Lumberjacks...looking to skin a Red Fox

Box and one

Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 26, 2000
Hudson Valley area.....NY
No Zona -10 over Marist.
The itenarary of the Foxes the last couple of days is like this.On Sat nite they played Holy Cross.On Monday nite they played arch rival Army.Then it was back to the dorms to pack.Wake up at 4.00 AM yest.Bus pulled out of 4.45am.Arrive at Newburgh airport 5.15.Get on a "knute rockne" small jet to Newark.Newark to...not sure.destination is Flaggstaff.But they must connect somewhere else right.Pheonix,Tuscon[need help there]
But the pt I'm making is they are 2,000 miles away from Poughkeepsie.
The reason for the change of plans was ESPN will be coming to Poughkeepsie on Sat for a nationally televised game vs Manhattan. So the Cross game was changed,the No Zona game was moved up a day.
On Sat I watched the Holy Cross game.Marist beat them with an excellent 2-3 and 1-2-2 zone.HC is good.I mean real good.Thank god they are always off the board because I would of taken them -5 over Marist.Foxes played there best game of the yr.Kept the big HC frontline off the bds.Had a big lead and of course squeaked it out.
On monday nite they play Army at home.They struggled with army only because they were playing down.Army had open shots all nite but couldn't score.Magarity rested his troops and played a lot of subs but then had to put his starters in when Army got it down to 10 pts with 6 minuts left.
Coach was not happy with that.
No zona is a talented team at 7-2.They also just got back from losing in Portland on sat.But this team is 4-0 at home .

This team can shoot.Golob is a 6'5 fr gd that can score.He is avg 14 pts and 6 bds.McDade is there best player avg 17 pts and 9 bds.He dominates on the bds.Yazzie can shoot from anywhere and plays F/G.But Bonds inside-outside threat will be a major problem for Marist.Bonds is avg 15 pts and 5 bds.There pt gd Feuerbach is avg 8 assits a game.
Lumberjacks beat UCLA at there place.Beat at home some weak teams.
Marist plays better defense.But there team is so depleted.They have no post players.And cannot defend the post.Last nite watching the Army-Mar game on TV Margarity played man/man the entire 2nd half.Marist is a zone team.After the game in the post game interview dave mentioned that he needed to change his defenses around because everyone just prepares for them vs zones.But after watching slow Army gds driving by the foxes defense I can see why they play zone.
Marist has won a few games in a row.Eppehimer is their star.Avg 20 pts a game.At 6'8 he plays outside and can shoot the 3.Handy has played 2 good games in a row but is also 6'8 and plays outside.Young is avg 8 pts and likes his 6 ft jumper.Ellerbee ankle is fine now and is avg 10 pts.Bennett a skinny ass kid is palying both the pt and 2 gd.He is good but just gets over powered.Pressure him and he panic's.But if open can stick a 3.
The problem with this team is no inside game,no depth and cannot rebound.Young is there leading rebounder at 6.Bennett is 2nd in rebounding.He weighs 170 pounds,is skinny and white.
No Zona can shoot the ball.Marist must play zone so with a home team that can shoot the Foxes are in trouble.
N-zona is not a good defensive team.They give up 76 pts a game compared to Marists 71.But they shoot better.Marist shoots 41% and 38% from the 3.N-zona shoots 48% and 44% from the 3.[had 9 tre's vs UCLA]
Wow..Vs a team playing its 3rd game in 5 days,2,000 miles away from home and.....isn't the air thin up there in Flagstaff.
Lumberjacks win this by 15-20 pts.
Foxes are in trouble today. Strong play

And can someone shoot me the next time I back van breda koff.
Bonnies score 100 pts and lose.Sorry about the poor post.They run and gun.They shot 13-33 from the 3.Ohio shot 16-31 from the 3.Has anybody heard the word"contesting a shot" in Bonnie land.Sorry.bad job...
Hope everone has a happy new Yr..


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Forum Member
Dec 30, 2001


Box- This looks good. I can;t pick my nose lately so I'm gonna coattail you and loophole. Only concern for me is these college kids after New Yrs eve, probably got sloshed last night so that's always a wild card. Hopefully Marist guys closed the bar last night.:) GL

CaPPiNg TiGeRz

Registered User
Forum Member
May 9, 2002

As always man some great info and looks like a solid play so as usual i will ride along with ya also. Hope you and the family had a great holiday season and just want to pass on some "Thanks" for all the effort you put into posting these plays and Info day after day doesn't matter win or lose. Your one of the most repsected cappers i know and a gentleman to boot, have a great new years Box.


Box and one

Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 26, 2000
Hudson Valley area.....NY
thanks capping tiger.Appreciate it.
jeff,don't worry about marist in a bar.Pierre Monogan a juco transfer who they thought would really help them this yr was shot at a bar in Poughkeepsie this summer.The bullet went threw his jaw.The sad part about it was he was not involved in the dispute.It was 2 others guys and a the stray bullit hit him.
Last week he was working out with the team with his jaw wired and dave thought he was going to be activated.But his doctor said no way.If he gets an elbow there he could be permantley hurt.
Loophole and many others on this game.Hope the Lumberjacks hit those J's. GL


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Apr 5, 2002
Hmm what are you thinking about Fairfield vs Duke? Duke has lacked killer instinct this year & think 26 might be too many as of now.


Registered User
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Nov 13, 2002
I knew we were in trouble when everyone was on the same side. Wish I had the first half bet. What a collapse! :(


Forum Member
May 14, 2002


I think today is the day MARIST gets skinned !


Good Luck:D
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