret. i recommend going the first weekend where you get to see all the teams, and the crowds are smaller. it was a 4 hour trip for me and williamsport is very easy to find. take I-80 in pennsylvania, from the west exit 210, coming in from the west exit 212. i came in on both exits, stayed in danville east of williamsport, and for some extra fun took in a little ma and pa amusement park knoebels. believe me this park has two of the best wooden rollercoasters you will ever find, i saw them on the dicovery channel. the great thing about this park is that admission is free and you just pay to ride the rides you want. one coaster was $1.60 a ride and the $2.00.unbelievable! and the wait two get on a coaster was less than ten minutes. so if you get a chance take a vacation from betting and go the little league world series with friends or family.



I really think it is an entirely different sport and I'm not sold on it being all that positive. I have nothing against competing at any and everything in life, but having been there, the level of intensity is out of line for that age. The problem I see is that number one, it doesn't mean the first freaking thing about who will be successful at baseball over the next 4-6 years.

On top of that, and perhaps more importantly, kids at that age are not able to differentiate between a 'friend' and a person who is trying to exploit them. In my experience, we had offers to play for money at that age and some other ridiculous things that would give some overzealous adult a team that would run the table and win all those tournaments.

Other adults would treat me and some of the others like kings, and at that age, I thought they did it because they liked us, not because we could provide them with something.....

This is not to say that everyone in LL is like that, as I have had great coaches and many fathers and mothers who donated countless hours out of pure hospitality. But you reach a level where you play the games not to develop the kids baseball talent or social skills, but to further the parents ego's.

Play little league, but keep it local and keep it in perspective.

I would really question whether when I get older and have kids if they should do that crap because, if nothing else, look at who succeeds -- the kids who go CB, CB, CB and don't learn anything about the game and end up perhaps shortghanging themself -- especially the pitchers. Tough for a pitcher to do what he needs to do at that age and still blow guys away... but 5 years later, let's see who's still on top of the game.



Also, look at the hitters, and look at how many get to a good power position versus how many get over their front foot because the ball is bein blown by them (or they worry that it will). I think Little League creates some habits that take a long time to undo..... Maybe move to a pony league 75ft diamond or something by the time you're 12. These guys are too big..... just like softball is a different sport entirely, little league falls into that category for me. The freaking girls are too athletic to be stuck on a small field and play the game how it's supposed to be played. Anyway, that's my soapbox speech for the evening!
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