Lou Dobbs forced out??


Forum Member
Mar 22, 2000
N.E. Ohio
Surpised to see nothing here on Dobbs leaving CNN.
Though not stated as such, I have to believe that he was fired.

I always liked the man, didn't always agree with him but respected his views and opinions.He always came across to me as being both honest and fair. He had a tendency to tell it like it is and it appears that some didn't like it which led up to this.

Not a whole lot left at CNN now, he was the only guy that I liked there. So what do you think, who wanted him gone??


Forum Member
Aug 30, 2002
In the shadows
Thought Police Drive Lou Dobbs Off CNN

Thought Police Drive Lou Dobbs Off CNN

Thought Police Drive Lou Dobbs Off CNN

Kurt Nimmo
November 12, 2009

The foundation liberals have finally done it. They have managed to get Lou Dobbs removed from CNN. On November 11, Dobbs announced his resignation, effective immediately.

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Dobbs is a gentleman, so he didn?t mention the gunfire directed at his home ? the sort of thing you?d expect in a thugocracy like Mexico, not the United States ? and he didn?t mention the concerted effort spearheaded by Presente, the National Council of La Raza, and other pro-illegal immigration groups to get him thrown off the air. Media Matters, MoveOn.org, and the Southern Poverty Law Center have consistently agitated to have Dobbs removed.

Soros and the left-cover side of the global elite have realized a victory. Dobbs kept hammering on the broken border and this irritated the elite who want open and unchecked borders in order to drive down wages and destroy the living standards of middle class Americans. Dobbs was a roadblock in the elite?s plan to turn the planet into a unified slave labor plantation.

Lou Dobbs has few options. He may retire. Or he may go over to Fox News. But that is not much of an option. Fox News is part of the controlled opposition. Rupbert Mordoch is a one-world minion who supported the political campaign of Hillary Clinton. Fox programs push the global warming agenda.

Fox News is the flipside supposedly in opposition to the ?liberal bias? of CNN and MSNBC. Fox?s talking heads and newscasters ? with the notable exception of Andrew Napolitano ? are neocons masquerading as conservatives. Fox News operatives like Glenn Beck are tasked with destroying Libertarian and constituionalist elements in the Republican Party. Fox News is an integral part of the false right-left paradigm that controls opposition and renders it ineffective.

Napolitano operates from the basement of Fox News. On occasion he sits in for master disinfo agent Beck. His show is broadcast over the internet and is not in Fox?s television line-up. Is it possible Fox will do the same to Dobbs? We?ll see.

Here is the statement Dobbs made on his last show on CNN:

Tonight I want to turn to a personal note, if I may, and address a matter that has raised some curiosity. This will be my last broadcast here on CNN, where I?ve worked for most of the past 30 years, and where I have many friends and colleagues whom I admire deeply and respect greatly.

I?m the last of the original anchors here on CNN and I?m proud to have had the privilege to helping to build the world?s first news network. I?m grateful for the many opportunities that CNN has given me over the many years. I?ve tried to reciprocate with a full measure of my ability.

Over the past six months it?s become increasingly clear that strong winds of change have begun buffeting this country and affecting all of us. And some leaders in media, and in politics and business have been urging me to go beyond the role at CNN and to engage in constructive problem solving as well as to contribute positively to the great understanding of the issues of our day and to continue to do so in the most honest and direct language possible.

I?ve talked extensively with Jonathan Klein. John?s the president of CNN, and as a result of those talks, John and I have agreed to a release from my contract that will enable me to pursue new opportunities. At this point, I?m considering a number of options, and directions, and I assure you, I will let you know when I set my course.

I truly believe that the major issues of our time include ? the growth of our middle-class, the creation of more jobs, health care, immigration policy, the environment, climate change, and our military involvement, of course, in Afghanistan and Iraq.

But each of those issues is, in my opinion, informed by our capacity to demonstrate strong resilience of our now weakened capitalist economy and demonstrate the political will to overcome the lack of true representation in Washington, D.C.

I believe these to be profoundly, critically important issues, and I will continue to strive to deal honestly and straightforwardly with those issues in the future. Unfortunately, these issues are now defined in the public arena by partisanship and ideology rather than by rigorous, empirical thought and forthright analysis and discussion.

I?ll be working diligently to change that as best I can. And as for the important work of restoring inspiration to our great free society and our market economy, I will strive as well to be a leader in that national conversation.

It?s been my great honor to work with each and every person at this wonderful network. I will be eternally grateful to CNN, to Ted Turner, and to all of my colleagues and friends and, of course, to you at home.

I thank you, and may God bless you.


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
I would be surprised to see him end up at Fox News, if he's being true to his ideals and values, and not just his pocketbook. Dobbs would be a good grab for them, for sure. I know he is extremely outspoken for the Independent Party, finding fault with both of the other two options extensively. He campaigned to get Americans to toss both parties aside and become Independents.

I think that is where he truly could make a difference - spearheading that effort, somehow. Where he'd get a chance to do that, I dunno.


Forum Member
Mar 22, 2000
N.E. Ohio
I would be surprised to see him end up at Fox News, if he's being true to his ideals and values, and not just his pocketbook. Dobbs would be a good grab for them, for sure. I know he is extremely outspoken for the Independent Party, finding fault with both of the other two options extensively. He campaigned to get Americans to toss both parties aside and become Independents.

I think that is where he truly could make a difference - spearheading that effort, somehow. Where he'd get a chance to do that, I dunno.

Agree, I think Fox would love to have him but Lou won't sell out. With apathy being the prevailing attitude of the majority, I think Lou's goals will never be reached.

I do have to think that the white house wanted him gone and if that is true it's pretty damn frightening .

The following story is of some concern :

WANTAGE, N.J. ? (Associated Press) Police in New Jersey are trying to determine who fired a bullet that struck CNN commentator Lou Dobbs' home as his wife stood nearby.

State police Sgt. Stephen Jones says Dobbs' wife and driver were outside the home Oct. 5 when they heard the gunshot. Jones says the bullet didn't penetrate the siding and fell to the ground outside.

Dobbs mentioned the bullet earlier this week on CNN and his radio show.

Dobbs says he had been receiving threatening phone calls for weeks. On his radio show, he connected the gunshot to his advocacy for a crackdown on illegal immigration and to his opponents' rhetoric.

The home is on a farm in Wantage, about 50 miles northwest of New York City.

It is small-game hunting season, but no hunters were seen in the area.

Hard Times

Forum Member
Jan 17, 2005


Lou Dobbs was the only person at CNN that I ever watched , of course that was awhile back... you know way back when ... today and for quite awhile not one show is a true news worthy program, all are on an agenda to stir the pot, to make the people dumb and dumber, you know the shit that goes on ... it's the RIGHT or it's the liberals fault .
I can think for myself, I don't need any bought and paid for mouthpiece telling me how to think.
Dobbs said to much about illegals and wanted people to go independent ... the power that runs every fucking thing wants slavery, that means more illegals, more people out of work, the results are lower wages and a fucking zest pool of the races. You breed the middle class out , mix the RACES up and you will get a poorer, dumber class of people.
The two party system is a joke and the suckers that play that game deserve the worst of both worlds.
Its one big happy party up on the hill and you are not invited. Dobbs made it clear that both parties are not worth a FUCK.
One big happy party and they don't want anyone to suggest that we need an independent to mess it up .
If I could only get a SNIPER TEAM together, that is my answer, a team of great marksman, a team that would make it impossible for these liars,thieves,crooks, so called political leaders to show their face, until this happens they will be no change..... Don't you think !!
A hundred and twenty years ago the people would of taken to the street and marched on the state capitals and used TAR and FEATHERS and on a RAIL they would go. Run the SONS OF BITCHES out of town !!
They've declared WAR on the middle class and I think we should give them a WAR !!


Forum Member
Aug 30, 2002
In the shadows

I understand your anger and mistrust towards the Shills on the Hill.

But I really must caution you when you mention a long range shooting team and what your intent might be. Really, before you post stuff like this, preview your post, and think like a Secret Service Agent, or a Spook. Think like someone who's job it is to be a lead deflector.


Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
Surpised to see nothing here on Dobbs leaving CNN.
Though not stated as such, I have to believe that he was fired.

I always liked the man, didn't always agree with him but respected his views and opinions.He always came across to me as being both honest and fair. He had a tendency to tell it like it is and it appears that some didn't like it which led up to this.

Not a whole lot left at CNN now, he was the only guy that I liked there. So what do you think, who wanted him gone??

A lot of LIBERALS would call you a RACIST for liking Lou Dobbs, why else would he be gone.



Forum Member
Apr 11, 2000
berlin md
I would be surprised to see him end up at Fox News, if he's being true to his ideals and values, and not just his pocketbook. Dobbs would be a good grab for them, for sure. I know he is extremely outspoken for the Independent Party, finding fault with both of the other two options extensively. He campaigned to get Americans to toss both parties aside and become Independents.

I think that is where he truly could make a difference - spearheading that effort, somehow. Where he'd get a chance to do that, I dunno.

My guess is fox business news.

They have been making a push to get Dobbs, and after adding Imus they want to make another move and Dobbs.
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