How nice it is to have the whole family back in my house.My daughter from Texas is back,l'box returns from college.My son and youngest daughter get knocked out of their current bedrooms to make room for the returnee's.As usual my wife is working a 12-hour shift today and the snow has cancelled out annual trip to my aunts house.What a snowstorm.
Last nite we opened gifts since my wife must leave the house at 5.30am.The opening of gifts and sharing always brings back memories to all of us.This is only the 2nd or 3rd yr I'm not leaving cookies and milk for Santa.A sign of everyone growing up.In another yr and a half my son will be on his way.How time flys so fast.
Among the many gifts exchanged last nite I recieved two books.The 1st one "Letting Go".It was given to me by l'box who is in here 1st yr of college.We are experincing some problems with her about living by our rules while she is back home for vacation.[curfews,etc]
The book is a parents guide to understanding your childs"college bound yrs,being sensitive about the rite of passage,being practical,etc,etc.I gave l'box a hug and kiss and thanked her for the book.I told her I would read it but "your curfew is still 1.00am".
The 2nd book is an old edition of my favotire book"Leaves of Grass" by Walt Whitman.There is one poem that is my favorite and I will share it with you.I use this poem everyday in my life.It's words are on the wall in my office.
I used it all through my coaching career and sometimes when I'm capping games.
Poetry turns people off a lot because we tend not to understand it.I always loved Walt because he kinda makes it simple.I'll paste the poem.Read it 1st.Think about it and then I will explain what he is really saying.It's a short poem.
WHEN I heard the learn?d astronomer;
When the proofs, the figures, were ranged in columns before me;
When I was shown the charts and the diagrams, to add, divide, and measure them;
When I, sitting, heard the astronomer, where he lectured with much applause in the lecture-room,
How soon, unaccountable, I became tired and sick; 5
Till rising and gliding out, I wander?d off by myself,
In the mystical moist night-air, and from time to time,
Look?d up in perfect silence at the stars.
This is about Walt when he was young and was listening to a lecture on astronomy.The guy was boring showing charts,etc.The crowd loved him but Walt just got up,walked outside and "look'd up in the perfect silence of the stars".
As a coach many times with the game on the line during a timeout,down by one.I would like the astromer in columns, add,divide,X and O,.Then my star player would say "coach,get me the ball and clear everyone[ a la Joey Chitwood"On occasion I would do that.And he would"rise and glide" with his natural abilty to the hoop and win the game.Sometimes we over analyize.I do that capping games too.
I hope everyone has a nice holiday today.I wish everyone a Merry Christmas.And in the hustle and bustle of our lives every once in awhile"look up into the perfect silence of the stars".
Last nite we opened gifts since my wife must leave the house at 5.30am.The opening of gifts and sharing always brings back memories to all of us.This is only the 2nd or 3rd yr I'm not leaving cookies and milk for Santa.A sign of everyone growing up.In another yr and a half my son will be on his way.How time flys so fast.
Among the many gifts exchanged last nite I recieved two books.The 1st one "Letting Go".It was given to me by l'box who is in here 1st yr of college.We are experincing some problems with her about living by our rules while she is back home for vacation.[curfews,etc]
The book is a parents guide to understanding your childs"college bound yrs,being sensitive about the rite of passage,being practical,etc,etc.I gave l'box a hug and kiss and thanked her for the book.I told her I would read it but "your curfew is still 1.00am".
The 2nd book is an old edition of my favotire book"Leaves of Grass" by Walt Whitman.There is one poem that is my favorite and I will share it with you.I use this poem everyday in my life.It's words are on the wall in my office.
I used it all through my coaching career and sometimes when I'm capping games.
Poetry turns people off a lot because we tend not to understand it.I always loved Walt because he kinda makes it simple.I'll paste the poem.Read it 1st.Think about it and then I will explain what he is really saying.It's a short poem.
WHEN I heard the learn?d astronomer;
When the proofs, the figures, were ranged in columns before me;
When I was shown the charts and the diagrams, to add, divide, and measure them;
When I, sitting, heard the astronomer, where he lectured with much applause in the lecture-room,
How soon, unaccountable, I became tired and sick; 5
Till rising and gliding out, I wander?d off by myself,
In the mystical moist night-air, and from time to time,
Look?d up in perfect silence at the stars.
This is about Walt when he was young and was listening to a lecture on astronomy.The guy was boring showing charts,etc.The crowd loved him but Walt just got up,walked outside and "look'd up in the perfect silence of the stars".
As a coach many times with the game on the line during a timeout,down by one.I would like the astromer in columns, add,divide,X and O,.Then my star player would say "coach,get me the ball and clear everyone[ a la Joey Chitwood"On occasion I would do that.And he would"rise and glide" with his natural abilty to the hoop and win the game.Sometimes we over analyize.I do that capping games too.
I hope everyone has a nice holiday today.I wish everyone a Merry Christmas.And in the hustle and bustle of our lives every once in awhile"look up into the perfect silence of the stars".