Yep -- well stated dawgball....the quality of American made cars is way down....
The dude who works in the factory in America has gone from a strong work ethic, to the cryin, whining, union-molded wuss. People should feel fortunate to have a job and be able to work -- most countries you don't have such good fortune....just look at the people in Arab countries....they just sit around all day and raise hell.
Right now, the Japanese run companies have workers who like to work and feel fortunate to have a job. Our country, on the other hand, has gone from one of adventurers, settlers, and the like -- who pretty much were working 18 hours a day (the homesteader) to one who thinks they are burdened by sitting there and "working" 8 hours a day and aren't getting enough "benefits". Well, how many benefits did the settler get when he took his family out to the "new world"? One big one -- every benefit he got, was one in which he worked for and got himself....that in itself was more fulfilling than anything handed to him.
I bet when those guys came home at the end of the day, they were able to sit back and feel like they had put in a good day's work. Nothing can beat that feeling folks. Nothing can. How many Americans experience that now? Very few. Most of us want to get by with as little effort as we can and think we are "entitled" to a bunch of stuff which we really aren't. Myself included. I wish I could get that good ol' American spirit back -- the one where hard work in itself was my reward.
We seem to have lost glimpse of this by focusing on what we think we deserve when instead we should be focused on what we should be thankful for. I think we are all starting to take a second look at life now though, and maybe re-evaluate the way we look at things. Hopefully we can get back to the cliche'ish good old days.....