We watch the same shows. Prison Break first season was incredible. Heroes pretty good.
I don't watch either now
but Fringe...
Favorite show followed by Lost...
Couldn't agree more. Prison Break season one was amazing, then it was meh after that. Heroes had the same problem but the creator dumped all of his original writers after the first or second season.
American television isn't setup like British television, their shows don't go on forever. The original Office was only 12 episodes and two one hour specials. Tell me how many episodes there are of the American office? It's so filtered
I hope Mad Men and Breaking Bad don't turn into this but I am sure they will.
The only show I can say that consistently had brilliant writing from beginning to end is The Wire. Please don't make the Sopranos argument. We waited 18 months in between seasons and half of the episodes were dream sequences or Vito being a gay.
Am I excited about Lost? Hell ya it is a fun show. Do I expect to know anything profound at the end of the season? Most likely not. There will be more questions then answers. They will throw us a bone but we are still going to be scratching our heads in the end. It will be a philosophical ending that leads to more discussion probably like The Sopranos ending.