Nice call ! Judge saved ur ass
Friend, you have NO IDEA how right you actually are.
So in the 3rd inning, I was looking at Yankees HR total for the game - think it was 0.5 and over was -170.
I was submitting the ticket when JUDGE homered to make it 2-2. Duds how annoying is that right? F’king stole my win.
Now I try yo keep emotions out of it, but im not gonna lie i got bitter and stubborn on this one.
I immediately tiok yankees over 1.5 HR at -135, and took it 3-4 more times as the game went on.
Think i was getting +140 then +170 as it got late in the game.
See bets below.
Sooo how sweet was that when Judge not only won my yankees team over (with two outs in the 9th!) but more importantly he gave me my win back that he “stole” in the third. Exponentially because instead of one wager in over 0.5 HR, i ended up with 3 or 4 at better payouts on the 1.5.
Im not a judge fan, but i gotta admit, kinda love the guy now haha