Mad Jack's "Suicide Pool" Right here!!!

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Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 19, 2003
New Jerzeee
Ok, I was bored and obviously have way to much time on my hands to be doing all this for a possible t-shirt (although apreciative) if Box is still up to it.....yyz,I will throw in a prize if it's Ok with you.An Army Black Nite T-shirt from West Point.The way we played yest the T-shirts will be on sale. Let me know if thats OK..Box
Like yyz, I will run this until the end unless I am eliminated so good luck to all

> Pick one team each week to win their game.

> If you win, you advance to the next week. If you lose, you are done.

> You may only use a team once.

That's it! Simple, and fun.

So after going through all the picks (57 remain out of 125), here are those who remain and the teams they have used

CAROLINA - ppabart, gumby, chuckdman

KANSAS CITY - Bad Angel, snake plissken

DENVER - sick gambler, buttermaker, tduj1

SAN FRANSISCO - ddubs, mr, nitwit, hamster, dunclock, thatsrich, badtodabone, sportsaholic, freelance, redsfann, smashmouth, dr strangelove, pawaqussi, cornlover

DETROIT - spartan, arliss99, grama, bjfinste, volvan, grizape

TENNESSEE - dblmutz, im storming, jessylover, bcoogdal, garrett, loophole, spars, pghkid, buckeyefan, jroot, kickserv

PITTSBURGH - penguinfan, wox11, riskbreaker

INDIANAPOLIS - countinguy, prospector

SEATTLE - englishman

TAMPA BAY - wersty, tjbell, sportsman, slopitch, wilson, treynolds, biz_mach, c20916, toronto-vigilante, twelvezone, inthezone, dugan
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MB NCAAF 728x90 Jpg
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Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 19, 2003
New Jerzeee
yyz said:
Of course all you "Johnny come lately", candy assed Fluther Muckers who would have been on Miami can join!

Hell, there aint no prize!

(One of you remaining guys can run it from here on out, since I was wiped out yesterday......)


Hey yyz, not trying to step on your toes, just going by what you posted in the other thread. It sucked going through 5 pgs and sorting everything so feel free to continue, just did not want to see the contest end. :shrug:
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Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
Ape......did you notice the winking smilie after my comment?

Hey, you did a lot of legwork here, and that was nice of you, but I think some people might be confused, and think this is another contest.

I will have a thread up tonight for last weeks winners.