Lucid Dreaming

Felonious Monk

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Forum Member
Oct 26, 2001
Austin, TX
Any of you ever experienced lucid dreaming? Lucid dreaming is the ability to be in a dream state and realize you are dreaming, being fully aware you are in fact asleep.

Here?s my story. I am now and always have been an active dreamer. Of course many mornings I have no memory of my dreams but quite often my dreams are vivid and my recall the next day is excellent. I usually have what I call ?escape? dreams. In these dreams I am in a house, a warehouse, a carnival, etc..etc.. and cannot get out. I'm often pursued by seen and unseen beings. Many times I also have my daughter present and am desperately trying to get us out of wherever we seem to be trapped. When I am experiencing these types of dreams I wake up frequently only to fall back asleep and pick up right where I left off before I woke up.

Now let me backtrack a minute. When I was a kid I had many nightmares. I even had hallucinations in which I would be half asleep / half awake, literally walking around the house terrified, begging my parents to wake me up. Eventually the hallucinations did stop but the nightmares persisted. I went to my parents again and again asking for help to deal with my nightmares. I remember my father telling me to try and remember I am the only real person in a dream. No one can harm me if I can remember this is my dream, I am real, they are not. His advice was the beginnings of my lucid dreaming as a child.

I remember the very first time it happened. There was a being in my closet that was scaring the crap out of me. Suddenly it dawned on me what my father had said and all at once I realized I was asleep. In my dream I swung open the closet door and yelled my grandmothers name. Why? I?m not sure but I yelled ?Granny!? and the being shrieked and disappeared. I woke up immediately.

After that night I would lucid dream quite frequently. It gave me an incredible sense of power. My nightmares no longer bothered me as I had full control over my dreams. I could fly at will. And let me tell you that the sensation of dream flying was as real
as anything I have ever done fully awake. I was able to wake myself up at will if a dream became too scary for me. If you have never had a lucid dream you may find this difficult to swallow but for those of you who have, certainly you understand.

As I grew older and the nightmares subsided I also seemed to lose the ability to lucid dream. I experienced my last lucid dream sometime in high school.

Two nights ago I was having a very active dream sleep. As usual I was having an escape dream and was unable to get out of this huge house. Although, this time, my daughter wasn't present in this dream. I woke up several times during the night only to fall back asleep picking up where I left off. Once as I woke and relieved my bladder I remembered my days of lucid dreaming and decided to concentrate on remembering I was asleep when the dream kicked off again. I was in a dream state in no time, stuck back in the house, trying to get out. But this time it was different, although I was unable to make the connection that I was having a dream, I was able to change my dream attitude. I begin trashing the house instead of running from room to room looking for a way out. I kicked in doors, kicked in the walls. This seemed to really throw a kink in things and I woke up.

When I fell back to sleep I didn't have anymore dreams that I can recall. I?m excited about what I consider a partial success. Maybe my lucid dreaming days are not over. I'm actually excited about going to bed tonight and will work to hone my lucid dreaming abilities.

Any lucid dreamers out there? Any thoughts on what I consider to be a fascinating subject?

Phil Turcotte

My most lucid dreams always involve tornados.

Every once in a while I will have a wicked dream, so realistic that it seems like Im awake. I can tell the shirt I have on, the pants etc. I sit there in a car, or on a bluff watching this tornado race at me. I can fell the wind, even see little things blow by me. Mostly I just sit and watch the pretty storm roll in.

At the same time I have a conversation with myself, reminding myself that I am just dreaming. I even tell myself that I can enjoy watching it, because I cant die in a dream and this thing cant really hurt me. Either I will wake up, or I just tell myself in what I think is my loud voice to wake up over and over and over. Then I wake up, staring at my alarm clock.

Pretty freaky.


Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 22, 2001
Nashville, TN
I have always been a sound sleeper. I wake up and know that I have been dreaming but very rarely have any recollection.

My roomate from college used to have very vivid dreams. He could tell you who was in them, what happened, what he did in them, etc and he also said they were in color.

Your right, dreams are a fascinating subject and I wish that I could remember mine more often than the couple of year now.


Registered User
Forum Member
May 22, 2002
Southern Ohio
I have a bunch of those dreams...but its usually when Iam dreaming about being chased by someone(dont know who). And I know Iam dreaming and I know Iam sleeping...but I try to get out of the dream...and sometimes I cant...its kinda scary when you cant get up.


Forum Member
Nov 22, 1999
Toronto, ON
I am an active lucid dream practicer.......there are several techniques that one can try to obtain a state of lucid dreaming on a frequent basis....I'll try to get them down on here on Monday morning (no time this weekend with my sister visiting) if anybody is interested. I have been practicing this for just over 10 monthes now, and it has improved my writing 10-fold.



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Mar 16, 2000
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Hey, Tommy Ray Glatman..................Dr Novotny called. He needs to run some more tests on you.

Felonious Monk

Site Owner
Forum Member
Oct 26, 2001
Austin, TX



Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
For a short while when I was younger and was staying at a Boarding House I used to have this recurring dream that seemed real enough to me, but I had a hard time remembering it.
I remember the Headmaster's Asst. Carl would give us our vitamins before bed and I would fall fast asleep. Then I would have this dream that this gay grizzly bear was chasing me through the woods, all the while I could hear like very high pitched whines and tinkling bells, and the bear would just keep chasing me panting. I would remember running away but the wierdest thing was that the gay bear would always catch me and try to perform some type of hemmorhoid surgery on me?!?!?!?!? I must have really thrown some hellacious fits during the night cuz alot of times I would wake up and a few of the Christian Brothers would be asleep on the floor and stuff. They must have been very tired as there clothes were piled in the corner, wet from sweat, and they were all snoring heavily. Almost as if the had been up working all night! Man that was wierd. Then I moved and I stopped having those dreams.
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