LSU Not that good

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Aug 28, 2004
I am an LSU alumni and daily viewer of (lsu insider webcite). The preformance by ore st last night confirms my nightmares. LSU is just not that good, last year was a magical season with the stars in proper alignment for their NC run. Prople don't realize what LSU needed to make it to the NC game. LSU opened the season ranked 13#, we needed a plethora of upsets to mention a few; Marshall over Kansas ST. Ten over Miami, Cal over USC among many others. Combine that with 2 wins against an outstanding Ga team and you have the story of the year. I sense some big problems this year in the position of Quarterback and WR positions. Jamarcuss Russell will be a superstar but will struggel this year with the toughest schedule of any top 10 team, then look forward to a conference championship against another quality team. It does not seem fair to me that USC and Ok can breeze thru their cupcake schedule then in UCS's case play no conference champ game and go to the NC. I am going to eat my crow righ now and say LSU will lose 2 of 3 road games at FLA, GA or Auburn. This is a brutal road schedule that only a handful of teams in the country could play in and compete in. So I will accept the fact that USC and OK will play in the game this year. But remember the movie The Patriot with Mel gibson- when the British soliders burned down the church the British officer said "there is no honor in this." When USC plays a legitamite schedule and a conference championship then I will show some respect. I think the strength of the Pac-10 was shown last night in the Boise ST- Ore St game. I know Boise is great at home but a Pathetic-10 team should not get roasted like they did last night.