Lottery players continue to get more at 5Dimes.


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Mar 15, 1999
SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA (July 7, 2005) - Lottery players continue to get more at Just added to their already huge selection of wagering options, you can now wager on the whether or not there will be a Powerball and/or Mega Millions jackpot winner. Odds are now posted within the sportsbook on upcoming drawings. These bets are treated like any other wager and can be parlayed with other selections.

Drawing Days and Times:

Powerball Drawing
Wednesday & Saturday
10:59pm ET

Mega Millions Drawing
Tuesday & Friday
11:00pm ET

Both the Powerball and Mega Millions wagering are a nice addition to the -lottery line-up, which includes Lotto900 and Lotto9000. In these games you can play numbers in ANY state lottery for both the Pick 3 and Pick 4 drawings. So what is the 5Dimes difference? A $1 Pick 3 winning ticket pays you $900 and a winning Pick 4 ticket pays $9,000. That's nearly double what the same winning ticket will pay in your state lottery.

More Plays, Better Odds - get your winning ticket at, Your Home for Lottery Wagering.
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